Modding Discussion Migrating XNB mods to Content Patcher packs

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Mar 5, 2018.

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  1. Allayna

    Allayna Ketchup Robot

    The from file isn't just ladder.png, it's the [season]_ladder.png
    The game will load the 'ladder.png' just fine via the tbin files, it just won't apply the seasonal ones.

    Also, these are maps in the maps folder already, nothing is referencing the content folder
    • hwayunhae

      hwayunhae Pangalactic Porcupine

      @Allayna, my advice was a paraphrase of what Pathoschild instructed a few posts ago, here and on the Content Patcher update topic.

      I originally understood it as what you were doing before, but I suggested perhaps trying the other way just in case what he meant was just to load it without the seasonal info at all. >.<
      • Allayna

        Allayna Ketchup Robot

        and I did that... the tilesheet was just 'ladder.png'. That's what it has always been. Then i'm trying to make seasonal changes to that tilesheet via loads in the content file, Like Pathoschild advised.

        I've also tried like this as I have on another cp mod
        "Action": "Load",
        "Target": "maps/ladder.png",
        "FromFile": "assets/{{season}}/recolor.png",
        "When": {
        "Recolor": "true"
        "Action": "Load",
        "Target": "maps/ladder.png",
        "FromFile": "assets/{{season}}/original.png",
        "When": {
        "Recolor": "false"
        and this
        "Action": "Load",
        "Target": "maps/ladder.png",
        "FromFile": "assets/fall/recolor.png",
        "When": {
        "Recolor": "true",
        "Season": "fall"
        "Action": "Load",
        "Target": "maps/ladder.png",
        "FromFile": "assets/fall/original.png",
        "When": {
        "Recolor": "false",
        "Season": "fall"

        If this is not what he and you meant, then can you give an example?
        • Pathoschild

          Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

          @Allayna Content Patcher doesn't quite fully support maps yet. That's partly fixed in SMAPI 2.6-beta.8, but there's one change needed in the game itself.

          I converted another XNB map mod to figure this out for you. The temporary workaround for maps is:
          1. Load the map as an XNB file from your mod folder, which will prevent Content Patcher from trying to handle the tilesheets.
          2. Inject the tilesheets into the Content/Maps folder with a seasonal prefix, which the game will handle automatically:
               "Action": "Load",
               "Target": "maps/spring_ladder",
               "FromFile": "assets/spring_ladder.png"
               "Action": "Load",
               "Target": "maps/summer_ladder",
               "FromFile": "assets/summer_ladder.png"
               "Action": "Load",
               "Target": "maps/fall_ladder",
               "FromFile": "assets/fall_ladder.png"
               "Action": "Load",
               "Target": "maps/winter_ladder",
               "FromFile": "assets/winter_ladder.png"

          This workaround is only needed temporarily. Once the beta settles down, I'll request the game change that will let Content Patcher handle tilesheets automatically (so you'd only need to load the map).
          • Pak_RT

            Pak_RT Aquatic Astronaut

            Attached Files:

            Last edited: May 8, 2018
          • Pathoschild

            Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

            Here's White Water Farm, a river farm map replacement by Meevers. This includes all variants; see the README.txt for help changing which one is applied. I'll let the author know about the conversion in case they want to release it (or want me to remove it).

            Update: unofficial.2 adds support for Elle's recolor, thanks to Apexii!

              Attached Files:

              Last edited: May 16, 2018
            • ChiiBee

              ChiiBee Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              Here's a content Pack version of the Hill-Top Forest map for @cedarlings! Unfortunately, the initial boulder/stump spawns are kind of wonk so you won't be able to all the way south from your farmhouse and over the hill until you upgrade your pickaxe and axe, but it should work fine otherwise.

                Attached Files:

              • cedarlings

                cedarlings Void-Bound Voyager

                thank you both so much for the help!!
                • alibabaggypants

                  alibabaggypants Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Thank you very much for the help!!
                  • mominthevalley

                    mominthevalley Void-Bound Voyager

                    Just a heads up, and it could be a conflict with something else, but when I tried to load into my multiplayer farm today I just got a black window and unresponsive game with this mod. Stinks, because I really love this interface.

