Modding Discussion Mod's you'd like to see?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Nordaadder, May 13, 2015.

  1. GoldenstarArtist

    GoldenstarArtist Cosmic Narwhal

    Autocorrect am I right? oi
    Axe Garian likes this.
  2. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Know how that feels. It can also sometimes be idiotic what kinda Typos my Firefox Spellchecker will let slide & not flag too, even including Words with a Number accidentally typed into the middle of it.
  3. Sykotec

    Sykotec Big Damn Hero

    A creative inventory or a map of sorts, I guess.
    Anything else is cool, but for those on limited data or lack of knowledge of command syntax, it's not as easy to do creative builds without looking at an outdated pastebin dating back about five versions or so. There's also a few planets I'd like to travel to or discover that I've read about in the codex that I....can't.
  4. Preday

    Preday Starship Captain

  5. Kinsem

    Kinsem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would love to see a mod that allows you to give a NPC an instrument and have them play it like players do when they are in a band together. There are so many song mods out there that I would love to be able to listen to them with multiple instruments at once since I mainly play single player.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  6. tomssuli

    tomssuli Title Not Found

    Summonable (boss) monsters mod:
    Kinda like Terraria bosses, but non-magical.

    You could find or buy a monster egg, place it down and it hatches into a boss larva. Then feed the larva some special foods and it would transform into a boss monster.
    Killing the boss monster would get you unique materials to craft cool weapons and some body parts, you can feed the next larva to get even harder boss monster.
    So you'd get harder and harder bosses to spawn where ever you want to fight them and from the bosses you'd get materials for better and better gear according to a difficulty of a boss.

    As the bosses get harder, it would be also harder to find the materials to feed the boss larva to grow the next boss.
    For example:

    Boss Larva1: raw meat and plant fibre
    Boss Larva2: entrails of boss 1, slime, poultry
    Boss Larva3: eyeballs of boss 2, crystal, gold ore
    Boss Larva4: nails of boss 3, chilli pepper, ferorzium ore, raw ribs

    The hardest bosses might me able to bypass blocks or even break them (larva description should have warning if capable breaking blocks)

    This mod would achieve three things:
    1. Much needed challenge to the game, so you actually get something to grind with all the fancy weapons and armors!
    2. Another path to go up the equipment tiers for those who dont just want to mine and craft
    3. Epic battles where bunch of players have built arena on a barren planet (or under sea for a water boss) for fighting grandest of bosses... Planet getting violently damaged in the process.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  7. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    I like the sound of this! & it indeed would give Barren Planets a use for those of us that think they're too low tier & boring looking to Build on! :DD
  8. tomssuli

    tomssuli Title Not Found

    And we already have the egg -> animal mechanics. It might be possible to build on that. But as someone else mentioned in this thread, there is not many - if any - boss mods for Starbound. I'd be happy to have even mod to summon the old minibosses or something big enough to pick up a proper fight.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  9. AlbertoRota

    AlbertoRota Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm doing a mod to allow exactly things like that, and much more:

    Feed a monster and it changes

    The mod is "Golemancer - Core", take a look to the main page to gather some ideas :p
    Axe Garian likes this.
  10. tomssuli

    tomssuli Title Not Found

    Wow, that's a powerful script you have made!
    I'd love to have mod based on that on my private server!
    You could publish out the mod with first with some little monsters at first and put it on the workshop. That way it will be automatically updated for everyone (and for servers too) when you update the mod to have more and bigger (an possibly eventually custom) monsters =)
    Axe Garian and AlbertoRota like this.
  11. 7deadlydwarves

    7deadlydwarves Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm looking for a mod that removes the crew limit. I'm playing with a bunch of mods and at some point the crew limit broke so that I can only have 4 members even though my ship is upgraded.
  12. tomssuli

    tomssuli Title Not Found

    There's this mod: But you have to be able to upgrade your ship before it works... maybe through the illegal license or with some admin commands?
    Axe Garian likes this.
  13. AlbertoRota

    AlbertoRota Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Glad you like it, things like that is what keeps the motivation up and running :nuruwink:

    I started it only a week ago, so it's still on it's very bare bones.
    Once base scripts are finished, I plan to do a mod that uses them, with a few creatures, progression, custom items/monsters and perhaps, a custom boss, but that's far on the future.

    I'm not confident on releasing them on workshop yet, workshop users usually don't read disclaimers like "It's not intended to work on it's own" and then post horrible things like:
    • This is a virus don't subscribe!!!!111!!1
    • This don't work, it deleted all my characters and ate my dog!
    • Is this compatible with XXXX? and with YYYY? and with ... (Add 23.564.232.675 more comments)
    It might seem stupid, but I do mods for enjoyment, and destructive uninformed criticism seriously takes out the enjoyment :nurusad:
    So, I won't go the workshop way until i have something intuitive and usable to offer.
    Axe Garian, tomssuli and Zavender like this.
  14. tomssuli

    tomssuli Title Not Found

    Sounds great! I'll follow your progress as you help making Starbound the game many of us has been dreaming of =)

    I feel you! I've been coding indie games and put them on an indie site and know the pain of ignorant people trying stuff without reading instructions... Of course with workshop it must be even worse, since it's so popular and the downloading of a mod is so easy (one click of the 'subscribe' button) that practically anyone can mess around with mods and possibly mess up their game in the progress.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  15. AlbertoRota

    AlbertoRota Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    For anyone still interested, people at Frackin' Universe ( @sayter @renbear and @Not Mr Flibble ) are braver than me, and have already given some use to my code, here is the changelog from the workshop version:
    • Incorporated the golemancer core scripts from AlbertRota. Nice ideas here.v
      • Feeding a shadowtop raw meat will turn it into an adult
      • Immersing a poop golem in tar turns it into a tar golem
      • Allowing a Magma Beast to walk into lava is now a very bad idea. And do *not* let him bathe in it for a while. He will become *significantly* more powerful.
      • Feeding enough raw alien steak to baby raptors will grow them into adults
    I'm absolutely sure that they will make AMAZING things with the code. :nuruawe:
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
    Metalloman and Axe Garian like this.
  16. DrPvtSkittles

    DrPvtSkittles Master Astronaut

    I hear you. I always got upset in Terraria when my armour had my female persons belly exposed...
    worldworld and Axe Garian like this.
  17. Zoothulu

    Zoothulu Orbital Explorer

    I am sure this has been suggested many times over the years. (I saw a couple posts from 2014). and I haven't read every post in this thread so it may even be here, but what I would like is a mod or feature to toggle on the flight path of your ship on the map. or at least some kind of indicator as to which planets you have beamed down to or orbited.



    P.S. (exposed bellies are fine with exposure to space and radiation, lava and small arms fire. ... in video games)
    Axe Garian likes this.
  18. Metalloman

    Metalloman Poptop Tamer

    Personally I'd like something that could allow vehicles (mechs in my case) to not to fall from moving railevators, for both parked and in-use vehicles.

    I don't know, maybe a new kind of railevator, a bigger and "magnetized" cargo-lift-like railevator, with two or more pivots for rails.

    What do you think? There's someone willing to make such a mod? I'd do it myself but I lack the knowledge to do so. :)
    Axe Garian likes this.
  19. vedisdragon

    vedisdragon Void-Bound Voyager

    Yo I would LOVE a mod that changes the colors and hairstyle of your crew members!
  20. baltosaa

    baltosaa Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'd love a mod that has a craftable station that works like a Tailor and lets you change your Crew's outfits. It's impossible having a Tailor on board because of the constant duplicating. Really sucks.

    A mod like this would be a life-saver. Really.

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