Skizot submitted a new mod: Mini dozer - Terraforming on a more human scale. Read more about this mod...
This and the bulldozer one are pretty awesome. Just one question (that was asked in the bulldozer thread). Could we get functionality in (for both of these) that allows us to dig 'upwards' in an even fashion so as to smooth out cliffs and whatnot (and on the same notion, down as well)? Could tie the up and down movements to the W and S key (or up and down for camera view, however you wanna do it, heh). I'm not sure yet if this is a problem for the mini dozer, but with the bulldozer there are cases of it getting 'hung up' on plant vines and not cutting through them as it should. It seems if they're below a certain threshold in the 'clearing box' that the vines won't get destroyed, stopping dozer progress until you clear them out. It's not too big of a deal, but it is weird, heh. Great mods for the builders, though~ )
that is very through of you! anything else you can tell me besides it's extracted to the mod folder? maybe if there's an error in the log?
i can drive just a little then energy is gone so it use energy plz change this or lower the cost extremly
make higher tier armor and you can drive it indefinately... it is the same as regular mechs and I am pretty sure i'm going to leave ti that way, all i need to do i make it so the recipe costs more.
I think this is very handy and good for clearing out large areas/getting lots of materials, however I don't really like the fact that you don't gather all the drops without having to get out of the dozer. If the player was down a little lower in it then we could collect all drops in one sweep without having to get out and backtrack...
If I did the youd not see your character at all, it IS a reason i suggest smart pet mod. the pet will follow you and pick up all the drops you miss
Okay then, how would I go about dropping my character down a bit to get all the items? Because I don't personally like pets, or pet mods with my characters and would rather not have to do that just to get all the drops.
I also posted in the reviews, but I used it in my ship on a whim and the wall tiles and ship door promptly all came off and afterwards were editable by normal means. Certainly an interesting side effect. Edit: Evidently I never bothered to find out that the background of the ship was editable before. You'll have to excuse my excitement. *facepalm*
I'd like to point out that there's some issue with the sound files for both this mod and the bulldozer one. I'm not sure if it's the actual sound files...or the way that Starbound handles them at present...but occasionally when I fire it up the sound goes really loud and the screen slideshows. I actually had a character crash as a result of this and the character got corrupted. That being said...just removing the sounds (not sure which one caused it...but it wasn't necessarily the one that played when you first 'summon' it) made it work swimmingly. Still a great mod...just pointing it out for ya.
So, I ran into an Issue/bug with the mini dozer. It installed just fine and I've used it a bit, but I found that occasionally if you summon it whilst underground (I was running a new game and whatnot so gathering materials) It crashes the entire game by looping the game in a two screen loop and plays a loud screeching looped SFX. First time error with it though so otherwise its a great mod. I'll keep you informed on any other issues I come across.
that is actually an error with mechs in general, had it happen to me with the human mech tech... not sure what it is..
Seems to be a load issue, it just happened again. So far you need a decent area of level flat land to spawn it, and it mega crashed again when I spawned during a jump, same error style as before. I'm seeing where the limitations are to avoid other issues and let ya know as I find them. Don't know if its any help but at least others will be aware of what to watch out for.
Hey dude just wanted to say loved the mod but consider adding in the description that it takes energy as i know myself that i thought it was broken for a moment. Just a thought.
Have you tried editing the files to remove the sound from the actions? I did this when I had similar problems (in my case the crash corrupted my character, though, heh) and I haven't had any problems using it since then. I think it's a problem with the sound files + the way the mech summons (since it kind of bounces so multiple sounds play at once, etc). As I said, I haven't had any issues since I did that personally and I've used the mini bulldozer extensively to level landing areas of whatever planet i'm on (and then some, of course ) so that I could build my outpost marker there.