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Mods that cheats your Starbound game

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by RockyTV, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. klipwc

    klipwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think you are just being egoistic.
    Firstly, no one cares that you reached impervium in 56 hours without cheats, I did that in less than 10 without cheats.
    This game is a sandbox game. Shut up and let people play the way they want.
    Dont like it? Dont cheat then.
    Because a load of people arent gonna give a rats arse about what you say.

    The only "mods" that imo will destroy the game are ones which let you destroy things quicker. Not build things quicker
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
    Dagorran likes this.
  2. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    This is why I'm just waiting for the modding community to pick up. I'm hoping for something like Tshock in Terraria where you've got all those useful plugins like protecting things, preventing cheats, making you make a separate account to login to the server(prevents people impersonating you).

    But one thing that bugs me right now is that there are many things handled client side right now. I sincerely hope they move a lot of stuff over to the server so mods on multiplayer servers have to be installed on the server in order for them to work on the client. Also moving stuff over to the server would make it harder for people to make use of tools like cheat engine.
  3. GSGregory

    GSGregory Ketchup Robot

    Who. The. FK. GIves. A. Shit. If you care about what others are doing in the game especially a mainly single player game you should just shutup.
    ReverendBonobo likes this.
  4. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    I have no idea where you got the idea that this was mainly singleplayer? One of the strongest features in-fact is that you can play with others. I get that some people like to ride solo, but some of us want to share our experiences with others. People are not out to get rid of modding, we just want to make sure multiplayer is protected from the cheaters. But these words are wasted on you clearly by your post history. You will not stand for anyone having an opinion that does not coincide with your own even when it would not effect you. Instead you resort to petty language and insults.
  5. GSGregory

    GSGregory Ketchup Robot

    The op in this thread has nothing at all to do with servers and instead focuses on people modding their game which for the most part is going to be happening in single player.

    If you are worried about people "cheating" in multiplayer omg there are a million different planets and you can very, very, very, very ,very ,very easily ignore them completely. There is also white list and server accounts.

    So again. There is entirely no reason to worry about that random unknown guy modding his game.
  6. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    I shouldn't have to ignore them, besides there is one huge flaw in that argument. PVP. What are you going to say to those who want to PVP and not worry about some guy bringing an uber modded sword and wrecking your shit unfairly.
  7. GSGregory

    GSGregory Ketchup Robot

    Considering that about the only way for that to happen is for him to be in your party. Kinda your own fault.

    Nothing at all in this game is forcing you to be on the same planet as a cheater.
  8. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    Now see, thats the problem. You think "if I can ignore this flaw in the game then everyone else should too" or "it's not a problem for me so everyone needs to get on my level". People who play for pvp are going to go to spawn or a player hub, there are going to be cheaters at spawn without a way to stop such things.
  9. GSGregory

    GSGregory Ketchup Robot

    1. Are you playing on a server open to the public?
    2. Even if people were not cheating you are still asking for some ass to come ruin everything with a public pvp arena.

    Basically your complaint about cheaters isn't really about people cheating but instead about people being donkeys and griefing in an online game.
  10. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    1. thats the whole damn point
    2. if people aren't cheating then its fair because they are acting within the boundaries of the game.

    I won't even bother with that 3rd part so lets take this at a different angle.

    You say it can be ignore so we shouldn't be bothered with it. Well turn that argument around and ask yourself "can I ignore them making it possible to block cheaters" "would I be affected by that?" "if so how?" "If not then why am I attacking someone's suggestion that won't affect me?" Basically I could say the exact same thing you are telling us, ignore our suggestions and move on instead of complaining, because honestly it wouldn't do anything to hurt you.
  11. GSGregory

    GSGregory Ketchup Robot

    Sorry but your points are mute. Playing on a server completely open to everyone and then complaining that people are cheating and griefing is like crying when you try to make a house of cards in the middle of the sidewalk and every few minutes someone comes by and knocks it over.

    You are also ignoring the ability to whitelist while complaining that you cannot do anything about cheaters which you can, you just refuse to make use of it.
    Rydian likes this.
  12. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    Have you never played on a tshock terraria server? or a Minecraft bukkit server? It's incredibly easy to prevent/stop/repair grief. It's also incredibly easy to stop cheats on those servers with the right plugins. Go grief some bukkit servers and watch how fast they repair it and ban you, two simple commands "/ban player" "/rollback player all"
  13. GSGregory

    GSGregory Ketchup Robot

    Those are also. Not in beta. And mods. Congrats.
    So go mod it.

