I would just like to apologize in advance for the many flaws in this ;-; I am quite hopeless in writing/describing and this was just a quick fun idea I had in mind! -Glyphynn- The Glyphynn are a race of wise sentient beings composed of crytsals for their “head” and dark, gooey substance for the rest of its body (I’ll just refer to it as “tar”). Their designs are based off of ancient Egyptian themes. -Description- - Very wise, proud of their own kind and their traditions. - As a whole race, they are very conservative - Can understand concepts very quickly (that’s how they have managed to handle the huge jump from discovering wheels, making use of the fire and creating languages, to the control and build of space crafts.), but lacks compatibility with other races (so they may understand other race’s beliefs and their system, but will most likely disagree with their thoughts and/or actions if they dislike it). - Worships their gods -Notable Movements in History- - Couple of crystals had special cores that made them conscious - They begin to form the shape of a human with tar-ish substances that surrounded them - A group of conscious crystals began to colonize the area - Discovers the fire, wheels and the concept of language - Begins to believe in a superior being (aka god) and starts to worship it - Different classes, from peasants to kings and queen, form - Builds pyramids to accommodate the corpses of the higher class - A bunch of miners from out of space invaded one of their pyramids. After killing the invaders, the race studied the spacecraft (that the invaders had used to arrive at the place) and decided that it would be beneficial to their race to use this to leave the planet and such - After discovering the spacecraft, their technology jumped greatly, building their own within a century of discovery. But other parts of the race that didn’t believe in the benefits of space travel remain as they are. - And here they are, flying around space and colonizing other planets -Biology- Overview- Crystals with cores that have sentience for their “head” and thick tar-like substances for their body. Their glowing sphere in the “torso” of their body allows them to see, but at the same time, it is the weakest part of their body so the guard Glyphynns tend to cover this area. When they cover up this area, the Glyphynns see (or more like “sense”) through their crystal. Crystal- The crystals can take a lot of shape, and Glyphynn can shape one’s own to suit their personality, but the colours aren’t changeable (it runs down the family). Digestive things- They eat by absorbing their food through any parts of their body(though they find it rude to eat with any other parts of their body except for the area superior to the glowing sphere and inferior to the crystal “head”). Excrements are expelled from the body as a dry dense pellet of left over matter. Sex- Not much differences between “male” and “female” Glyphynns except for the placement of excess tar. Reproduction- They keep their population going by getting a fertilized adult Glyphynn to absorb a crystal, and after time, it will gain consciousness and be pulled out of the adult Glyphynn. -Hostility and attitude towards other race- Most Glyphynns don’t take too kindly to other races because of their conservative beliefs. When an outsider intrudes, they will not hesitate to kill them. -Traditions- Other tattoos are there to show off, while the tattoo of the eye symbolizes the entering of adulthood. -Design- -Evolution?- -Pixel Stuff- <- I tried ; u; Story of their first contact with outer beings- The story begins with a bunch of very bored Space Miners who have decided to dig near the tomb of the Great after waiting for weeks for the investigation team to arrive with some data of the area. Despite the fact that they have been warned several times to wait until the Expedition Team to have returned, the bunch marched to the sandy land around the tomb and happily begun to mine down to the ground. The party soon came to a halt when they’ve suddenly reached the wall of the pyramid. The bravest (and the slightly stupid) volunteered to mine first, and there they walked in alone to the inside of the tomb. What they saw was astonishing; a whole area covered with glimmering crystals that seemed to give off a low hum, a tune of some sort. With each crystal, inside of them held strange symbols. Mesmerized by the beauty of these rocks, the miner hurried down the golden stairway, oblivious of the dark, dense liquid the ground floor was actually made of. Once they reached the lowest floor, they were greeted by the same glorious amounts of crystals they had seen upstairs. They tried to run to the closest crystal, but then they had realized that their feet were bound to the floor by a dark gooey substance. Only then, they had realized that something was wrong and tried to walk away, but like quicksand, it slowly pulled them to the ground. They called for help, and soon the rest of the crew came barging in, but they were immediately stopped by creatures with large crystals for their heads that weren’t there before. It didn’t take long for those creatures to eliminate the miners, who had lacking weapons of any sort, and the crystal-headed beings took their stride out to the outside world. I hope this wasn't too painful to read ; -;
Huh, this is actually pretty interesting! Better presentation than most. Only critique might be the pixel art, little hard to distinguish details (I thought the legs were segmented like an Avian's or Glitch's, but then I scrolled back up and noticed they're supposed to be paint(?) lines). Simplify a bit, maybe post a 2x sized preview for us here next time.
Thank you for the nice critique! : D And I'll make sure to improve the pixel art when I get the chance! (at the moment, I don't have the program to do pixel art as I'm on my laptop, so it'll be edited sometime later! )
I like the idea. They somewhat remind me of the Novakids in their biology, but their story intrigues me. It'd be funny to see how they would wear clothes over their goopy tar bodies.
Very interesting species. Concerning the body/metabolism/appearance : The tar symbol look a little (very little) bit like Novakid's metal plate but yet they looks quite originals. The eye make them look like a Ing, a type of monster from the game "Metroid Prime 2 : Echoes" and it's a good thing because that make them look mysterious. Their metabolism seems to be very very interesting, they could be a great scientific subject for me, (and a great occasion to became famous !! Haha, no I don't care about fame) but, on your schema, the crystal don't have Tar and after, their is tar, how it is possible ? They are conscious before they are in the crystal ? Or the tar enter in it by accident, or something else ? Anyway, as you say it's a somewhat improvised project, so you have time to correct it, I don't criticize I just puts the focus on that (because some peoples risk to don't like it). The different phases of their development are interesting and well made, no problems here. And of course they would need clothes with a hole for the eye decorated with motives. Concerning their culture/story : The story is a bit botched now, there are pyramids and other things and I have trouble understanding their exact style, it does no matter eh, but thought about a style that would go well, with their eye they look a bit like the Illuminati so it could be a race of conspirators of space ! Or kinds of guardians of an ancient religions. Anyway, find something that goes well with their style. Concerning their home planet : Consisting of crystals and tar would require a desert planet or a crystal moon. But it would require a special planet, important species such as glitches or Novakids do not come from mundane planets because their anatomy is very special, this is not on Earth that this species will appear, for example it would require a planet with atmosphere very dense and dark leaving no room for conventional organisms. A dark planet where there are only boiling tar puddles and giant crystals generated by extreme temperatures, for exemple : a giant crystal located near one of these giant puddles could crack (leaving a gap inside) under its weight and would have fallen into the tar (and as dense atmospheres generate very violent thunderstorms pieces crystal could have been struck by lightning once emerged) Conclusion : some details to improve but it's a great idea in general. Continue ! Ha and contrary to what you seem to think your pixel art is pretty great !