Modding Discussion Migrating XNB mods to Content Patcher packs

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Mar 5, 2018.

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  1. D.Grey

    D.Grey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    CP version of Mushroom Tree Growth Re-texture Mod (Original Here).
    CP version of Mushroom Tree Re-texture Mod (Original Here).
    CP version of Shoe color replacement Mod (Original Here).

    The OCs of the mods are allowed to take these files and upload them on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

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      Last edited: May 9, 2018
    • Tsuko

      Tsuko Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Thank you!
      • flameofnight

        flameofnight Void-Bound Voyager

      • waftwaffle

        waftwaffle Void-Bound Voyager

        Let me know if there's any issues with either of these.

        Second Mod is a combination of B'each and Desert Recolor" and 'Recolored Luau and Midnight Jellies for Beach and Desert Recolor' with the option to turn off the recolors in the desert to make it feel warmer. Haven't Been able to test either festival. edit: thought the luau was in the spring, changed a few lines to allow for optional warm summer beaches.

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          Last edited: May 9, 2018
        • D.Grey

          D.Grey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          CP version of Bregs Goats Mod (Original Here).
          CP version of New Rabbit Sprites and Recolours Mod (Original Here).

          The OCs of the mods are allowed to take these files and upload them on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

          Edit: Bregs Goats have an official update here:

            Attached Files:

            Last edited: Aug 22, 2018
            toreify and demonissues like this.
          • paradigmnomad

            paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            [CP] Fluffy Dogs & Other Alternative Dog Sprites (config version) - Original can be found here.

            I like this mod and twixstix's version is perfectly fine to use, but this version includes all the dogs + a config file.
            Dropbox DL due to file size being too large for the forums

            The OC of the mod is allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.
            • mrWAWA

              mrWAWA Void-Bound Voyager

              I just downloaded this and it says it's lacking a manifest?
              Sorry if this has been pointed out before.
              • D.Grey

                D.Grey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                I'm sorry. It works for me so i don't know why.
                There are three folders in the zip file, you have to choose only one. Did you do it?
                • paradigmnomad

                  paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  [CP] Visual Crossing Sprite Overhaul - Original + DL can be found here.

                  The OC of the mod is allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

                  I'm also caught up to page 9 with edits to the wiki - just need to submit them.
                    Pathoschild and Kuriiyo like this.
                  • Kuriiyo

                    Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

                    Holy YES I was waiting for this.
                    • kachowth

                      kachowth Void-Bound Voyager

                      Nunah likes this.
                    • paradigmnomad

                      paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      I have a semi-finished version of their mod but it needs completed. If anybody else had more time to do this one you can use this as a starting point.

                      Ideally all of the optional files would be included in this DL as a `config` file.

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                        seedwads and Ludacryst like this.
                      • Kuriiyo

                        Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

                        Sorry this took a while. Was looking through the thread and only just saw your post lol. I've tested it and it seems to work fine.

                        Just a merged CP pack of these hairstyles mods: here and here.

                        The OCs of the mods are allowed to take these files and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

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                          fadedwaif, cedarlings and Rosalie like this.
                        • mrWAWA

                          mrWAWA Void-Bound Voyager

                          Complete user error on my part! My apologies.
                          Thank you @D.Grey
                          • Rosalie

                            Rosalie Cosmic Narwhal

                            i love you! thank you very much :catwink:
                              Kuriiyo likes this.
                            • Ailsaek

                              Ailsaek Phantasmal Quasar

                              I get this when trying to use the Biped Dinosaur:

                              [ContentPatcher] Ignored Unofficial Biped Dinosaur for ContentPatcher > Load Maps/springobjects: FromFile 'assets/spring.png' matches a file which doesn't exist.
                              • paradigmnomad

                                paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                Thanks for letting me know. I'll make an updated version of this in a few minutes.
                                • D.Grey

                                  D.Grey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  CP version of Magica Trees Mod (Original Here).
                                  CP version of Dark Red Haired Leah Mod (Original Here). Basic Version Only.
                                  CP version of Short Haired Haley Mod (Original Here). No Longevity Version.

                                  The OCs of the mods are allowed to take these files and upload them on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

                                    Attached Files:

                                  • gxrlxn

                                    gxrlxn Master Chief

                                    Will there be any way to select only the portraits we want to use? It happens that I have a couple of extra portraits installed, like Sebastian's visual rework and I would like to change all of them except his own, and some other like Harvey and Elliot.


                                    Also, I was wondering if someone already converted these mods; If not, would someone be so kind to convert them? Please

                                    Sam - New Hair and New Jacket by ktruong
                                    Elliot Refined by Chrysanthe
                                    Harvey Refined by Chrysanthe
                                    Refined Bachelors Portraits by Chrysanthe (I would appreciate if some were optional)
                                    Holsteins (White Cows) by Zhuria
                                    Wee Highland Cows by gglacier
                                    Chicken Overhaul by Minakie
                                    White Ducks by Merc931
                                    Suffolk Sheep Recolor by The13thBlackCat
                                    Goat to Deer plastic surgery by Eemiestardew
                                    Baby Deer by swiftfrost

                                    I know it's too much, but I find those mods amazing and although they are only visual, I love them all. I hope someone can convert them or I could even try it, if there is a tutorial in Spanish so that I can understand it better. I understand English but for things of "programming" I am very clumsy

                                    I hope everyone has an excellent day

                                    P.S. Yes, sorry for the bad English haha

                                      aijvelle likes this.
                                    • D.Grey

                                      D.Grey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      All Included in the Refined Bachelors Portraits Mod in this post.

                                      Included in the Eemie's Animal Collection mod in this post.

                                      I'll try to work on the rest...

                                      I have found an error. I don't have the log, but i think i have fix it. I post here the fixed mod. If you want you can upload in your original post

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                                        Last edited: May 10, 2018
                                        seedwads and PandaNikita like this.
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