Modding Help Mod Request: Untie exploration progression from story mode

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Lindazana, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. Lindazana

    Lindazana Cosmic Narwhal

    So, after the update to 1.0, playing the new game has left me feeling like my universe sandbox has been swiped out from under me.
    While there are many mechanics and item changes I don't like, I can (grumplly) accept them. My problem, though, is that this game has gone from a complete sandbox where you're only content-restriction was creating a boss-summoning device from materials found around the world... to a sandbox where you need to do quests to explore beyond your current solar system, and occasionally do more quests to unlock the tech for hazardous worlds... into needing to actually begin a chain of quests to -save the galaxy- as the Mary Sue last surviving Space Cop to even leave orbit of your start world.

    What I'd like to see is a mod that links ship and tech progression to a simple barrier of needing X amount of resources, pixels, or both to advance. No need to be a super hero saving the day, just pay the nice mechanics and repairman in cold hard cash and goods, scaling in amount and type according to the type of worlds you have access to.

    Bonus objectives:
    Editing the intro text back to what it was pre 1.0, rather than the homoginized cliche protectorate story everyone has now.
    Reimplementation of armor and clothing that let you actually tell the gender of the wearer
    Reimplementation of monster roars/shrieks/burbles instead of "Bwoop!" on aggro.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2016
    Triple Factorial likes this.

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