                    If anyone can fix it, I'd appreciate it but I don't have the brain power today to figure out what might have gone wrong.
                    • Pathoschild

                      Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                      @mominthevalley Can you upload your SMAPI log after it happens and post the link here? That content pack just replaces some textures, so it definitely shouldn't do anything like that. I suspect something else might be causing it.
                      • mrWAWA

                        mrWAWA Void-Bound Voyager

                        I'm not sure if this is the right place to request this or not (*new*) but can someone convert this Wallpaper and Flooring mod to a Content Patcher pack?
                        • ladydoodlebug

                          ladydoodlebug Void-Bound Voyager


                          Everyone is doing such amazing work with updating everything so fast!

                          If it's not too much trouble for someone, I have two requests on things I'd love to be converted to CP:
                          I haven't seen anyone update these yet, and I'd be so grateful if anyone could give it a shot!
                            Kuriiyo likes this.
                          • flameofnight

                            flameofnight Void-Bound Voyager

                            Content Patcher version of Penny Expanded. Original

                            The OC of the mod is allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

                              Attached Files:

                              breatemata and Medicell like this.
                            • Kuriiyo

                              Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

                              I actually did a personal conversion of the ghibli scarecrows so. I can upload that once I mess around with it a little.
                                ladydoodlebug likes this.
                              • MitcheII

                                MitcheII Void-Bound Voyager

                                @ladydoodlebug Here's the Studio Ghibli Scarecrow Replacements :)

                                Also with the farmhouses, were you just looking for the Farmhouses themselves or also the Wallpapers+Furniture?

                                @mrWAWA Here's Hojichas' Wallpaper and Flooring.

                                Both of you let me know if you have any problems but they were working from my tests

                                The OC of the mentioned mods are allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

                                Edit: Also sorry Kuriiyo I posted before I refreshed the page and saw you'd already done it ;-;

                                  Attached Files:

                                  Last edited: May 8, 2018
                                • Kuriiyo

                                  Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

                                  Dw it was a personal conversion, not one I was ready to release lol.

                                  Editing this post because otherwise it'd be a double~

                                  I got bored and saw the old bundle overhaul that I used to use, and figured why the heck not just convert it to CP so I don't have to fiddle with game files? Yeah? Yeah. Okay. Here. Lemme know if there's issues, I only quickly tested it in my game.

                                  After MANY HEADACHES, here;

                                  Content Patcher version of Community Center Bundle Overhauls; Original

                                  The OC of the mod is allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

                                  Note:: If you're using an interface mod, things will go wonky. I don't know how to fix this. You can just disable the junimo edit if you wish, but things will still look weird. The actual bundles will look fine, buuuuut yeah. Idk. Here's what it'll do:


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                                    Last edited: May 8, 2018
                                  • myosotis

                                    myosotis Void-Bound Voyager

                                    would anyone be able to convert furniture from this mod? Unfortunately, I suck at modding and I would be grateful if anyone managed to do what I failed to do. :unsure:
                                    • twixstix

                                      twixstix Void-Bound Voyager

                                      Here you go. The fancy couch version is enabled by default, but you can edit the content.json to enable the dark or pastel versions if you like.

                                      While I'm here, here's a couple more mods I've migrated:

                                      Zhuria's Better Pigs
                                      Zhuria's Epona Horse Recolour
                                      CaveSalamander's Female Duck
                                      Dawn's Shiba Inu and Missile Dog Replacements

                                      And finally, a silo texture that I've been using for a while, but can't seem to hunt down the OP of. If anyone recognizes it, I'd be very grateful.


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                                      • Tsuko

                                        Tsuko Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        I would also like to make a request. Maybe converting Mushroom Tree Growth Re-texture to CP? I also don't really know how to mod otherwise I would have tried to do it myself.
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