Those two together sound like hell, but kudos for getting there anyway. You must have been burning through four or five bars of energy each day just watering all that. No problemos. I didn't mention previously, but another reason I chose the river layout is that no matter where your crop is, there's always somewhere to refill the can with just a few steps. I never intended getting sprinklers, so access to water was paramount I still haven't gone back to my Farming 10 farm yet, but I will. My current focus is on the race to Fishing 10. I'm convinced its possible to do it by day 7, in fact I expect plenty of people have already done it, but I just haven't quite got there yet. My closest is a few hundred XP short, and getting there about 9.30am on day 8. But I've reached level 7 on day 4, level 8 on day 5 and level 9 on day 6 three time each, and I'm getting a fair bit of practice, and more perfect catches means faster accumulation of XP, so I'm not giving up on that prospect just yet. The hardest bit at the start was remembering not to go for treasure chests all the time
Surprisingly, my watering averaged less than two full bars of energy a day, and never went above 2.7 bars: Days 1-4 82 energy (41 crops at 2 energy each) Days 5-8: 716 energy (377 crops at 1.9 energy each) Day 9: 567 energy (378 crops at 1.5 each) Days 10-12 540 energy (386 crops at 1.4 each) Day 13 714 energy (510 crops at 1.4 each) Day 14 665 energy (512 crops at 1.3 each) Days 15-19 614 energy (512 x 1.2) Day 20 453 energy (412 x 1.1) Average = 514 energy, which is 1.9 full bars. The energy cost would be identical with a copper watering can. The upgraded can might have saved me time, but I find them fiddly to use and get annoyed by waiting for the charge. I doubt it would have saved me much, and with no rainy days to use for the upgrade it definitely wasn't worth a day of not watering my crops. If energy costs are acceptable, which I think these were, parsnips are actually the most efficient thing to plant to gain XP fast. Spending 10000GP on seeds of different Spring plants earns the following XP/day: Parsnips - 1000 XP per day Potatoes - 467 XP / day Kale - 405 XP / day Cauliflower - 240 XP/day I did try a farm with kale to cut down watering, but I couldn't work out how to get to farming 10 before the 24th without digging a lot of extra plots. Replacing harvested plants with new seeds means planting kale on 5th, 11th and 18th (since Pierre's is closed on Weds 17th and I need to sell the crop I harvested to afford the expensive seeds). Planting in between this means digging extra plots, putting the energy cost up nearer to that of parsnips anyway. Plus it needs money from something other than selling harvested crops, which means lots of fishing rather than any mining or gathering salmonberries. But with no parsnips to eat, I had to eat a lot of the fish I caught. I couldn't make the economics work. Rainy days for catfish would have helped, but I seem to be low on luck for rain in that part of Spring. I honestly found the parsnip farm much easier! Day 7 sounds like a challenging target - good luck! I'm trying out a farm aimed at fast foraging 10, mostly because I have no idea how to do it so it's making me experiment with play-style.
Legit surprised. I didn't even consider using parsnips, I just assumed the energy cost would be horrendous, but looking closer I now see you threw in almost 500 spuds too, which eases things by well over 100 plots per day compared to pure parsnips. But no, this is just wrong. Setting aside the need for rain on exactly day 7 for getting a copper can this early, let's take day 8, one of your most exhausting days, to see how big a difference it makes Basic can - 377 crops = 377 uses @ 1.9E = 716E Copper can - 377 crops = 126 uses @ 3.9E = 491E That's a difference of 225E just on that one day, 5/6 of a full bar, and as you go through the days, it's going to add up to a lot of extra food you need to eat, that you therefore can't sell for more seeds. Obviously set against that, it's 2,000g to upgrade the can, which would also buy a lot of seeds early on, and as already established, needs a convenient rainy day, as well as half a day of mining, which itself has an associated opportunity cost of not fishing. Will the reduced energy burden later on offset all that upfront lost opportunity cost? Honestly, I don't know, but probably not. I still bought over 250 more kale than I needed, and if I didn't need to do all the fishing I did (I actually reached Fishing 10 before reaching Farming 10) then I could have spent more time watering with my basic can each day anyway, so maybe it wasn't worth upgrading it after all. Nevertheless, the basic can will use more energy than a copper can would until you reach Farming 10, at which point the challenge is already over and it's irrelevant. Having been able to plant so many more kale than I needed, I think I can certainly rustle up the cash whichever path I choose, so, masochist that I am, I'm going to try again with parsnips now I know that the energy demand for watering is far more manageable than I expected. Then I'll go again with kale, and a basic can. I want to investigate whether there's more to be shaved off; my gut feel is that there's at least another day to be found somewhere, possibly more. I think I might even do this before my fishing attempts, I think I need a break from it right now, tbh. It's definitely doable and I will get there; I'm not that far off, only a few hundred xp, and getting better and better at perfect catches, which is what will make the difference. I'm going to do them all, except maybe combat. I'll be