Modding Discussion Mod Request: Invert Inventory Fill Order

Discussion in 'Mods' started by irrimn, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. irrimn

    irrimn Pangalactic Porcupine

    So, I don't know if requests are welcomed here but I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm not sure if this mod is possible or if the behavior of the inventory is hard-coded or what but hopefully someone knows / can figure it out.

    I want a mod that reverses the order that the inventory fills up, basically. Currently the inventory fills up starting in the upper left which means it fills up your hot-bar first. This is annoying because I often run around with my 'active slot' a blank inventory slot so that I don't accidentally use a tool when I don't mean to or gift the wrong item to someone. However, when I pick up new items the first slots that is generally filled is the empty slot that I keep on my bar. Then I have to open my inventory and move the item out of that slot, over and over every time I get a new item -- which is often.

    This mod would simply make the reverse happen. Inventory would fill up the bottom-right corner going left, and then up (or even bottom left corner going right and then up). This would make it so that hot-bar slots aren't filled up until the rest of the inventory is completely full.

    Thank you for reading this and to anyone that might be able to make this mod a reality.
    • irrimn

      irrimn Pangalactic Porcupine

      Not even any word on if this is possible or not yet? Man... guess not.

      Guess I'll go beg ConcernedApe to allow this in the vanilla game...
      • DarkSlayerEX

        DarkSlayerEX Big Damn Hero

        If you make your active slot the hoe or sword, it would be fine as well, since they don't use stamina if you accidentally use it. Just letting you know. I'm not sure about anything else coding wise.
        • Snaitf

          Snaitf Poptop Tamer

          I was going to request this very idea myself, so if any modders are reading this, consider this a vote for creating this mod, as well. Thank you!
          • kingjoshington

            kingjoshington Void-Bound Voyager

            I think this would be a great idea. I'm not worried about accidentally using something on the hotbar, I just find it annoying that it fills up with junk. Anything I pick up is not something I want on the hotbar!

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