Suggestion Mining idea for multiplayer.

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Jammyc93, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Jammyc93

    Jammyc93 Void-Bound Voyager

    Is it possible to make characters invulnerable during multiplayer when they interact with the exit ladder in the mine and the skull cavern as i;ve passed out a few times to serpents and bats flying into me as im trying to leave because i wasnt quick enough to click yes.
    • UnexpectedParole

      UnexpectedParole Phantasmal Quasar

      I have never been past level 15 in the skull cavern, and that was from falling over 12 levels total so I do not count myself as any sort of expert. Especially at mining.

      However -and I do not want to sound snarkish, but I don't think you passed out because you were not able to click "yes" fast enough.

      I think You passed out because you did not heal yourself from damage when low on health. Before running to the stairs.

      Either you chose to enter the mines with in-adequate amounts of food / life elixir to heal yourself, or you chose not to consume it. Personal choice. -Not bad timing, nor game snafu. Personal player choice of resource / health / inventory and energy maintenance.

      Let's say for a sec that they code in the safe invulnerable spot on the ladder is implemented.
      What happens next in this scenario? Answer: You (or I , or any other player now - doing the exact same thing) drop one level after the "yes" and then die on the next level to the monster that bites there.

      The player is still dead. But Now we've gained the bonus of reaching a new level - which might be an elevator level which is a big deal at least in the regular mines.

      You / I have done nothing to earn that level. Just asked the coders to give it to us.

      My personal thoughts are that I only see potential abuse from this change.

      -for an example of abuse.
      Currently my son and I play in mp together and he does the fighting and I do the mining and searching for exits. I carry lots and lots of healing things so that I can ignore the strikes if he can't cover me quick enough from a new attacker and I plow on with the pick. Once I find an exit either I need to go to the next stage without him, stay and fight here, or I have to wait and soak damage until he reaches the stairs too. -

      If we allow an "invulnerable" spot above the ladder to go down, freebies galore for me. I don't have to do anything but delay hitting "yes" and I'm untouchable? -No need to use elixirs or eat food, no need to fight monsters, no need to do anything but wait until the area is cleared even if I wanted to. Then loot in peace? And, as mentioned before I could still also gain the knowledge of the next level by dropping before dying if I wanted to.

      Now add two more players too? Do they get to stand on the stairs with me? Or three to clear and the one player with no need to carry supplies just acts like a pack mule?

      It seems like too easy an exploit , for something that is not even really a problem.

      I've played quite some time now and have just started to figure out how important carrying the stacks of health items and avoiding combat is. Maybe you just need a bit more time to realize it yourself?

      Run and heal. Run and heal. best of luck.
        Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
        Fuzzyman and Focean like this.
      • DjScribbles

        DjScribbles Poptop Tamer

        Pretty reasonable request in my opinion; unquestionably when leaving the mine, since that can be a frantic event; I've had cases where I go down a ladder and am instantly covered by a slime my partner left behind (or that was just really close), it's extremely lame way to die trying to click "yes" in the dialog. Keep in mind that the single player game pauses for all dialogs, getting through them isn't supposed to reward twitch reflexes.

        Adding a 3 to 5 second limit to the invulnerability granted should keep it from being exploited much while keeping the gameplay close to the single player experience. If someone is so hellbent on exploiting such a feature at that point, well, they've earned it, congratulations.

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