thinking about this while I'm either fishing or repeating farming, because it's going to be a bit more strategic than mining, where you basically just bash as many rocks as possible for as long as possible. Even the farm choice here isn't clear cut. The forest farm has the renewable hardwood and extra forageables, the standard farm has comfortably the largest number of common trees to fell, while the mining farm offers the best chance of an early copper axe upgrade. Money isn't really going to be an issue at all, because upgrades are so cheap; copper upgrades can be afforded with about half a day's fishing, and about a day for steel upgrades, and there's not much else you need to buy. As a result, fishing will be sporadic, mainly for food until salmonberries kick in, and however you approach this, you'll easily get Foraging 4 for the extra berry by day 15, as that can be got quite comfortably even on a fairly balanced farm. Ultimately though, I have a feeling it'll probably come down to the RNG and how many forageables you can find to craft into seeds by each Sunday, because you'll run out of trees before you run out of energy, so despite the significantly lower return on energy that planting the seeds offers, once those trees are gone, it's still better than having unspent time and energy.
Fair enough! I was mistaken on the energy cost of the can - for ages I've been believing a comment I read somewhere that it costs the same energy per square, but I see I should have checked. It's a long time since I've used an upgraded can at all, since I normally just go for early sprinklers. I think my money problems with kale were because I focused on mining in my spare time rather than fishing: I was trying to get quality sprinklers up, since on other recent runs I've had some of these by mid-spring and it has really bought me time. But I couldn't quite get it to work on the runs I tried with kale. It seems like it should be possible... I might also try a pure fishing and farming run instead to see what difference it makes. It's interesting to see what's possible with little tweaks, and how the different advantages of different crops play out when the constraints such as available money are changed. I've gone with the forest map for my first attempt - the extra 200 XP/day from the renewable stumps seems a good bet. Currently starting Day 7. By Day 4 I had chopped down all the accessible trees off the farm, which seemed good, and I managed to plant 30 spring forage seeds on day 2 because of good RNG. But then I hit bad luck in the mines on Day 5 - not official bad luck, just very little copper, so I didn't have enough to upgrade my axe right away. Nonetheless, I still hit foraging 4 on Day 5 - just by picking up forage on the way to the mine - so I think that would actually be possible by Day 4. I've now also planted twenty-something pine trees and some maple so that I'm not relying just on what regenerates. I'll keep this run going to get a rough target of when level 10 might be possible, then try another run making use of what I learn. I can already see that I'll need some kind of solution for watering energy if I'm going to replant all the forage crops I harvest. Considering normal sprinklers...
Yeah, sprinklers are really part of a long term strategy; the cost-benefit in the short term is truly awful. I didn't even bother trying to mine down, I knew it'd waste far too much time where the goal is simply Farming 10 ASAP. For me, the MO seemed simple - get money, invest in crops, rinse and repeat. But, considering you wasted so much time on unnecessary mining down to floor 40, and I massively overspent on kale and probably unnecessarily splurged on a copper can at the expense of earlier crop expansion, and yet we both still made Spring 21, it makes me think there's both time and money available to make room for more crops earlier, and perhaps a faster finish. Yeah, forest map is probably going to be the best tbh; per day, and for very little effort or travel time, it's nearly 16 trees you don't have to chop down, or 29 forageables you don't have to find, or any combo of the two, and eventually it should outperform the other choices. How about no? upgrade watering can IMO
I think I came at this from thinking about getting Farming 10 just within Spring. From that point of view, the mining strategy makes sense - it's easy enough to get to level 80 by the time you hit farming 6, about day 12, and then the sprinklers buy a huge amount of spare time later on. Spring 27 for farming 10, with sprinklers and strawberries, would be a really nice start. But it's not the best way to do this challenge, and I didn't adapt my strategy enough. Agreed. I think the forest map makes it possible to reach foraging 10 in Spring, with luck. If you can get 45 copper processed in time on Day 6, you can get 21 days of 200 XP from chopping the renewable stumps. 20 days if you upgrade to iron axe (which you should). So that's 4000 XP from the map choice. That's the equivalent of an extra 333 trees. Not accounting for the extra XP from the foragables that appear on the farm. But I think I disagree. This first time through, by day 14 I have a lot of spare copper and iron. I have only just made enough money to get my iron axe - that's something to improve next play-through. But because I planted in the correct pattern, I could now lay down a bunch of normal quality sprinklers, and in a few days I will probably have covered my watering requirements. The foraging crops ramp up in space quite slowly because they take 7 days - it gives time to do the mining. The only issue is that I'm not at Farming 2 yet...
