1. Please be advised of a few specific rules and guidelines for this section.

Outdated Moar Music 2.0-Spirited Giraffe

100 More biome tracks to listen to as you explore.

  1. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    G4M5T3R submitted a new mod:

    MOAR MUSIC - More songs to listen to as you explore.

    Read more about this mod...
  2. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Re-uploading a smaller file. Was able to shave almost 80Mb off. Link should be fixed soon.
    *Sigh..* My upload speeds suck. Almost done.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  3. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

  4. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

  5. Med

    Med Phantasmal Quasar

    The download links to a deleted file on Mediafire. Did you leave it pointing to an older version which you have since deleted?
  6. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Yes, I tried updating the resource with the new link a few times however it seems to keep using the first link. I put a copy of the new link on the overview page just under Installation.
  7. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    G4M5T3R updated MOAR MUSIC with a new update entry:

    QuickFix & Update

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. shaderturn

    shaderturn Space Hobo

    BUG! In options were it says settings and music, when i turn the music to 0 it still plays the music, but when i turn the sfx to 0 it stops music. Please change it to music fix please! I wanna here the music as I beable to play my songs on the instrument still but with out this fix I can barely hear my instrument playing! Please fix asap
  9. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Are you in your ship when this happens? It would be because the "music" is actually a sfx. The fuel hatch object is were Chucklefish decided to put the background sound used when in your ship. It's not really a bug but if you simply can't stand this open my mod folder located in your Starbound mods folder and delete the objects folder within.

    * I will be updating later today with a new song used in the ship among other changes. It's more subtle and not nearly as loud. The same can be said for the Title music.
  10. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    G4M5T3R updated MOAR MUSIC with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  11. SkyeBound

    SkyeBound Master Chief

    Hey man, any chance you have a quick little guide to how you got these working? I am working on my own music mod for some RPG soundtracks, and I haven't been able to figure it out. I'm looking through your mod, But I was wondering if there was anyway to totally remove the in-gam music and replace it, instead of just adding more. Thanks! Great mod also.
  12. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Thank you, but the real credit goes to the composers of these remixes. As for a guide I can make one really quick, it's just a few short steps depending on what you want to mod.

    **Mini Tutorial on how to add/remove music**

    The first thing we are going to want to do is check the format of our music files. We will need to convert our tracks to the .ogg format in order for them to be compatible with the game. (I use DvdVideoSoft's Free Audio Converter )

    Once we have the .ogg tracks we wish to use we will start to make our mod.
    We open our Starbound mods folder, and create a new folder with the name of our new mod. Inside our new mod folder we, at the least, need a subfolder for our music and biomes. As well as a <modname>.modinfo file

    From here we put all of our .ogg tracks into our new music folder. Then we need to go to the /Starbound/assets/biomes/ folders and copy any biomes we wish to change the music in over to our new biomes folder.
    Do not worry about the space and detached biomes folders, these don't really use any audio files. What we're more interested in are the folders labeled surface and underground. Inside these are the biomes we want to copy and modify. The biome files needed end with either .surfacebiome or .undergroundbiome no need to worry about the .png or .parallax files in this tutorial.

    Now once we've copied the biomes we wish to mod we need to open the files and look for these lines of code. Usually a little past line 150 in most cases.
        "ambientNoises" : {
          "day" : {
            "tracks" : [ "/sfx/environmental/arctic_day.ogg" ]
          "night" : {
            "tracks" : [ "/sfx/environmental/arctic_night.ogg" ]
        "undergroundAmbientNoises" : {
          "day" : {
            "tracks" : [ "/sfx/environmental/ocean_underwater.ogg" ]
          "night" : {
            "tracks" : [ "/sfx/environmental/ocean_underwater.ogg" ]
        "musicTrack" : {
          "day" : {
            "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/arctic-exploration1.ogg", "/music/arctic-exploration2.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/M54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ]
          "night" : {
            "tracks" : [ "/music/arctic-constellation1.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation2.ogg", "/music/mercury.ogg", "/music/mira.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", "/music/psyche.ogg", "/music/accretion-Disc.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/eridanus-supervoid.ogg", "/music/horsehead-nebula.ogg", "/music/large-magellanic-cloud.ogg", "/music/M54.ogg", "/music/Nomads.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ]
        "undergroundMusicTrack" : {
          "day" : {
            "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/arctic-exploration1.ogg", "/music/arctic-exploration2.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/M54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ]
          "night" : {
            "tracks" : [ "/music/arctic-constellation1.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation2.ogg", "/music/mercury.ogg", "/music/mira.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", "/music/psyche.ogg", "/music/accretion-Disc.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/eridanus-supervoid.ogg", "/music/horsehead-nebula.ogg", "/music/large-magellanic-cloud.ogg", "/music/M54.ogg", "/music/Nomads.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ]
    As you can see we have: ambientNoises, undergroundAmbientNoises, musicTrack, undergroundMusicTracks, and a section for day or night in each.

    This is the important part. Each and every one of the "/music/<songname>.ogg", is an available song in this particular biome at a particular time. If we want to remove or add to any of these arrays we need to take caution and make sure we don't remove (or forget to add) anything important like brackets, commas, or quotation marks. Let's say we wanted to remove all songs from the surface level during the day from this biome. The array should look like this when empty.
        "musicTrack" : {
          "day" : {
            "tracks" : [   ]
    //To add a song to the day time array, empty or not, we simply add this section of code. With our new songs name of course.
        "musicTrack" : {
          "day" : {
            "tracks" : [ "/music/<songnamehere>.ogg" ]
    Repeat these steps for each and every song we wish to remove from, or include into, each biome in our mod. Be sure to include commas for each statement with the exception of the last.

    Battle songs can be found in /Starbound/assets/client.config
    Title music can be found in /Starbound/assets/interface/windowconfig/title.config
    Music can be added to our ships by locating the apexfuelhatch.object and change the sfx path to the path of our .ogg track

    And there you go, how to add and remove music from Starbound.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  13. SkyeBound

    SkyeBound Master Chief

    Wow, alright thank you so much for that guide. My problem was I was directly editing the games Biome files and i was crashing. I had no idea I had to copy the files into a mod folder first. Thanks a ton G4M5T3R, i'm gonna try this right now.
    G4M5T3R likes this.
  14. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Technically you can edit them directly but it's ill advised unless you make back ups first. The <modname>.modinfo method is a recent addition to native mod support by Chucklefish. I just advise using it.

    *do you know how to add a .modinfo file to your mod?
  15. SkyeBound

    SkyeBound Master Chief

    Okay, I seem to have everything in order, but i'm not quite sure how to get my .modinfo file made. The game is stalling out on the "Loading" bar.
  16. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    I sent you a PM
  17. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    G4M5T3R updated MOAR MUSIC with a new update entry:

    Arctic fix

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. Shadoxx-Aurion

    Shadoxx-Aurion Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is there no way to do battle themes based on the biome ?
    Judging from the experimental OST, it was something planned, so maybe it's implemented in the game but not used now.
  19. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    I don't know enough about Lua yet to browse the scripts and tell if this is in fact implemented but not used. But as far as I can tell (in the JSON files) the array for the battle songs can be found in only one location, the client.config, and it doesn't check to see what biome you are in. I can test adding a "combatTrack" array to a biome. I can't say with any certainty that it will work that way though.
  20. neoxyooj

    neoxyooj Intergalactic Tourist

    i love this mod but since the new update (angry koala), i cant load it up. can you patch an update?

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