Modding Discussion *.modpak files?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by mrboese, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. mrboese

    mrboese Phantasmal Quasar

    Enraged Koala should be this "next version" ...


    Error: Fatal Exception Caught: IOException: BlockStorage method 'readBlock' called when not open, must be open.
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC1ERKSs+0xe7) [0x8c50347]
    ./starbound(_ZNK4Star12BlockStorage11checkIfOpenEPKcb+0xc5) [0x8bbb345]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star12BlockStorage9readBlockEjjPcj+0x3c) [0x8bbb43c]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star12BlockStorage9readBlockEjPc+0x37) [0x8bbb4a7]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star13BTreeDatabaseINS_9ByteArrayES1_E9loadIndexERKj+0x124) [0x8692a74]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star5BTreeINS_9ByteArrayES1_jNS_16SimpleBTreeIndexIS1_jEENS_15SimpleBTreeLeafIS1_S1_jEEE4findERKS1_+0x9f) [0x8c1f49f]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star14SimpleDatabase4findERKNS_9ByteArrayE+0x4f) [0x8c1c9bf]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star20SimpleSha256Database4findERKNS_6StringE+0x33) [0x8c1ca23]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star21AssetsDatabaseBackend4readERKNS_6StringE+0x2e) [0x8683b9e]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star4Root11scanForModsERKNS_6StringE+0x6b3) [0x885c9d3]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star4RootC1ERKNS_6StringE+0x432) [0x885f4a2]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star4Root10initializeERKNS_6StringES3_b+0x32) [0x8860e92]
    ./starbound(main+0x9e) [0x84c301e]
    /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ [0xb7119905]
    ./starbound() [0x84cbb0d]
    rikudos and wolfboyft like this.
  2. speckford

    speckford Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    yeah, same problem when I tested it
  3. TShinzon

    TShinzon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hey there, I'm running into the same problem. I've followed bartwe's instructions:

    1. Verify that my mod works in V. Enraged Koala (it does)
    2. Rename my modname.modinfo file to pak.modinfo
    3. Run ..\win32\asset_packer.exe modname modname.modpak
    4. Move original mod into another directory, so that only modname.modpak is in Starbound\mods
    5. Start up SB
    -> Encountered crash on startup, as shown above
  4. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Working for me.
  5. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Edit: Apparently not what was desired.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2014
  6. speckford

    speckford Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, the whole point of the update that we were trying to do is to have the modinfo inside a single .modpak file like Bartwe described
    So it isn't working for you, your just doing it the same way it worked during Furious Koala

    It isn't a big deal I guess, they'll have it working eventually
    especially with the new patch system in play
    Kabu likes this.
  7. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    but why would you want modinfo in a pack file??

    Its the modinfo for a reason.

    I can see the desire to upload .pak files as a single file similar to .rar. But if thats the case why have a modinfo file?
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2014
  8. mrboese

    mrboese Phantasmal Quasar

    It makes distribution easier: The user don't have to unpack a archive, anymore
    + Not more complex than external *.modinfo for developer (I already wrote a script; run ./PACK <mod folder> => renames *.modinfo,packs together, moves src dir
    + Easier for users

  9. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    No no i understand completely but...

    Why do we need .modinfo at this point if we just hide it inside a .pak file
  10. mrboese

    mrboese Phantasmal Quasar

    We need the modinfo from the source dir (the normal unpacked version of the mod, everybody is using to develop) and this modinfo will be packed (*) into the *.modpak by the asset_packer, so we don't have to do it like the only working solution, using *.pak files for mod distribution (modinfo and pak in a folder).

    *Maybe it just reads the modinfo and does some magic
  11. Daimoth

    Daimoth Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The game uses the version info in .modinfo, I know that.
  12. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well im going to assume thats exactly what happens ((*Maybe it just reads the modinfo and does some magic))

    But in my opinion .modinfo has good information for the user *Version *Support url *Author
    And it would be a real shame to hide that inside a .pak file

    Of course this is just an opinion and i dont know how many users actually open that up and read it.

    Also on a side note with modinfo outside of the .pak would allow users to update to the newest version as soon as it comes out.
  13. mrboese

    mrboese Phantasmal Quasar

    I think, the devs will add a "mods" menu (like it's planned in minecraft), so these informations are accessible by all players. But currently, you are right.

    This is a good point for external *.modinfo, but I think the regular player (without any knowledge of modding - just wants to use mods) won't just edit the modinfo (They fear that they may break something).
    Depending if /how the modinfo is saved in a *.modpak, it's still possible for users to update mods manually (But this is vurrently very difficult - inexperienced users are not used to command line programs*)

    * Solution: The devs are adding a GUI (at least for windows; better: Something small with Mono/.NET/Java) [asset_packer_gui, asset_unpacker_gui]
    Sethh likes this.
  14. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    All that makes things a little bit more clear and a GUI would solve pretty much any issues i was just expressing.
  15. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    Was anyone ever successful in creating a working .modpak?

    Bartwe said it would be in the next version but I'm beginning to think that .modpak support was not implemented in Enraged Koala or at least it is broken for now.

    Edit: We are still be able to make mods with (2 files) .modinfo and asset.pak if you still prefer having your .modinfo outside of the pak.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2014
  16. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    A mod info inside the pak is pretty much useless.
    If you want to create dependency files - you have to do it prior to packing.
    if a user wants to fix dependency issues that forces the user to unpack the file and change the mod info.
    I really don't see any advantage in putting it inside the modpak file - besides a minor convenience for server distribution.
  17. mrboese

    mrboese Phantasmal Quasar

    In the current state of the game, you're right. But I think that the devs will add something like a "mod" menu, accessible from inside the game (or a launcher or sth. else)

    In my opinion, the "default" user, only wanting to use mods, won't edit the mod info to fix problems. They just want to use the game and it have to work - if a mod won't work: delete it (That how they do).
    If somebody is already used to modding (or wants to understand it), he will unpack the mod and repacks it after editing.

    Mod developers dont have to put everything in *.zip/rar/7zip files to distribute a mod - Just upload the *.modpak
    Makes it easier to maintain the mods: Just a folder with files: Replacing a mod = replacing file (Overwrite)
    Currently you have to delete the folder and use winrar/winzip/ark/fileroller to unpack the folder into the mod folder - Very annoying (Sometimes I get confused)

    Currently, packing/unpacking a the problem; Proving a simple GUI for the packer/unpacker would make everything easier (Maybe with internal file editor, so you can edit the *.modinfo)
  18. kyren

    kyren kyren

    Yeah it was broke, but it's fixed now, will be uploaded to unstable shortly.
  19. TohKlidan

    TohKlidan Zero Gravity Genie

    Another question: where do I find an acctual (EK update 6) modinfo template with all parameters?
  20. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    TohKlidan likes this.

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