    Also fyi. Server tools are simply not added yet. They have been promised.
    Rydian likes this.
  14. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    Minecraft bukkit existed during minecraft beta. Also "And mods" HELLO that's the subject and the whole point here...

    You could have just flat out said "server tools are planned" instead uttering all that crap about ignoring it. Also where was this promised as I would like to read up about it.

    But most importantly what I am wanting here is to make sure they are transfering stuff from client handled, to server sided. I would assume so if they are making server tools but one can never be too sure. If the server doesn't determine certain functions such as block breaking(50x50 breakers for example) then it's going to be that much harder on modders to help server admins, possibly even impossible to stop certain things. I have NO problem with people modding single player or even multiplayer if it's on their own server.
  15. GSGregory

    GSGregory Ketchup Robot

    Yes it did. I used it and it existed because you could not host mods server side and the vanilla server was extremely underpowered.. just like starbound is atm. It took quite some time before minecraft vanilla servers integrated anything close to the bukkit and other modded server tools.

    No idea where it is located. I have simply seen it posted a ton of times since the beta started.

    I have also heard server side characters are planned.

    If you want to find either look em up.
  16. Rydian

    Rydian Big Damn Hero

    As somebody who makes and distributes cheats for games like Terraria and Starbound...

    • People will cheat, and you can't stop them from cheating in their own world. The game has been out for less than two weeks, and my trainer for Starbound has over 14,000 downloads (and it includes item duping and more). The raw edits/scripts I make have also been posted elsewhere, where they got 9,500 downloads total. And somebody else posted different edits/scripts that have ~3,200 downloads. All in all, that's a lot of people with the ability to dupe items and ignore hunger, etc. And there's not a thing you can do about it. They paid money for the game, it's downloaded and installed on their own personal PC in their house. People will play their copy of the game their own way if they really want to.

    • But you CAN stop them from cheating in your world. Don't let random people on. Set a password, use a whitelist, etc. If they can't get on your server, they can't do ANYTHING to your world! No logging plugins or cheat detection needed. Do you see banks letting just anybody waltz into the vault because "we can just print some more money and kick them out"? :p No, they just don't let random people near their precious things to begin with.

    That said, Starbound's online is in need of a rewrite. It's about as secure as Terraria's was at first, in that the server trusts whatever status and actions the client uses. I hopped onto my friend's server to see if the cheats I made worked online, and every single one of them did. They shouldn't in anything resembling a secure multiplayer environment... but I can see the tradeoff, because the Starbound server software would be much more resource intensive if it was to stop people from cheating at all, it'd be more like an MMO in the way that it runs and handles players (simulates the game server-side and just sends the clients updates about what's going on).
    Bunnky and GSGregory like this.
  17. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    It's still ill advised to use vanilla minecraft over bukkit as far as public servers, and still preferred over vanilla even for whitelisted.

    There are plenty of Tshock plugins to stop/prevent/detect cheating so I have no idea what you are talking about.
  18. Rydian

    Rydian Big Damn Hero

    Because we all know that Tshock, Tshock's plugin system, and anti-cheat plugins were there from the day Terraria 1.0(.1) came out, right? :p
  19. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    and yet here you are telling people that your cheats can't be stopped as in right now. That response is incredibly pointless. The point here is that I and others like me want to be sure that the devs are paving the way for such things to come into play and not just saying "ok servers fine, will give em a few necessities and ignore server security completely". I get it, it's beta, but beta is the best time to speak up about these things.

    Hey I see your whitelisted IP on the forums, but you have no problem with an unsecure game so you have no problem with me crashing your server with exploits right?

    Security doesn't = lag, poor optimization = lag
  20. Rydian

    Rydian Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, one of the reasons that many online games that are coming out are so open to hackers is that most things happen client-side and then just get synched up with the other players, and this lets people do all sorts of hacks on these games.

    Compare it to an MMO like WoW, Runescape, or one of the other big names where you can't just download a program or edit a config or some RAM values to get max money, because the stats are kept server-side (and I'm not talking about server-side inventory for players, I'm talking server-siding the gameplay itself, sans audio and video and input).

    If Starbound was to take it all the way like an MMO, then the more players were on your server, the more strain it'd be on your machine, and most servers people ran from home would be the worst off.

    Uh, are you in the right thread? This is not the feedback section, this was somebody complaining about cheaty mods and and asking what people think about them and of the people using them.

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