Modding Discussion Migrating XNB mods to Content Patcher packs

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Mar 5, 2018.

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  1. Kuriiyo

    Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

    No, I actually have anxiety about editing public things. ;_;
    • coldazrael

      coldazrael Existential Complex

      @kngermanotta thanks for the conversion :)
      just a little reminder, please submit your conversion to the wiki :D
      It's alright. I'll try do my best to put whatever conversion you've got :)
      Only if you describe the difference with the old conversion (if the conversion was already submitted), not a 'lone dropbox' link, and depends on my mood as well :/
        Last edited: Aug 23, 2018
      • Kuriiyo

        Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

        It wasn't just a lone dropbox link, I'd linked the wrong post. The proper one was on the page earlier. :p
        • coldazrael

          coldazrael Existential Complex

          Just teasing you :D

          Unofficial fix for Poly Friendly Event ( )

            Attached Files:

          • clefairykid

            clefairykid Void-Bound Voyager

          • coldazrael

            coldazrael Existential Complex

            Attached Files:

            mysidian and Medicell like this.
          • CLoudyjk08

            CLoudyjk08 Big Damn Hero

            I decided to try the port of Lewd Bachelorettes, and came across an error upon loading the mod on startup. I have combed through the thread and even watched some videos on youtube, however I cant hit the nail on what am I supposed to do. So, advice anyone?

            [ContentPatcher] Error loading content pack 'Lewd Bachelorettes - Portrait Mod for ContentPatcher, Includes all variations excluding nude'. Technical details:
            Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Can't parse JSON file at D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\[CP] Buxom Bachelorettes\content.json.
            Technical details: Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) into type 'ContentPatcher.Framework.ConfigModels.ConfigSchemaFieldConfig' because the type requires a JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) to deserialize correctly.
            To fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) or change the deserialized type to an array or a type that implements a collection interface (e.g. ICollection, IList) like List<T> that can be deserialized from a JSON array. JsonArrayAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON array.
            Path 'ConfigSchema.Changes', line 29, position 20.
            at StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Serialisation.JsonHelper.ReadJsonFileIfExists[TModel](String fullPath, TModel& result)
            at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentPack.ReadJsonFile[TModel](String path) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ContentPack.cs:line 57
            at ContentPatcher.Framework.ManagedContentPack.ReadJsonFile[TModel](String path) in C:\source\_Stardew\Mods.Pathoschild\ContentPatcher\Framework\ManagedContentPack.cs:line 75
            at ContentPatcher.ModEntry.<LoadContentPacks>d__13.MoveNext() in C:\source\_Stardew\Mods.Pathoschild\ContentPatcher\ModEntry.cs:line 0
              Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
            • coldazrael

              coldazrael Existential Complex

              Probably some typos in content.json.. You're downloading the one here? ( )
              • kalikars

                kalikars Void-Bound Voyager


                I made my own unofficial CP port of Ankokou's "Primitive Artisan Equipment" mod. There was another unofficial port of this mod made by @junali , but it did not include some equipment assets (Heater, Crystalarium, Worm Bin) and was not modular. My version includes these files and splits them into individual files for a higher level of customization/control over the included assets.

                My only hopes with making my own port were to enhance the user experience, as well as use it as learning exercise for making content packs. I do not intend to insult another's work or to duplicate without reason, and I hope my port is not taken in such ways.


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                  Itxamelia, shamemaker and Medicell like this.
                • coldazrael

                  coldazrael Existential Complex

                  And it would be good if you submit it to the wiki by yourself :D
                  • CLoudyjk08

                    CLoudyjk08 Big Damn Hero

                  • coldazrael

                    coldazrael Existential Complex

                    Sorry if that took long, looks like I'm kinda.. overly enjoying this blasphemous mod :v

                    Anyways, it's just a bloody little "}," that was missing caused the whole trouble :/
                    Inside configschema right on this line
                           "AllowValues": "v1, v2"
                    Simply add another }, just like this
                           "AllowValues": "v1, v2"
                    Or else, use this updated one

                      Attached Files:

                    • CLoudyjk08

                      CLoudyjk08 Big Damn Hero

                      Wait, that was seriously it?! Anyway thanks man, I really appreciate the help! Now to spend some quality time with SD :sneaky:
                      • Kuriiyo

                        Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

                        'Kay, I wanted to make this for myself so I figured I'd share it, as well.

                        Conversion of Garden Hedges to CP, found here.

                        It currently replaces Fence 1, however you can very easily just change which fence it replaces in the content.json.

                        Note: They are NOT seasonal. I don't have the creativity or knowledge to recolour them to make them seasonal.

                        Mod author is free to PM me to remove this post if they wish. :)

                          Attached Files:

                        • coldazrael

                          coldazrael Existential Complex

                          Anytime, mate. Actually I forgot to say that I ctrl+f 'ed and replaced the "action": "load" to "action": "EditImage" as well.
                          And have fun with your quality time then :megusta:

                          Speaking of the seasonal mode, I know the particular one.
                          And looks like the vanilla version got more fame than that one..
                            Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
                          • Kuriiyo

                            Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

                            Funnily enough, I actually prefer the non seasonal variant that I converted, as the flowers on the seasonal one look... Odd, to me. :) I use a green recolour of Autumn anyways so I suppose it's not too bad...
                            • coldazrael

                              coldazrael Existential Complex

                              Got some news about the request page :

                     >> I'm still on the work but probably have thoughts on giving up o_O That mod was damn complicated lol

                     >> I thought this was supposed to be SMAPI mod?

                     >> Already on the wiki, but haven't run a check yet

                     >> Can't even download the source, 1st option leads me to 403 forbidden page and 2nd option requires registration -.-. I'll get this one working if I were korean though :/

                              Everyone have their own taste I suppose. As for me, I have no love for flowery stuff xD Both of the non-flower version of both mods is good though.
                              • Kuriiyo

                                Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

                                Oh, definitely. I don't even use the flowery version of the one I converted - I use the smaller hedge. Maybe I'll attempt a 'seasonal' variant at some point. A friend knows pixel art so maybe...
                                • coldazrael

                                  coldazrael Existential Complex

                                  It only requires a recolour right?
                                  If you are interested, I may be able to help.
                                  • Kuriiyo

                                    Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

                                    Well for the snow version I would actually attempt a snow cover more than a recolour. For summer and autumn it's just a simple colour swap.
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