With 20 minutes to spare, I finally got Fishing 10 on day 7. And here's the Upload Farm link It was definitely the best fishing run-through I've ever had, by miles. Day 2 was epic, and along with the fish I caught, I sold forage, fiber and literally anything that wasn't nailed down, and I was able to take 4,917g to Willy when I went on day 3. On top of the fiberglass rod, that was enough for me to buy 5 trout soup and a massive 373 bait. Everything snowballed from there really, the sooner you get through the earlier levels the sooner you get gold fish and perfect catches, and it just accelerates the whole process massively. Anyway, added to the few bits of bait I got from treasure chests, it turned out to be all the bait I needed, and I reached Fishing 10 with five pieces of bait to spare. This meant I didn't need to waste the best part of two hours on a detour to visit Willy again, and I think that made the difference this time. After several tries, I'm also better at getting perfect catches than I was when I started this, which has definitely helped too. I would have been super pissed if I had run out of bait though, because I just realised that despite completing 'Archaeology' on day 1 with a rusty spur found right outside the farmhouse door, I forgot to cash in the 250g and therefore missed out on an extra 50 bait. Day 2 Fishing 1 @ 9.20am Fishing 2 @ 3.10pm Fishing 3 @ 9.20pm (A regular benchmark, this is a huge PB, usually around midnight, previous best was 11.10pm) Daily XP - 1,051 XP Day 3 Fishing 4 @ 12.40pm Fishing 5 @ 8.00pm (Another benchmark and another PB, usually several hours later) Daily XP - 1,971 XP Total XP - 3,022 XP Day 4 Fishing 6 @ 9.20am Fishing 7 @ 7.10pm Daily XP - 2,773 XP Total XP - 5,795 XP Day 5 Fishing 8 @1.50pm Daily XP - 3,195 XP Total XP - 8,990 XP Day 6 Fishing 9 @ 1.10pm Daily XP - 3,075 XP Total XP - 12,065 XP Day 7 Fishing 10 @ 1.40am Daily XP - 2,965 XP Total XP - 15,030 XP Fish caught 6 Bream 47 Largemouth Bass 19 Smallmouth Bass 89 Carp 4 Catfish 1 Sunfish (obviously) 76 Bullhead 110 Chub 15 Shad Plenty of catfish got away on day 3, and even with the trout soup, I only caught 4, but despite that, I still think the river is worth it on day 3 because at this fishing level I find it's easier to get perfect catches on the other river fish than on most of the lake fish, plus there's no carp to drag the XP per hour down either. I also had a rainy day on day 5, but I fished the lake anyway, because by then I can get more perfects on Bullhead and Chub, and even a few L. Bass, but too many Catfish still escape me at Fishing 7 or 8 I've woken up on day 8 with fish worth 40,752g. Setting aside for a moment the river fish I caught on day 3, that's an average of 8,712g worth of lake fish caught per day over the last four days. There's not a lot of treasure loot because I was deliberately not going for them, because perfect catches are worth a bigger bonus than treasure catches, but now I'm at Fishing 10 treasure chests would definitely be on the agenda. So, at that rate, and adding whatever comes out of the chests, I estimate another 11 or 12 days of fishing would buy all of the repairs on Joja Community Development Form. I'm confident that I would definitely buy the last repair no later than day 20. I might make it a little faster if I could get there early enough on day 19 to get to Willy to sell, or if I got rain and bagged a Legend or two. I'm definitely going to continue this farm with something, not yet sure what though; almost certainly going Joja, but after that, who knows? Open to ideas.
