Modding on Mac OS X

Discussion in 'Mods' started by LunaticMoon, Sep 18, 2016.

  1. LunaticMoon

    LunaticMoon Space Hobo

    Hey Guys,

    So I'm new here, and I've had Stardew Valley for a month now and I've just gotten around to pet mods, now I've downloaded the game through Steam on my Mac and I've noticed there's no Mods folder,

    How can I add mods to the game??

    is there something I'm missing?
    • VIspReaderUS

      VIspReaderUS Void-Bound Voyager

      Those mods uses SMAPI or STORM api. Its a windows application. And to use those third party application you got some options. Get a PC. Use wine. Get a PC. Virtual windows. Get a PC. Dual boot. Get a PC. Learn programming. Get a PC. Google is your friend. Get a PC. Get a PC. Get. A. PC.
      • Entoarox

        Entoarox Oxygen Tank

        You need SMAPI to be able to run mods for stardew, unfortunately, while a mac version of SMAPI exists, few if any mods have released versions of their mods that are compatible with the 1.08 version, as windows still uses 1.07 and the code difference means having to compile two different versions, something not many modders have the time and will to do.
        • thisisate

          thisisate Space Hobo

          the person didn't ask you for an opinion on their operating software

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