Modding Discussion Migrating XNB mods to Content Patcher packs

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Mar 5, 2018.

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  1. ShneekeyTheLost

    ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

    I like them too. But libgdiplus is a Mono library, so try going to the Mono website I linked earlier, download the appropriate version for your mac laptop, install, and see if that doesn't fix your problem.
    • Ailsaek

      Ailsaek Phantasmal Quasar

      Downloaded, installed, looks like everything works. Thank you!
        ShneekeyTheLost likes this.
      • hatmouse

        hatmouse Phantasmal Quasar

        Attached Files:

        onionguy and cankersaur like this.
      • Rosalie

        Rosalie Cosmic Narwhal

        unofficial CP migration for Starry Sky Interface

        The OC of the mod is allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

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          Last edited: May 5, 2018
        • Spookacola

          Spookacola Big Damn Hero

        • D.Grey

          D.Grey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          CP version of A different outfit for Shane Mod (Original Here).
          CP version of Blonde or Brunette Leah with Blue Shirt Mod (Original Here).
          CP version of Grass Path For Every Season Mod from Here.
          CP version of JAC'd Greenhouse Extended Mod (Original Here).
          CP version of Less Creepy Marnie Sprite Mod (Original Here).
          CP version of Matching Maru Sprite Mod (Original Here), because the Villagers Anime Portraits conversion is already done.
          CP version of Sebastian is a Ginger Mod (Original Here). "Complete Edits" Versions Only.
          CP version of A Shane Brown Jacket and Pants Mod (Original Here).
          CP version of Seasonal Vanilla Buildings Mod (Original Here).
          CP version of Custom Farm Buildings Mod nonSeasonal version. I have made two conversions: one with all files and any possible variation, and one with only "flooring" file from the same mods, for who want them. I have made a only paths version of Seasonal Version too (Already converted earlier).

          The OCs of the mods are allowed to take these files and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

          Edit 05/05/18: I have reuploaded Custom Farm Buildings with the Official Craftables Files by Billy0815. I removed Seasonal Version because it was already converted by hatmouse. I forgot it, sorry.
          Furthermore, i misspoke on "Sebastian is Ginger: I have converted only "Complete edits" present in the Nexus page, not only character sprites.
          Sorry for mistakes.

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            Last edited: May 5, 2018
          • frogthew

            frogthew Intergalactic Tourist

            I attempted to change this mod into a content pack (maybe this was my first mistake?) and used the "restored basement and upper bathroom" and "classy interior (black kitchen blue bed)" files. However, this is my first time trying to convert a mod and I'm having a lot of trouble... Using multiple files at a time shouldn't be a problem, right?
            • Seyph

              Seyph Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              (Yet Another) Unofficial conversion of Mi's Fireplaces mod. Updated to 1.3 beta.
              The townInterior.xnb seems to not be the correct texture for the farmhouse's fireplaces anymore. They have been moved to TileSheets/furniture, which shows 5 different fireplaces. This mod has a config variable for each fireplace. The mod also references the old texture file, which modifies fireplaces in NPC houses.

              The OC of the mod is allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

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                Last edited: May 5, 2018
              • Seyph

                Seyph Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                Unofficial conversion of Eemie's Wildflowers mod.

                The OC of the mod is allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

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                • Moragaine

                  Moragaine Existential Complex

                  Unofficial conversion of MiniPansu's Expanded Basement mod; this is just the cleaned up version of the basement with the 'upper' bathroom(compatible w/cellars).

                  The OC of the mod is allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

                  (Hoping I'm doing this right..)

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                    dark8807, Ludacryst and frogthew like this.
                  • D.Grey

                    D.Grey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    CP version of New and Improved Hairstyles Mod (Original Here).

                    Edit: This is the unofficial XNB to Content Patcher conversion mods topic, so i want to say a thing: Someone (Not me) made a Hudson Valley Buildings Conversion today on Nexus. I don't know if this guy is on forum, so if someone want to update the wiki page, i report this.

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                      Last edited: May 5, 2018
                    • tenthousandcats

                      tenthousandcats Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      Unofficial CP versions of Feminine Female Farmer by HyperChicken01 and New Skin Tones by prettypinktardis

                      ***Updated 2/25/2019 to include coldazrael's better content.json for Feminine Female Farmer and to remove all XNBs. Yay for character development!!

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                        Last edited: Feb 25, 2019
                        damewalkure and SiowQin like this.
                      • MitcheII

                        MitcheII Void-Bound Voyager

                        Made a Town/Forest Cleanup CP from scratch because the old mods used ALL which isn't easily transferred to CP. Just removes Tin Cans/Tyres from around Pam's House and the Shore of the Forest (also fixes a few wrongly layered tiles in the Ocean South of the Forest if you zoom way out).

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                          Exinn likes this.
                        • destroyerofsocks

                          destroyerofsocks Aquatic Astronaut

                          I've tried this mod and the basement looks normal, but the bathroom is black. Everything in it is intact, as far as I can tell (my farmer can still change appearance at the mirror and change into bathing suit for a bath), the background is just not there. Did I do something wrong?

                          I am using Stardew 1.2.33 and SMAPI 2.5.5. I was previously using the original mod, but I replaced the mod xnb files with vanilla xnb files before I loaded the Content Patcher version. The only other mod I have that should affect the inside of the farmhouse is Spouse Rooms Redesigned for Content Patcher.

                          Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I am new here.

                          • Moragaine

                            Moragaine Existential Complex

                            This is my first attempt at converting an XNB mod to Content Patcher, so I'm not sure what's going wrong. I made it so I could get machines and chests out of the basement area after opting into the beta and it works there.

                            For now you might be better off going back to the original. Sorry.. =(

                            I re-did the Basement content pack if you want to try it once more, Destroyerofsocks.

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                              Last edited: May 6, 2018
                            • kaitekat

                              kaitekat Void-Bound Voyager

                              I made a CP for Fancy Lamps (original here) based off of Pathos's unofficial port of Eemie's lamp posts. There's an option to choose which set of 2 you want to use to replace the original wood and iron lamp posts.

                              The OCs of the mods are allowed to take these files and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

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                                PandaNikita and netish like this.
                              • Rosalie

                                Rosalie Cosmic Narwhal

                                a small request, could someone please have Aliciadafox's hairstyles work with eemie's cute long hairstyles on page 4? putting hair files together confuses me >_<
                                  jessicajames1991 likes this.
                                • paradigmnomad

                                  paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  This is a JsonAssets pack, not an XNB replacement though?
                                  • kaitekat

                                    kaitekat Void-Bound Voyager

                                    I did it as an XNB replacement, basically. I can take it down if it's not appropriate to share...I just wanted to be able to replace the original lamp posts with the Fancy Lamps one.
                                    • minervamaga

                                      minervamaga Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      If you're still having issues with it, I had this mod and converted it as well. I ended up having to completely redo the map using the new 1.3 map as a base. If you need my version, just let me know and I'll upload it.
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