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Bug/Issue Memory issue in 1.0.3

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Fidellio, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. Fidellio

    Fidellio Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm running the latest patch of the Steam version on my Windows 10 x64 with 24GB of RAM. But when in Admin mode and using the pixel printer on my ship, the game blows itself up to 20GB. Then, Windows seems to swap a big heap into the pagefile. But the 1,6GB game continues to grow.
    I don't use any mods and am logged in on an equally up to date Starbound server running on another Windows 10 x64 machine. The Game runs in windowed mode and didn't crash as of now. I even closed the game and started it again. It still grows bigger and bigger. Is this normal behavior if forced to load virtually everything?

    The attached files show my Task Manager before Windows swapped the first time and the performance page after it swapped the second time.

    Attached Files:

  2. Shadowstitch

    Shadowstitch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This exact same memory leak happens to me, but I don't see many people talking about it.

    I have tested this behavior with and without mods, and the process is the same: When I open the pixel printer interface, the memory usage continues to rise until Windows forcibly kills the exe.

    With admin mode enabled, the progression is rampant, roughly 1gb per minute.
    Without admin mode enabled, the progression is slower, but still constant. It will continue to rise a few hundred megs per minute.

    The game will never surrender this allocated memory, and the footprint will stay at whatever point it reached before I closed the pixel printer window.
    This makes the pixel printer effectively off-limits and unusable unless I'm am determined to print something, then save and restart so the memory usage is back under control.

    I'm using Starbound 1.03 x64 on windows 7 64-bit, with plenty of processor, memory, and gpu overhead.
  3. Shadowstitch

    Shadowstitch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Note: This behavior continues in 1.04, and if anything, is even worse than before.
    Even momentarily opening the Pixel Printer in Admin Mode results in a steady, continuous memory leak, causing a delayed but inevitable crash within minutes.
  4. sagenth

    sagenth Pangalactic Porcupine

    I too experienced this, but never got around to posting about it. I found I could avoid the crash by exiting the pixel printer, but I didn't inspect memory usage to see if the memory allocated was deallocated. So I don't know if the memory is freed once exiting the pixel printer or not, but it did avoid crashing so I'd suspect it does.

    This only happens in admin mode. I might just not have scanned enough items, I do not know why.
  5. Shadowstitch

    Shadowstitch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It seems plausible that the effect could be directly proportional to the amount of items scanned into your Printer's library.
  6. Monario

    Monario Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think that's definitely the case. In my case I always try to get far into the game before I build anything, I like to explore a LOT and scan many many items so when I get around to building I have a TON of things to work with. After I was for the most part exploring for furniture and what not, I went into building, and every time I open my pixel printer I can see it straight off the bat my FPS skip constantly. After I close the pixel printer I check the task manager and suddenly the memory usage went from 40% to 55% in way less than 1 minute looking for an item on the printer (doesn't help that it's a bit of a hassle to find some things in the printer some times). Then I opened the printer again, and again the memory usage went up some more.
    The reason I even started checking the memory usage is because of my first crash, where I simply ignored the frame skips when I opened my pixel printer creating my first building (first building on my first colony). By the time I was almost done creating the rather small building and about to place the last couple pieces of furniture, I got a windows error saying I had ran out of memory and soon there-after my game gave me an error and it crashed, didn't even give me time to close the game normally from the moment I got the windows notice about memory being capped.

    I will admit that I only have 4GB of RAM and I do probably have hundreds of items in my pixel printer... but it's so heart breaking to be done with the progression and you're finally on your way to the other fun part of the game which is to build all your cool stuff, and realize you can't because opening the stations that would allow you to will crash your game in scary ways.
    As for the low RAM, 4GB should be enough right? :/ I mean it's enough for me to play the game for HOURS in a single sitting and do everything I want AS LONG as I don't touch the pixel printer >_<

    It would be really nice if we could at least get someone to check this and see if there's an actual issue. Doesn't matter if we don't get a fix right away but would be amazing to get a confirmation, so then we can patiently wait for a fix rather than assume this is just how the game will behave from now on and just give up and quit :( which I *DON'T* want to do!

    P.S.: Perhaps if there IS actually an issue here, a (I think) simple work-around for the time being would be to create some sort of little held-device thing kind of like the cave or ore detectors, and allow you to select from a few "bookmarted/favorite" furnitures. You'd go in your pixel printer once, maybe tag some furniture as your favorite or something you'll be using a lot in general builds, and then you don't have to come to the pixel printer again, you just use the favorite-replicator thingy... or something.
    I'm not a modder and can't program to save my life sadly :( or I would attempt to make this a mod in a heart beat; it wouldn't fix the issue but at least you wouldn't have to come to the printer over and over and over to grab 1 or 2 pieces of furniture that you realize would suit a specific building (which I'm not saying is not fine, I'm fine with doing all that normally if my game wouldn't crash/windows wouldn't run out of memory :/)

