Modding Discussion Mod's you'd like to see?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Nordaadder, May 13, 2015.

  1. Nordaadder

    Nordaadder Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have no idea where to put this so i'm going to put it here, please tell me if I'm missing the spot on this forum to put this, Thank you.

    I've been here since the start of it all, seen so many mods come and go, But, there are some mods that, I'd like to see here. With all the different races and such.

    I'd like to see a Goodra Race mod made, With how there are some pokemon Mods, i'm surprised this is not a thing.
    A Persona mod I thought I would of saw by now, at least the outfits.

    How about you all, what mods would you like to see?
    Axe Garian likes this.
  2. Gevouden

    Gevouden Big Damn Hero

    my Ship needs gambling and hookers. Know what , forget the ship.

    Actually, id really like to se someone change how the sytstem messages work . Tired of beng blinded and lagged everytime I make then next tier table.
  3. Nordaadder

    Nordaadder Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would agree, it's kind of annoying, even more so when you have a mod (Fracking Universe) where you make one thing, and then BAM about 15 different things pop up.
  4. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    Moved to the Modding section.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  5. Oberic

    Oberic Spaceman Spiff

    Right now, more than anything else I want to randomly generated Arm Cannons put in.
    They'd work just like the admin spawnable Buster.

    Except they'd be made of two random parts (body and "barrel"), and probably with randomly chosen basic shots and charge shots separate.
    I tried, but had mixed results and some crashing. Couldn't get it to work right with my current abilities and the resources already in the game.
    Kayuko likes this.
  6. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    You should had said something about that because I made a base-mod when I was checking property names for you.. I deleted it just a week ago when I was cleaning out mods.
    If I hook you up with a base, will you finish the mod?

    Edit: Just so you know, random generated guns are more limited and can't be animated the normal way.
    Last edited: May 13, 2015
    The | Suit likes this.
  7. Nordaadder

    Nordaadder Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I thought of another, Throw-able potions, such as a healing one I can lob at people, say team mates or NPCs.
    Hekkaryk and Kayuko like this.
  8. Oberic

    Oberic Spaceman Spiff

    I'm not a very experienced modder, my abilities are quite limited. All I've done is some minor file tweaking and the whole monster part thing..

    But I would be wiling to attempt it.
    Kayuko likes this.
  9. Mounén

    Mounén Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i would also Love to see a Goodra race :lickitung:
  10. The_Wanderer

    The_Wanderer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd like to see a mod that allows you to change your character around after initial creation (like change hair color, style, the character's 'personality', gender, ect) because rn the only way I know how to change those things is to completely delete and re-make the character, and usually the only characters I want to tweak and change are one's I've made significant progress through the game with
  11. bkwrm

    bkwrm Void-Bound Voyager

    I'd love to be able to change my crew members weapons and clothing.

    A way of upgrading weapons so you aren't completely at the mercy of RNG as well, mostly so I can keep using my tentacle gun. Because reasons.
  12. CrybridGaming

    CrybridGaming Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd love to see a mod that would decrease the number of particle effects that are emitted. For example reduced rain and weather particles.
    qualiyah likes this.
  13. happytr33z

    happytr33z Space Hobo

    I would love a mod that makes your settlements be able to be attacked by groups of enemies every now and then. For instance, once you place your deed and all that you have a chance for a group of maybe 2-12 enemies of varying difficulties to come in and try to kill you and your settlers, and destroy your settlement. The easier ones could just be some petty criminals using pistols/daggers, the later ones could be military type enemies using assault/sniper rifles and whatnot. I would love to create it but unfortunately I don't have the know-how to create such a mod, I do believe something like this would add alot of excitement to the game, because currently I think Starbound has a solid foundation but it definitely needs to be built upon to add some variety, so the game doesn't get stale.
    tomssuli and Axe Garian like this.
  14. Nexus

    Nexus Void-Bound Voyager

    The one mod I really need right now is something to completely bypass the Erchius mining facility. Quest gating access to the universe is annoying on one character, unbearable when you have to do it for every alt.
  15. Asero

    Asero Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Definitely agree! A quickstart/random location mod would be awesome.

