Modding Discussion Migrating XNB mods to Content Patcher packs

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Mar 5, 2018.

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  1. macaro0n

    macaro0n Void-Bound Voyager

  2. coldazrael

    coldazrael Existential Complex

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    Asianbiz, florecita91 and Medicell like this.
  3. Kuriiyo

    Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

    Uhhh, I mean I can but it'd be in PM - it's a lot of different hairstyle mods merged, styles picked out that I like.

    Uuuuuuuh well my google translate seemed to work okay, just missing a few things, but I know it's Yellog, and they actually have a pink furniture overhaul on Nexus, so.. Hmm.

    Edit: So the first one they linked actually isn't on Nexus, but the second one is. I don't think it'd be too hard to make an attempt at merging them, or at least making them both into a content pack with a config to pick between them.
      Last edited: Aug 26, 2018
    • coldazrael

      coldazrael Existential Complex

      I translated wrong site lol >>> and google seems failed to translate this one
      My bad really :/
      I only converted the 2nd one because I downloaded it via nexus :/ I keep getting 403 error whenever I tried to download the 1st one.

      You can set config for the furniture in the config.json, in case if you are going to keep some vanilla stuffs.. I disabled the floor tv as the default because I'm not sure if you gonna like this sort of TV-watching style xD

      But you can set the floortv config to true if you like it.

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      • Forsaith

        Forsaith Space Hobo

        I was wondering if anyone could make a content pack of these two mods.

        I've been trying to get them both to work, since I understand that it is possible for multiple mods to work while editing the same file, yet though I felt like my trial and error was bringing me closer, it hasn't worked out for a while now.
        If it's not possible let me know, if it is, great.
        If someone is interested in doing it, even better! But if instructions on how to do it myself is the only way, I'd appreciate that though I am by all means a beginner with all this.
        • coldazrael

          coldazrael Existential Complex

          Mi's bathroom is already submitted on the wiki

          Sit for a moment, I'll get the other one to be worked on.
          • Kuriiyo

            Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

            I'll have a go in a bit once I'm home. Do you have a discord? I think we could help each other a lot and I hate the pm system on forums.
            • caelle

              caelle Void-Bound Voyager

              That sounds good to me, thank you! :nurunaughty:
              • coldazrael

                coldazrael Existential Complex

                Sorry if I took quite long time lol
                I did an attempt to fix the bug on toddlers' beds and the borders and I ran out of time to do something else :/
                Only toddler's bed is still possible to be fixed with codes, and the borders have to be involved with image editing softwares sadly.
                So I set the default config for the borders and the toddler's bed to false cuz it's messing the whole town interiors.

                As for my tips for CP-converting with this sort of graphic replacements, don't mess with farmhouse_tiles and townInterior, especially the toddler's bed, also most of ground tiles (those things are really complicated) . I recommend you begin with wallpapers and floors if you are still getting started.

                Edit :
                -Building borders graphical bug is fixed
                -Toddlersbedetc config will replace all townsfolk since there is no way to replace only the toddlers bed without bugging the rest of the townsfolk bed.

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                  Last edited: Sep 5, 2018
                  jeeyrp, PandaNikita and Medicell like this.
                • Forsaith

                  Forsaith Space Hobo

                  Thanks so much! I really really appreciate it. I had had some experience with other games but it's really different here. Thanks again.
                  • macaro0n

                    macaro0n Void-Bound Voyager

                    sweet! thanks!! <3 <3 <3
                    • Chill-T

                      Chill-T Phantasmal Quasar

                      I apologize for barging in suddenly, but I can fix your problem, coldazrael. I downloaded the file straight up from Naver without a problem, so I can PM you the file if you'd like.
                      • aijvelle

                        aijvelle Orbital Explorer

                      • coldazrael

                        coldazrael Existential Complex

                      • coldazrael

                        coldazrael Existential Complex

                        Well quite fancy to see you here :D
                        Don't worry about it, mate. @Kuriiyo has already provided me the link and I'm currently working on it :)
                        • aijvelle

                          aijvelle Orbital Explorer

                          Bless, nevermind! I was looking through the clothing category earlier, not sure how I missed this. Thanks for the CP link, too!
                          • Chill-T

                            Chill-T Phantasmal Quasar

                            Ahaha, I figured that I could be of some help on this, as I'm somewhat familiar with Naver. I'm glad that everything seems to covered. ^^ And thanks for helping out the community on the conversions, much appreciated.
                              Last edited: Aug 26, 2018
                            • Kuriiyo

                              Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

                              Well if you're familiar with navigating Naver, you're more than welcome to post any other retextures that might be on there if you want it converting. :)
                              • AquilegiaStardew

                                AquilegiaStardew Void-Bound Voyager

                                [CP] Harvey Refined
                                Original can be found here.

                                Config included to choose mustache or no mustache.

                                The OC of the mod is allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

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                                  fadedwaif likes this.
                                • coldazrael

                                  coldazrael Existential Complex

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