Modding Help Modding API Closes One Second After Launching

Discussion in 'Mods' started by TheCrazyLilGirl20, Nov 2, 2016.

  1. TheCrazyLilGirl20

    TheCrazyLilGirl20 Space Spelunker

    I have been playing with Mods earlier, using the Modding API. Then, I decided to get more mods for the game (Like GetDressed Mod) and I did. I tried launching the app now, but it closes after launching it, and I was confused. I redownloaded EVERYTHING and I just got the same result. I didn't even put mods this time and same result.

    There was this one time that I DID manage to run it, but when clicking a save file, or creating a new game, it closes as well...


    Can anyone help me?

    [12:57:29.112 AM] SDV Version: 1.0
    [12:57:29.112 AM] Validating api paths...
    [12:57:29.112 AM] SMAPI Version: 0.40.0 1.1-3
    [12:57:29.119 AM] Initializing SDV Assembly...
    [12:57:29.120 AM] Injecting New SDV Version...
    [12:57:29.120 AM] Starting SDV...
    [12:57:29.231 AM] Patching SDV Graphics Profile...
    [12:57:29.235 AM] LOADING MODS
    [12:57:29.235 AM] Found Manifest: C:\GOG Games\Stardew Valley\Mods\TrainerMod\manifest.json
    [12:57:29.641 AM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\GOG Games\Stardew Valley\Mods\TrainerMod\psconfigs
    [12:57:29.644 AM] LOADED MOD: Trainer Mod by Zoryn - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Registers several commands to use. Most commands are trainer-like in that they offer forms of cheating. (@ C:\GOG Games\Stardew Valley\Mods\TrainerMod\TrainerMod.dll)
    [12:57:29.644 AM] Loading Mod DLL...
    [12:57:29.648 AM] Registered command: types
    [12:57:29.649 AM] Registered command: show
    [12:57:29.649 AM] Registered command: load
    [12:57:29.649 AM] Registered command: exit
    [12:57:29.649 AM] Registered command: save
    [12:57:29.649 AM] Registered command: player_setname
    [12:57:29.650 AM] Registered command: player_setmoney
    [12:57:29.650 AM] Registered command: player_setstamina
    [12:57:29.650 AM] Registered command: player_setmaxstamina
    [12:57:29.650 AM] Registered command: player_sethealth
    [12:57:29.650 AM] Registered command: player_setmaxhealth
    [12:57:29.650 AM] Registered command: player_setimmunity
    [12:57:29.650 AM] Registered command: player_setlevel
    [12:57:29.652 AM] Registered command: player_changecolour
    [12:57:29.653 AM] Registered command: player_changestyle
    [12:57:29.649 AM] Registered command: hide
    [12:57:29.658 AM] Registered command: player_addring
    [12:57:29.649 AM] Registered command: stop
    [12:57:29.658 AM] Registered command: player_addmelee
    [12:57:29.661 AM] Registered command: out_rings
    [12:57:29.660 AM] Registered command: out_items
    [12:57:29.664 AM] Registered command: world_settime
    [12:57:29.665 AM] Registered command: world_freezetime
    [12:57:29.666 AM] Registered command: world_setday
    [12:57:29.667 AM] Registered command: world_setseason
    [12:57:29.668 AM] Registered command: world_downminelevel
    [12:57:29.669 AM] Registered command: world_setminelevel
    [12:57:29.650 AM] Registered command: player_setspeed
    [12:57:29.674 AM] SDV Loaded Into Memory
    [12:57:29.675 AM] Initializing Console Input Thread...
    [12:57:29.676 AM] Registered command: help
    [12:57:29.678 AM] Applying Final SDV Tweaks...
    [12:57:29.657 AM] Registered command: player_additem
    [12:57:29.663 AM] Registered command: newitem
    [12:57:29.661 AM] Registered command: out_melee
    [12:57:29.672 AM] LOADED 1 MODS
    [12:57:29.772 AM] XNA Initialize
    [12:57:30.426 AM] XNA LoadContent
    [12:57:30.855 AM] Initializing Debug Assets...
    [12:57:30.926 AM] Game Loaded
    [12:57:30.926 AM] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage

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