    Almost like Skyrim used to be until Alternative start came around allowing you to skip Helgen and allow you to choose how you want to start the game.
  16. Ain

    Ain Void-Bound Voyager

    Pet Mod:
    Pet Leveling, Pet gear, A way to give a pet more than one enhancement, Healing Station not requiring end-game to make - since we can get capture pods like an hour or two in, Craftable Augments(eg: 2x for Tier 1, 10x Diamonds for Tier 2, 20x Diamonds for Tier 3) so RNG doesn't decide whether or not we can use our little monsters. Alternatively, Dublooms would be a good option, as well - since they can be gotten with pixels or diamonds(1x, 3x, 7x).

    I'd absolutely love to see pets in a better place than they are now.
  17. happytr33z

    happytr33z Space Hobo

    Same here. Like I said before, I think this game really needs to have all of its major gameplay elements expanded upon, it'd be great if ChuckleFish focused on one thing to overhaul for every major update : Farming, Planetary Exploration, Dungeon-Crawling, Creature Taming, Settlement Management, Space Travel(maybe add some kind of way to travel around solar systems in real-time, only having to use the FTL drive to travel between stars, some ship combat would be awesome too, it could work in a way similar to the game FTL.).
  18. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    1) A town mod. See: Towny from Minecraft. You spend money to create a "town" block. 8x8 blocks wide/tall. Town is created, you're mayor. Town blocks are protected from outsiders.

    /town to see info such as bank, enabled/disabled permissions, daily taxes, residents, claimed territory, message of the day and town name. Standing in an 8x8 chunk next to any claimed territory and typing /town claim (with having the right amount of pixels) will claim that 8x8 area and now you have expanded territory. You can /town invite people and they will have the tax amount withdrawn from their bank account once every 24 hours right before the upkeep is due. Upkeep is required (set amount) every single 24 hour day to keep the town alive. If upkeep time comes and the town bank is empty, town falls into ruin. People not in your town as residents cannot edit any blocks protected by your territory. However, certain thrown explosives (not guns) can be tossed to destroy protected blocks, but those blocks will regen after 100 seconds. This enabled people to raid towns but clever placement of treasure and intricate enough building designs with traps can protect against raiding.

    2) energy sources and more machinery

    Every machine and wired object requires a power source. Heating your home, producing O2, using automatic computerized doors, computers, electric lighting, other machines all require a power source to function. You can place a machine that generates power (maybe hydro power plant in water or solar panels). You place an empty power cell into the energy collecting machine and over time, as the machine collects power, it puts it into the cell. You can then take that cell and place it into a generator hub machine. Whatever wired object that you wire with the manipulator to the power hub will then use the fuel cell inside the hub machine whenever those objects are operated. Over time, the fuel cell will drain and need to be replaced. The amount should last a long time as not to be a hindrance to gameplay and you can hook multiple hub machines with their own fuel cells up together to pool energy to last longer periods of time without needing to have their cells changed.

    >place energy collecting machine such as hydro or solar machines
    >put crafted empty energy cell into slot inside energy collector
    >energy collector charges cell over period of time if it is correctly collecting energy
    >take cell out of energy collector machine
    >take cell to energy hub machine and place inside
    >wire hub to wired objects, those objects now work as long as the cell inside the energy hub is not dead
    >can wire multiple hubs together to increase total amount of available energy and therefor need to micromanage it less
    >can make multiple energy collectors to have plenty of cells at the read
    >wired objects do NOT work unless powered
    qualiyah, Rogo and Swschrock like this.
  19. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    What I would really like to see is someone mod the old blink tech back in.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  20. Crushedice

    Crushedice Void-Bound Voyager

    Well. We are also new at hosting a starbound server, and i looked for a few things that i would like to see....
    Im used to the Oxide API, and C# plugins... so maybe i also have kinda a wrong picture of this whole modding....
    Even cause there are mods... that should.. kinda be server sided. But i figured it out that much stuff is not....

    Like- i would like to see something to make sure. players dont get items from their single player chars or cheated chars onthe server.
    making new char. And keep them.

    Also i would like to see a Chat- mod .... i Hate this chat ... around 30+ ppl are online and u cannot really talk properly with eachother...
    so... chatmod, including channels . like ../friends /near - chat /pm ?

    then i would also like to see some kind of .... "Ownership" plugin ? Against griefing, and making able to build a base that does what it should do - be your, safe home

    there are even other kind of ideas around in my head. just some to make the Play on a server, in a group, and as a commiunity easier and convenient

    Edit: And ..kinda the most important shit- Something.. that the Server, offers the client automaticly the missing mods to download on join... ( like in gmod) and that u only can use those mods. that are on the server. :p

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