Modding Discussion Modding Guides and General Modding Discussion--REDUX

Discussion in 'Mods' started by cantorsdust, Mar 10, 2016.

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  1. Jinxiewinxie

    Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

    Not at all =/ Mine installed just fine without any security alerts or issues.
    • Drogean

      Drogean Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      are you SURE you downloaded the tool and didn't accidentally click an ad that wanted to download malware?

      please take a screenshot

      This is what Virus total reports for the zip i just downloaded again on my work PC
      • Pengwynd

        Pengwynd Void-Bound Voyager

        Okay, I don't understand the audio modding at all due to the first step. I download the file, go to install it, there is no option for a "custom" install. I can select to install or not install things on one page but none of the descriptive text for any of the options says anything about "XACT Software". Also it won't even let me select or deselect anything. So I try installing the whole thing and it gets done but then pops up an error code saying it can't be installed. Looked up the code and it's because I already have newer versions of it installed. I have checked and I still can't open the XAP file. So what's up? Is there really no place where I can just download the XACT software separately or do I really have to jump through a million hoops to get this to work?
          Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
        • BoffoBoy

          BoffoBoy Existential Complex

          been using the first ever version of so ez even boffo can now pack/unpack .xbn's like a pro - code monkey and it's been working flawlessly since.
          • BoffoBoy

            BoffoBoy Existential Complex

            so right, anyone understand this line in map properties of wiz tower?

            AmbientLight | 170 190 90
            • Ghostly Fox

              Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

              People say they see glowy lights around Rasmodius' Tower, and you can in fact see them in game. My guess is that CA does that by creating an invisible, intangible, and light emitting item and setting areas that it can show up. That's just my guess though, and I haven't gotten that far into the modding process.
                BoffoBoy likes this.
              • BoffoBoy

                BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                there are a ton of light commands too.

                Light | 7 13 4 11 13 4 3 18 5 5 1 4 7 20 4 9 20 4 7 23 4 9 23 4
                • Drogean

                  Drogean Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  I just updated the guide, it looks like the software has a different installer than from what i remember. Should now be accurate
                  • BoffoBoy

                    BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                    Ok I think I understand my issue... before I start on a witch hunt ex-sizing anything from the floors and walls tile set, please allow me to ask this....

                    How do I add tile set dependancies so the game does not crash. =)
                      Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
                    • Jinxiewinxie

                      Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                      I have the same question! I've tried adding information to the yaml about the dependency too, like if I were to add townInterior.png as a tilesheet, what I did to my yaml was this:

                              path: ""
                                  - "townInterior.png"
                                  - "paths.png"
                                  - "spring_outdoorsTileSheet.png"
                      (This file already had paths and spring_outdoorsblahblah) It still crashes though. =(
                        BoffoBoy likes this.
                      • BoffoBoy

                        BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                        This is so very very frustrating, nothing I do will get this warp to a new map to work, is there anyone actually reading this thread that understands new maps and trying to get them into game?
                        • Jinxiewinxie

                          Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                          I think you can't make new maps, just edit existing ones to add rooms or whatever in empty spaces.
                          • BoffoBoy

                            BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                            look at the bigger cave mod there's an entirely new map named cave2 or something
                            • Jinxiewinxie

                              Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                              its the same FarmCave map, he just made it bigger and added more to the map. H ere's a screenshot showing all three rooms but they're the same map:

                              • BoffoBoy

                                BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                                glad I used community center refurbished.
                                • DiabloDan

                                  DiabloDan Void-Bound Voyager

                                  I have no experience in modding/coding whatsoever but i think i have a really good idea for a mod. The mod would be something that added a bunch of things revolving around water. making it a more immersive aspect of the game. Such as adding an small fishtank/aquarium into your home for displaying fish and them swimming around it. Or having a fish hatchery which allows you to breed fish and make more fish of that type. Depending on what fish it is it would take a certain amount of time to have it give birth to more fish. i was also thinking to add Water plots which would be created by spending 50-200G at the Carpenters shop to make lakes/ponds or growing Crops that actually grow within places like this such as Rice or Cranberries. i need help being able to do this cause i have no clue as to how i am gonna start working on this. I might not follow this through and i really need help. If someone is able to make a mod like this and refine upon my ideas that'd be great.
                                    Last edited: Apr 4, 2016
                                    RoastedCoconutz likes this.
                                  • texeganjane

                                    texeganjane Big Damn Hero

                                    I wondered because it's actually my video, and there was a comment on it that looked quite similar, issue-wise. If that was the same issue, I was hoping I could address it on the video with an annotation or something along those lines, or maybe just in the comments!
                                    I just want to be able to provide the best information possible to people, and I want to make sure- if it was the same issue- it was resolved for both people (which may just be one person).
                                    • Alissa Bun

                                      Alissa Bun Space Hobo

                                      I would like a quick guide, on how to add an sprite for the main character!

                                      Hair clothing and such... cause i work with pixelart, and modding that would be a piece of cake!
                                      • Jinxiewinxie

                                        Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                                        In the main post here you'll see a guide or two on XNB_Node and pixel art editors. You want to extract certain files (sounds like farmer_girl_base.xnb & shirts.xnb at least) and then you can edit them as needed. For farmer girl base, the pants (or bottom clothing item) is on the right hand side of the image and you can just edit that with opaque grays and whatnot to be whatever you want instead (people have made skirts and shorts so far) and for the shirts, you can just extend the image longer and then copy a row of shirts and paste it into the blank space and then edit the shirts how you want, making sure to stay within the confines of each shirt frame. When you're done, just package them all back up using XNB_Node and you're all set.
                                        • navybofus

                                          navybofus Void-Bound Voyager

                                          Has anyone found a reliable way to save new items? If I place my anvil on my farm and try to sleep/save the game crashes saying I need to add XmlInclude to the types. I've tried several things, but now I'm asking the community with my hands up in the air.
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