After several failed attempts to try and make this myself, I've decided that I'm just gonna post this here, and see if anybody is interested. A race of quadrupedal, semi-aquatic, giant salamanders, which have no real society, and instead are more like... intelligent animals. I imagine usually be kept as pets and servants by the other, more civilized races. In particular, I feel like the Florans would value them as good hunting companions. The Vashti might be neighbors of the Hylotl--perhaps everyone's favorite Japanese frogs would see a vashti as being a common housepet, something akin to how we see dogs or cats? Being a bunch of fish-amphibian things, the Vashti have chromatophores in their skin--the whole thing that gives octopi their ability to change colors. I imagine this could be used somewhat creatively, maybe incorporating the color-changing attributes into emotes. You could always just give them a bunch of rainbow-y color options. That's fine, too. I imagine that the Vashti would move and act like cats or dogs. This could make animating them a bit easier, as you can just base the animation cycles off of those for the cats and dogs in-game... probably? Lastly, psionic powers have become relatively common as of late, a la Playable Cats... because trying to animate and/or code a quadrupedal race that rears up on its hind legs to interact with things would be a veritable pain in the ass, I can imagine. So... telekinesis. 'Nuff said. That's everything. Hope this interests you guys.