REQUEST Mod idea: Forage basket

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Bluhens, Dec 4, 2019.

  1. Bluhens

    Bluhens Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi, so I had an idea for a mod that I would love to have, but I have no idea how to code... I'm going to try to learn but I'm far away from actually making my own mods beyond recolors & retextures.

    Here's my idea:
    You have a tool, which is called the Forage basket. It can use the same sprite as Linus' berry basket. When you pick up any forage items on the ground, they enter the basket or you can place them inside, using only one space in your inventory. When you right click holding the basket, it opens a separate inventory where your forage items are stored. You can take them out and do with them as you please.

    It could be acquired in the mail from befriending Linus at 4-6 hearts, or he teaches you how to craft it in a cutscene similar to the wild bait. You could also learn the recipe from a foraging level. Anything can work.
    Crafting recipe would just be 25-50 pieces of hay.

    It's just a little idea I had. I'm not sure if it'd even be possible, or if it'd be too complicated to make, but if an experienced modder would like to try and bring it to life, that'd be amazing!
      Last edited: Dec 4, 2019
    • jahangmar

      jahangmar Sandwich Man

      It is possible and wouldn't be too hard to implement. I recommend also proposing your idea here because mod ideas are collected there.
      • Bluhens

        Bluhens Void-Bound Voyager

        Thank you for the advice! I'll go ahead and post my idea there now.
        I'm glad to hear that it shouldn't be too complicated. I'll try to see if I can work on it myself.

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