Megz Doodles [Updated 6/10]

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by Megzzzx, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Megzzzx

    Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

    So I use to draw a long time ago and I decided to get back into it. So this isn't really that good of artwork since it has been so long. I drew this on my Galaxy Note using Sketchbook app and stylus. I have never drawn on comp or anything. So I really don't know any techniques. But I drew this on my lunch break. I plan on getting some new pencils soon so I can get some better practice in. Anyways here is Sebastian.


    [​IMG] [​IMG]


      Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
      MrToni300, Dougl07, xoipa and 10 others like this.
    • CjBeats

      CjBeats Weight of the Sky

      Hey meg, that's pretty good!
        Megzzzx likes this.
      • Megzzzx

        Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

        Thank you!
          CjBeats likes this.
        • Gabaw

          Gabaw Spaceman Spiff

          Um... why haven't you drawn until now. This is great. If you can whip this up during lunch then I def. want to see what you're capable of with a little more time and the right tools. It's good stuff :confirm: Keep it comin!
          • Megzzzx

            Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

            I don't know I just didn't have time and it was just one of those many hobbies that got lost under a mountain of adult responsibilities. Also, I kind of moved from drawing to being more into crafts. I'm always busy making cards now. But I defiantly am going to practice and get better again. Thank you so much!
              Alkanthe and Pudassassin like this.
            • Pudassassin

              Pudassassin Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

              Wow, you got some talent![​IMG]
              Welcome to the community!
                Gabaw and Megzzzx like this.
              • Megzzzx

                Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                  Pudassassin likes this.
                • Firepaw Da Cat

                  Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

                  Wow megz, you're pretty good [​IMG]
                    MrToni300 and Megzzzx like this.
                  • Megzzzx

                    Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                    Awww thanks!!!
                      Firepaw Da Cat likes this.
                    • MagicallyClueless

                      MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                      YAAAAASSSSSSS MEG ART!!!!
                      SO CUTE
                      I LOVE YOUR STYLE
                      SEB IS SO CUTE YOU'RE CUTE
                      draw more
                      draw 4ever
                      • Megzzzx

                        Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                        Awww thanks!!! :) <3 <3 <3
                          Gabaw and MagicallyClueless like this.
                        • Risukage

                          Risukage Giant Laser Beams

                          I just wanna say that I love this forum and all of you lovely, artsy people in it. This place continues to make my day.

                          TL;DR: moar plz
                            Megzzzx and Gabaw like this.
                          • Megzzzx

                            Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                            I decided to draw my farmer!! I think I am going to try to color her in but that will probably suck since I have never done it before.

                              xoipa, Gabaw, Risukage and 6 others like this.
                            • Dougl07

                              Dougl07 Pangalactic Porcupine

                              MOAR ARTS
                              I LIKE THE ARTS
                              DO MOAR PLS YOU ARE GOOD
                                Gabaw, MagicallyClueless and Megzzzx like this.
                              • Megzzzx

                                Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                                Awww. Thanks. I am trying. I need a lot of practice because I am so rusty.
                                  Gabaw likes this.
                                • Megzzzx

                                  Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                                • Alkanthe

                                  Alkanthe Supernova

                                  Looks very cute!
                                    MrToni300 and Megzzzx like this.
                                  • Megzzzx

                                    Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Thank you!!!!!!!
                                      Alkanthe likes this.
                                    • Firepaw Da Cat

                                      Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

                                      She looks cute [​IMG]
                                        MrToni300, Megzzzx and Pudassassin like this.
                                      • about drew

                                        about drew Phantasmal Quasar

                                        This ^

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