Well I fear death (me and others), being alone and being disliked by all, so dying alone would be that.
Somewhat. Elusive is probably the right word. I tend to be very unnoticable to strangers, exept when my looks are apreciated, but most that get to know me really like me. I have too many of those. I tend to forgive the wrong people. I know moving on and forgetting people is the smart thing to do but most people need to kindly ask and I will forgive them. Haven't tasted that but I love both steak and milk and google makes it sound delicious.
I dream of a perfect world, where everyone is intelligent, kind, peaceful and open minded. I'd want introverts not to feel stressed in social situations but would still like being alone some times. I'd want to shape this world as a sort of god-like entity and fix any mistakes I might have done. If you want a realistic answer, I don't really have one. Well I guess I would want the perfect game.
I don't know. Maybe someone who says something really smart and gets paid a lot for that. Haven't tried but probably not. I used to like swimming but nowadays I don't feel like washing salt and sand of, drying off and changing clothes. Also I hate dirty water, sand, bird poop and such stuff.