Impressive! Your level 3 & 5 times are about an hour ahead of my bests and it just snowballs from there. You got lvl 10 three full days ahead of me. I'm glad you picked up on this challenge. It's really doable for drubs like me, and can be really improved on by people with enough sense to buy bait more than a couple hundred at a time.
As someone who just barely finished the community center in year one w/600k earned these sorts of challenges definitely keep me playing. After seeing farming 10 by the end of Spring and Fishing 10 by Spring 7 on this thread which just blows my mind, is it possible to combine the two? Get farming AND fishing 10 before the end of spring? How would you manage your time to get this? I can sort of grasp the fishing 10, my last run ending up fishing out all of the fish out of the mountain lake, though I don’t know if I can match Fishing 10 by Spring 7 lol. When do you buy the 24-slot pack? Do you put up treasure chests to store goods at the point of getting them? Do you drink coffee like crazy to minimize time between your bin and where you get the fish? Inquiring future min/maxers want to know!
Haha, I think it was less about sense and more about available funds. I still came so close to screwing it up though, with not claiming the 250g for the artifact donation and nearly running out. Anyway, I've never had anywhere near that much money before on day 3. On a normal farm I usually have around 2,500g or so, but here I still had the starting 500g, which I usually spend, and the 15 free parsnips, which I usually plant, was another 150g, plus a few hundred for forage and fiber held over from day 1 as well. Even on a few previous attempts at this challenge, I was typically getting to Willy with about 3,800g or so. I didn't keep that detailed a track, but I think I probably just caught virtually zero trash on that day, almost every cast was food or money, also racking up both the cash and the XP faster. I was eating algae all day, which means not eating fish, which saves money. Maybe I also got decent treasure too, like a diamond or something, I can't actually remember, but anyway, it let me get 5x trout soup and almost 400x bait, instead of having to get not quite enough of either, and that was what made the difference as much as actually doing the fishing bit better. An hour or more ahead of mine too, until now! I tend to take notice of levels 3 and 5 because they happen so close to the end of days 2 and 3, and are therefore obvious milestones. Level 5 on day 3 is particularly important in a normal farm, because you can then sell fish on day 4 at the 25% premium, and afford more stuff. But honestly, I think getting to levels 4 and 6 as early as possible are just as crucial, because level 4 is where you start to get gold quality fish and level 6 is where you always get gold quality fish, and that's where the extra XP and bonuses, or cash, really do help you kick on. You were trying to rush Joja repairs, which is a different challenge to rushing Fishing 10. So, you grew potatoes (and maybe parsnips?), which is shopping, hoeing and daily watering. You also caught a bunch of sardines from the ocean, and presumably other low XP fish while doing so, and catfish for the money on rainy days. Fishing the river on a rainy day will earn you more money than the lake (w/o Legend), but because you will almost never get perfect catfish, the lake will get you more XP, except on day 3. Finally, you must have spent a fair chunk of time chopping enough wood for the house upgrade, along with a trip to Robin's shop to hire her, all in the middle of prime fishing time. Oh, and you had to buy bait, and all that adds up; you're investing time now in expectation of payback later catching Legend, and thus offsetting the setup costs of being able to do so. Whereas I, apart from the two trips to Willy on the mornings of days 2 and 3, spent literally every possible moment catching fish, including passing out at the side of the lake at 2am every night. I was also not catching treasure chests either, because it costs XP, while you probably were catching chests, because the money is better to catch them than to leave them. With different goals come different priorities and tactics, and eventually those differences add up. FWIW, with what you've done and what I've done, I think it's very doable to repair Joja in spring without needing to catch any Legend at all; on rainy days, just fish the river farm right outside the front door instead, and save 40 minutes travelling time to boot. Yes, it's definitely possible. In my race to Farming 10, I actually got to Fishing 10 first, on day 19 IIRC. But that was incidental, I was simply fishing for the cash to help buy all the seeds I was planting. Fishing is both the easiest and fastest skill to complete. In fact, I would be quite happy if it was nerfed in a future update, to help balance the game, because fishing is so ridiculously overpowered in the early part of the game. All of the fish that aren't right at the very difficult end are simply way too easy to catch, for obscenely large amounts of XP. For example you get 33% more XP for a perfect gold Carp than you do for a non-perfect gold L. Bass, which is just absurd considering the relative difficulty of catching