I'm curious, why do you think it's lacking in depth? I'd love to hear any ideas you might have on how to make it less shallow. :]
Ayooo, nice. I was thinking about a slime-ish race at some point but I wasn't sure how to put a nice spin on it. Oil works! DRAWTIME??
The bubbles coming from the pipe are a really nice touch. Is it okay for me to include in the original post?
A nice, well thought-out idea. I think we could use another non-organic race, although personally I'm more partial to the idea of something along the lines of a solid, rock-like race over a liquid oil/slimy race. Still, it does fill in both the gangster and the cyclops niche we currently have.
I kind of imagine their consistency to be of a sort of non-Newtonian fluid, as if pressure is what's keeping them in the shape they are in.
Meh, I suppose as far as slime races go, this one is the best. Still, I'm not a huge fan. The customization options for these would seem fairly limited, and I don't feel the slightest urge to play as an oil blob. I never liked gangster culture to begin with, or cyclops either, for that matter. The backstory is good, the race design in general is just unappealing to me. I don't know how I would make it better, though. Sorry.
Thanks for the input. :] Well, I think they could have quite a few customizations options. They're fairly malleable in nature. Different eye colors could exist (see examples posted throughout the thread), and perhaps different eye styles. Hair styles could be all quite different in nature. No need to be sorry. Thanks.
Pixel work is by a volunteer. While I wish I could commission a professional pixel artist or something, they're high quality enough for now.
all it needs all that bugs me is the eye. i know its hard to get right. But if this got in the game, i might play as this first. they need to do a contest for making a race-
It's nice to see some more 1880-1930's influenced races. When I made mine a while back I actually made it completely grayscale, although I made their natural environment more colourful than a 2 year old's bedroom, for irony's sake. I guess it suffers from the same complaint that darthkitten had in its lack of customisability, though I can't say it didn't have character. Personally I don't like the cyclops look, its oddly unappealing, though the oiliness makes complete sense. "50s gangster" doesnt really represent it, its more like "50s media representation of 20s gangster" Fun fact of the 20's: people actually wore very colourful suits, and men wearing pink suits was common. The fact that everything recorded up to the 50's was black and white (or sepia) led to an unintentional misconception of their fashion style.
Well, again, I must defend, there's a lot of room here for customizability. Their very nature lends itself to that. However, duly noted. Well, cowboys didn't really wear cowboy hats either, but we've come to accept those as part of the trope. It's just the way it goes, sometimes.