Megaman Classic - Where to start?

Discussion in 'Games' started by D.M.G., Dec 9, 2016.

  1. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Megaman is a fanfreakin'tastic game franchise, but it's also freaking hard
    So, since I'd like to play some good ol' NES titles, and so Megaman, I was wondering if you guys had an idea on which one I should start with, in a matter of difficulty
  2. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    I would suggest you start with #4.

    The earlier ones were ridiculously difficult, but #4 is do-able if you put a little time in, especially if you run on an emulator and use save states if you are having difficulty with really hard areas.

    #3 wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the re-hashed levels with generic robots with robots' abilities from #2. Their levels are just asininely difficult. Once you get to Wily's Castle, though, it becomes much more manageable.

    If you've never played ANY Megaman at all, try Megaman X for SNES, it's even more forgiving but the last boss will have you using up lives, lol.

    Just know that some mechanics, like the charge-up default weapon do not exist in #3 and prior. They are more... simple. The gameplay is still very similar, though.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2016
  3. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    I did know about that :3, and I did the Zero saga (man, even speedrunned it), and the ZX and ZXA
    So thank you :D (gosh my ass is gonna hurt xD)
  4. Hidari

    Hidari Over 9000!!!

    If you're planning on playing the entire original Megaman series games, you'll have to remember that Megaman 9 and Megaman 10 also don't have the buster charge feature, as--story-wise--Dr. Light thought there was no longer a need to keep Rock geared for fighting, and began decommissioning his weapon features.

    I still highly recommend--if you're interested in the story--playing the entire series, along with the Power Battles MAME as they add lore (and a connection between Megaman and Megaman X!)
  5. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    I also knew about 9 and 10, but now I'm curious
    What elements of connexion does Power Battles add?
  6. Hidari

    Hidari Over 9000!!!

    Well, it's SUPER SPOILERY if you haven't played all of Megaman X (most notably, Megaman X4).

    In Power Battles II, it shows Dr. Wily's blueprints of Zero, and Dr. Wily himself divulges some of the details on it.

    Yeah. Dr. Wily built one of the strongest and most badass heroes of the franchise.
  7. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    OOOH, so that's where that come fromeX3
  8. Camodude10

    Camodude10 Aquatic Astronaut

    Mega Man 4 is a good start as I found it to be the easiest. However, it might not be a good start story-wise.

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