them, and all of the "smooth" fish are way too easy, even the Eel and Tuna. On a normal farm, I try to buy it on day 4, although obviously I didn't do that on the Fishing 10 farm. I know some people prefer to hold off as long as possible, instead ploughing the money back into seeds, but I favour going for an early upgrade because I like that I can bring out everything from the mines, and I can move lots of stuff from one end of the map to the other in one trip. I personally think that it's worth the investment in time saved and that the extra goodies you can retain help to pay it off very quickly, but others disagree, and I don't think there's any hard proof either for or against it. All I know is that it just suits the way I want to play. Feel free to delay it, feel free to get it as soon as you want to, it's up to you. Yes, absolutely, they're essential imo. Obviously, like pretty much everyone else, the first thing I do on day 1 is chop enough wood to build my first chest, and that goes right outside the farmhouse door, before I do anything else at all. Then my second chest; first thing on day 2, I put a chest by my fishing spot on the lake, with wood chopped in the evening on day 1. Despite the darkness, you can just about see it in the picture above, it's about 3 squares west of my farmer. The third chest goes by the river for day 3 fishing, and the fourth chest goes in the entrance cave to the mines, just to the right of the elevator, on day 5. I also tend to quickly get second and third chests on the farm, which I favour over using 300 wood to repair the bridge to the rock pools; in fact, because it's so far out of the way of all the other places where I mostly go in Spring (secret woods, mines and lake) I tend to delay going there until late spring or even early summer.
It's thing like that. You did point out that we did have two different goals, but still at the most basic level we play two different games. Maybe I'm OCD and it just seems wrong, or maybe I'm just getting old and set in my ways, but wanting my own bed is a burden I carry. ;D
I've been giving some thought about routing tool and bag upgrades in your first couple seasons, and I suppose it depends on your play style which ones you go for, but in my experience... I always beeline for Mine level 80+ before the third week of Spring because that way I have enough gold for the Quality Sprinklers. I want at least 20 by the end of Spring so I can go into Summer a step ahead. As a result, I always, ALWAYS go for a copper pick first. Usually at the beginning of salmonberry season, because that way I can spend the two days Clint takes in upgrading the pick by picking berries and getting all the stamina I'll need to make my push down the mines. A couple hundred salmonberries goes a long way. I also try for a Steel Pickaxe upgrade at some point before the end of the season, but that's a bit tougher. If you are on the Forest Farm, getting a Copper Axe is really valuable, you've got the renewable hardwood already on the farm, and you've got secret forest forage spawns on your farm, so there's no need to rush a steel axe to get into the forest, but rushing the copper axe means you can spend energy to get hardwood and a lot of foraging experience so you can start Summer with Foraging 6 and plenty of lightning rods. You'll need some for the Iridium Sprinklers for your greenhouse, and you'll also need one for Qi's quest chain, and if you are courting Maru they are a loved gift. They also sell pretty well. They also help prevent crops from being struck by lightning as well, which can be especially handy if you found an Ancient Fruit in Spring. So a Copper Axe upgrade can be pretty valuable if you are on the Forest Farm. However, if you aren't, then the copper axe is nearly valueless, other than slightly more efficient at clearing trees, until you get the Steel Axe and can get into the Secret Woods. Copper Watering Can and Hoe can be useful, but can also be something of a trap, depending on how your farm is laid out. You're already wanting Quality Sprinklers, because zero endurance cost is better than reduced endurance cost. However, in your first Spring, having a copper watering can and hoe can be pretty valuable, especially if you have a larger farm plot you are trying to maintain. After that, however, their only use is the first day of each season. When you get your first bag upgrade is a tricky question. One thing I've done to put this off is to take a chest with me to the mine and place it just above the minecart. That way, if I find my inventory getting cluttered at a level in a multiple of 5, I can quickly go up to the top, deposit stuff, and take the elevator back down with minimal time loss. I'd much rather upgrade my pick than upgrade my back early on. Also, most of your tools can be left behind on your farmstead, you only need the pick and maybe the hoe if you anticipate running into worm dig spots, and some kind of food (spring onions or salmonberries). You then get the newbie sword. So that's three or four slots, giving you several for collecting copper, stone, and whatever other resources you might find. I've actually gone ahead and delayed until Summer after my initial crop planting session before I upgrade the bag even once.
