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Outdated Moar Music 2.0-Spirited Giraffe

100 More biome tracks to listen to as you explore.

  1. Andrew1163

    Andrew1163 Void-Bound Voyager

    I simply made a folder named MoarMusic1.5, dragged everything into it, and it works fine.
  2. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    //Update: I Figured out how to install the mod, I don't know how i did it, But it worked.
  3. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm editing the mod and adding a few more .OGG files to it. Is there a way to block the default starbound music for a certain biome, so that it only plays the music added in the mod?

    Edit: I tried everything and it seems that the original music is hard coded in the game engine itself? I could use a confirmation, however.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
  4. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    You will want to change the "__merge" : [ ], at the top of each biome file to
    "__merge" : [
    ["overwrite", "musicTrack"],
    ["overwrite", "undergroundMusicTrack"]
    RatixFarrence likes this.
  5. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    Would you add new music here?
  6. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    I've been working on it, as well as a couple other cool additions. I keep my ears on ocremix.org almost daily for new tracks, but my free time is limited and split between mods at the moment so bear with me.
    *spoiler :X ~ My recent goal has been adding music to dungeons. If I can get this to work as intended you should see an update in the near future.
    DrTrevers and RatixFarrence like this.
  7. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    Can you add The Hollow bastion for the Avian dungeon music, It wouldeve sounded cool with the dungeon battle music, Plus Take permission of Re-gedit's Terraria albumb.
  8. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I cannot seem to get it to work. The title and battle music change worked fine but i cant get any music from the biomes
    Edit: To clarify my post, It only plays the default starbound assets bgm instead.
  9. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    did you go to a new planet? if I remember correctly the game will cache the tracks in your universe. You could also wipe your universe. Back it up first if you wish to keep anything.
  10. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I went to a new planet and it still is playing from the assets. I wonder what I missed.
  11. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Odd, this is exactly how I tested MoarMusic. It's also how I'm going about making an alternative (chill/dubstep) version that completely replaces the existing biome tracks.
    Could you try deleting everything in your universe folder, back it up first!, and then start a new character.

    The thing is I'm trying to stick to remixes made freely available. There's been a number of great original tracks I thought about adding, and even the Terms of Use include non-profit distribution for some of them, but the last thing I want to do is step on anyone's toes. Hence my only source so far being ocremix.org
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
    Presios Saiyan likes this.
  12. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think I know why it wont work now. I believe if i play on a server that the biome files are server-side ,and It is on a paid server, so in order to reassign biome music i would have to mod the biome files that I cannot access, or install the mod to the server. If i do I'll crash anyone else who doesn't have the mod. A simple catch-22 of the worst kind if you ask me.
    G4M5T3R likes this.
  13. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Ah, yea that would do it. Thanks for the update ;)
  14. dasVertrauen

    dasVertrauen Intergalactic Tourist

    I've also been trying to mod my own Starbound music recently and I hit the hard wall, I cant change the day/night music completely. Searched the net for answers and I stumbled upon your (G4M5T3R) posts. I was wondering if you had already found a way to it. I don't want to mod every single planet though, lol.
  15. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    "__merge" : [
    ["overwrite", "musicTrack"],
    ["overwrite", "undergroundMusicTrack"]
    The code above will allow you to modify the biomes night/day tracks to play just the .ogg's you specify. You don't have to mod each biome file, just the ones you want to make play different tracks. By using "overwrite" it will replace the "musicTrack" and "undergroundMusicTrack" arrays with your own. One thing to note, the day/night tracks seem to get cached upon going to a planet so make sure you're generating new planets when testing. The easiest way to ensure this is by wiping your universe folder. Make a backup if you wish to keep your current universe.
  16. dasVertrauen

    dasVertrauen Intergalactic Tourist

    ok I did as you adviced however the original starbound bgm still plays. I must cycle through the playlist by teleporting from ship to planet then it will start playing the songs that I want. lol. Is there something that I'm missing?

    "__merge" : [
    ["overwrite", "musicTrack"],
    ["overwrite", "combatTrack"],
    ["overwrite", "undergroundMusicTrack"]
      "musicTrack" : {
        "day" : {
          "tracks" : [ "/music/EtherealSkies.ogg", "/music/RoyalBlood.ogg", "/music/TaleoftheGodSlayer.ogg","/music/SeizedbyTime.ogg","/music/DarkShores.ogg","/music/BeneaththeMoonlight.ogg" ]
        "night" : {
          "tracks" : [ "/music/EtherealSkies.ogg", "/music/RoyalBlood.ogg", "/music/TaleoftheGodSlayer.ogg","/music/SeizedbyTime.ogg","/music/DarkShores.ogg","/music/BeneaththeMoonlight.ogg" ]
        "undergroundMusicTrack" : {
        "day" : {
          "tracks" : [ "/music/EtherealSkies.ogg", "/music/RoyalBlood.ogg", "/music/TaleoftheGodSlayer.ogg","/music/SeizedbyTime.ogg","/music/DarkShores.ogg","/music/BeneaththeMoonlight.ogg" ]
        "night" : {
          "tracks" : [ "/music/EtherealSkies.ogg", "/music/RoyalBlood.ogg", "/music/TaleoftheGodSlayer.ogg","/music/SeizedbyTime.ogg","/music/DarkShores.ogg","/music/BeneaththeMoonlight.ogg" ]
        "combatTrack" : {
        "day" : {
          "tracks" : [ "/music/FlyingHeaven.ogg", "/music/RollingGunChanger.ogg", "/music/SaftyinNumbers.ogg" ]
        "night" : {
          "tracks" : [ "/music/FlyingHeaven.ogg", "/music/RollingGunChanger.ogg", "/music/SaftyinNumbers.ogg" ]
    Only combat tracks overwrites just fine.

    //Edit: Ok... I found out what was wrong. Many thx. Working fine now.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2014
  17. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    How do i remove the repetive ship music?
  18. Soso4ek

    Soso4ek Void-Bound Voyager

    Could you please help me? I dont get it, i download zip archive, and what folder i must place in mods folder of the game?..
    I didnt get any music, only the ones in the ship.
    I renamed the folder, now i dont even have music in the ship.
    I took out a folder, and put it back, now i have battle music and music on the ship, but i dont have any new biom music, please help me!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 1, 2014
  19. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

  20. germanstarbound

    germanstarbound Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank you for this update!!!

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