    TL;DR I'm having the same issue. I do believe the more items you have on the printer the worse the issue is. Windows runs out of memory with a few times opening the printer. Maybe a tool to quickly print favorite furniture from the pixel printer would be a work-around while a proper fix is introduced if this is an actual issue to address.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
  7. Shadowstitch

    Shadowstitch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I BELIEVE this may be fixed in 1.05.
    I tried it today, and while the framerate still goes to hell while the pixel printer window is open, the memory usage did not significantly increase or stay there, with or without mods or admin mode enabled.
  8. Monario

    Monario Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It seems like it on my end too, weird they didn't mention it :/? My memory now went from around 40% or so at the beginning to around 49% with a few interactions with the pixel printer. Though at this point before It'd probably be in the 50s or 60s. As soon as I get back to building we'll see <_< but does seem better. FPS still goes crazy on it yeah.
  9. sagenth

    sagenth Pangalactic Porcupine

    Perhaps it was accidentally included in the build? Or a happy mistake? ie. a byproduct of fixing something else.
  10. Monario

    Monario Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Perhaps. Don't get me wrong I'm glad it seems to be better now, although not completely fixed so that probably points to you being right.
    Just saying if it was actually intentional it'd be nice to hear of it so you don't have to on your own stumble upon it :p Imagine someone had quit the game because they got to the point in the game where they only have building left to do, but they can't because their game crashes. If they don't give mention to a possible fix or acknowledge anything that person will remain none the wiser.
  11. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    I'm getting 1.6GB of memory usage in just normal play with 1.0.5..... it is lagging me so bad, even with setting the program to high priority. I have died multiple times in game just because of this lag... although if i'm in an empty area with nothing going on it drops to 900MBs.... but still it is putting a ton of strain on this laptop.

    I have lowered the resolution, adjusted the zoom, etc

    I even de-activated Vsync and it actually made it worse, I had to re-enable it.


    honestly is the client_lua_mem (can only guess Client Side LUA Memory Usage) supposed to be that **** high just on the ship?
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  12. sagenth

    sagenth Pangalactic Porcupine

    8MB is not that " **** " high. Mine is up near 30. I have 0 mods installed.



    While I am doing this stuff I went and tested the pixel printer. It steadily increases while open, although I think it may only increase memory usage while browsing items, because there was a large delay before it began ballooning.

    If that isn't the case, then I suspect perhaps the pixel printer relies on an object pool or utilizes a preallocated chunk of memory. After some time it fills up what it had initially and begins asking the system for more.

    Here is a screenshot, I opened the pixel printer before the task manager so the graph represents entirely the pixel printer being open. The tail end where it tapers off is where I had closed it, and verified it does not deallocate the memory (even several minutes later as of writing this sentence)

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  13. Shadowstitch

    Shadowstitch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've got roughly 1.6 gb in constant usage by Starbound as well. I'm not having any problems with lag, but that's not really the focus of this bug report thread.
    We're discussing a specific memory leak that occurs when the Pixel Printer is used; a bug which appears to have been fixed.
    I'm sure there are other topics devoted to streamlining performance and minimizing memory overhead.
  14. sagenth

    sagenth Pangalactic Porcupine

    As you can see from my post, it has not been fixed @Shadowstitch
  15. Shadowstitch

    Shadowstitch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, something has definitely changed, because immediately after updating to 1.05, the bug stopped for me.
    The framerate remains choppy while I have the Pixel Printer open, but the memory usage does not balloon out of control like it did before.
    As a test, I enabled /admin mode, opened the Pixel Printer, scrolled through all the options, then left it open for a half hour.
    There were no crashes, and the Starbound process memory usage remained ~1.7 GB.
    My ship is full to the gills with crew and deco, but my memory usage never tops 1.9GB, when previously even briefly opening the PP would ramp usage up to >20-50GB and leave it there until I restarted the game.
  16. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    wow.... best of luck to ya 0.0... it's just any other steam game that I have gets no where close to that much memory use. I remember before 1.0 Starbound didn't use that much memory at all. I honestly hope this gets resolved <.< seems like you, people are suffering.
  17. Monario

    Monario Subatomic Cosmonaut

    After I finally went back into building mode and having played around with the pixel printer (and it having even more items), I can say that yeah... the pixel printer still uses a boatload of memory >_< It'd be interesting to know of people that use the pixel printer regularly and see just how much RAM they are usually using. Also be interesting to know if there's a limit to how much the printer will use. I keep seeing it go up and up, but perhaps the solution is to buy more RAM because at a certain point this will stop? D: Needless to say I know nothing about hardware <_<
  18. sagenth

    sagenth Pangalactic Porcupine

    No the solution is not to buy more memory. The solution is for them to either fix the memory leak, or to decrease the bloat of their data structures the pixel printer loads, or to simply better program the pixel printer and its associated algorithms/functions.

    Also, does anyone feel like Zancuno may have missed my point entirely? That 8 MegaBytes is nothing? I mean if this was 1993 it would be, but.. it isn't.

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