An opening offer of foraging 10 on Spring 27: It turns out I could have done it earlier with less effort, since there were two mushroom levels next to each other that I just found on the last day, on mine levels 91 and 92. I'm thinking that mushroom levels might be the way to go for a faster play-through of this challenge. Given I was down to level 50 by Spring 10, I could have pushed to the bottom of the mine and just mined mushrooms every day... Breakdown of my sources of XP: Cutting renewable stumps on forest map - 3800 Cutting renewable stumps in secret woods - 2550 Cutting other stumps and logs - 325 Forage grown on farm - 3108 Trees cut down - around 3003 Mushroom level - approx 350 in a few hours at the end of one day Found forage inc. spring onions - approx 1864 One very strange aspect of this was reaching level 8 in time to harvest salmonberries in 3s the first spring... I'm going to try another version without planting anything at all and see how that compares!
You got your steel axe upgrade in your first spring? Wow, that's pretty awesome. I don't know if I'd have done that, especially not on the forest map, where you can just cut renewable stumps daily. Then again, I might not have gotten Foraging 10 by then either, so tradeoffs. How much time was spent mining vs foraging?
It was fairly equal mining and foraging until week 3, then watering forage crops on the farm took over a bit too much. I'm not honestly sure they're worth it, which is why I'm going to try a run without them. I also spent too long harvesting salmonberries - it was so tempting when I was getting 3 at once, but I ended up with far more than I needed and could have done with going deeper in the mine instead. I put absolutely everything into upgrading the axe asap, because the renewable stumps are worth a lot of foraging XP - 350 a day once you have both upgrades, which contributes nearly half the total XP needed to get to level 10. I put my axe in for copper upgrade on 6th, and for steel upgrade on 9th. That's different from my normal play style - I quite often upgrade my pickaxe twice before bothering even with the copper axe, and I wouldn't normally rush any upgrade that fast. I do normally try to get the steel axe in spring though, for access to secret woods forage. (To balance that, I don't normally bother upgrading my watering can or hoe until much later in the year.)
You have the renewable stumps on the Forest farm for just copper axe, without needing to go all the way to Steel. Then you can get your Steel pick on top of that for deeper mining for sprinklers. You also get all the secret forest exclusive forages on the forest farm itself, so that's another reason I typically put off the steel axe. Even ignoring the iron, that's 10k you're spending in the first spring upgrading. That's expensive for that early in the game. However, that's a LOT of foraging experience you got by gaining access to the secret forest early. That would be a lot of trees in the woods being chopped down to stumps to make up for it, so that was probably key in hitting Foraging 10 so soon.
You're right that on the forest farm it does make sense to stick at copper axe in the spring, unless you're trying for early foraging. I'm not sure it would be doable that soon without. I actually cut down every tree from outside the farm in the first four days, then kept cutting them when they regenerated. I sowed very nearly all the seeds back onto the farm (a few went to field snacks), and I cut the farm trees to stumps so they kept giving out seeds, so the farm ended up quite forested too. I only cut the little stumps off the farm when a sapling grew next to them (they seem to count as a tree to prevent it growing to full size), or when I had a bit of spare time near the end of the month. All in all I think it would be hard to get much more tree XP than I got, simply because of the limited number of trees at the start and the time they take to grow.
Not bad, quicker than I expected tbh. I thought it'd take until summer Can't rely on them though, sometimes there aren't any mushroom levels at all. Sure, take advantage when they're there, but I wouldn't build a strategy around them. I think you're better off keeping the forage crops in, they contributed over 20% of your XP Quick question, how did you afford the axe upgrades, given how little farming and fishing you did and you presumably weren't selling forageables?
The first upgrade was mostly funded by parsnips, which I grew a crop of at the very start, plus beach forage. The second upgrade was much trickier. I ended up selling all my quartz and wood to just scrape the money in time. The rest came from gems from the mines, the fish I had time to catch in the first few days, beach forage, and minerals from cracking geodes. I avoided having to sell any spring seeds, but only just and that wasa because of luck with the geodes, I think.
I lucked into shattering my PBs. Got lucky bubbles that stuck around for 5 hours on day 2. Didn't get started till nearly 10:00am and still made lvl 3 by 8:00pm. I got lvl 5 at 8:20pm on day 3. First cast... Last hit from the bubbles... Level 3... Level 5...