Children of the Four.The Dverg was a young, slowly evolving race, living on a big Earth-like planet wich had some nuaces: it was farther from it's sun than Earth does, so it had a longer year and a colder climate with highest equator temperature being 20-30 in Celsius degrees. Planet is mostly covered with forests and mountains, but there is some prairies out there. The Dverg was appearing almost like humans, but with big wide noses, thick eyebrows sometimes even grey-pale skin color (only polar nationalities) and they are often has a very long hair, wich makes them to look like a sasquach. They was using the natural caves as antrances to their houses through all their history. Also the Dverg history is shattered in three periods: Barbaric, ATPL (After The Prophets Landed), Complete Union. Barbaric period is characterized with tribal way of life and pagandom, when Dvergs started worshiping the Four. The Fouer is a summation of four primal elements, Fire, Wind, Rock and Water (highlanders was calling it Ice or the "liquid snow"), with each element matching one of four castes: Rock was a caste of hunters and cultivators, believing that worshiping the stone idols will give them some luck at the hunt and richer crops. Also they are the only group, who has permission to build houses due to their straight connection with stone and caves. Wind was a trader's caste, worshiping the "Wind of changes", wich could bring you the best deals, but also can call a group of bandits to your caravan's camp, if you don't give a fair deal to your customers. To practice their trading skills the Wind caste developed their own social game, where group Dverg makes their own small trading spots and tries to sell berries to as many customers as possible. The winner is the person, who sells his stones faster than others having the biggest pile of money at the same time. The game was called Basurman Water (Ice) was a caste for the leaders. This caste had a lot of strong taboos and was demanding it's members to be "calmer than a lake, and colder than a morning dew". The main taboo was being childfree, because instead you was going to become the whole tribe's "parrent", so you could care about every member like your own child. Fire was the youngest caste, caste of craftsmen. It's name came out of the fire in the forges, melting ore's and heating up the metal so master could work with it. Worshiping your forge's fire was "granting" protection from it's heat and knowledge of firefighting. They also was the only persons who was allowed to do funeral pyres. Each caste was a personal choice of the Dverg, and it could be changed after some time, so old and wise Rock caste's member could change to the Water, if he had no children and wanted to be a wise adviser. But sometimes a very old Dverg could join the Water caste, if his or her children was already having their own, or was dead or left the tribe for some reason. Barbaric period was lasting untill the middle of, what we could call, medieval ages, then happened the event recorded in the history as The Prophets Landing. A big human spaceship called "Thunder Chariot" crashlanded on this unnamed planet, with only four men surviving out of almost one hundred-men crew. This was a group of friends, who was cryosleeping at the moment of the crash and didn't died, but woke up after it happened. History doesn't knows their real names due to them changin it to Zeus, Thor, Perun and Taranis. They called themselves The Prophets, who's mission was to unite all the Dverg tribes and teach them how to reach the skies. To prove their divine origin, each of them showed their power (using the technologies left after the crash): Thor, who was one of the Thunder Chariot's engineers, in a single day made a blacksmithing hammer, that he named Mjolnir. History says that it's smites had so much power it could bend unheated steel, so nobody could doubt Thor's divinity.. Zeus, whose work was being the ship medic, said he can heal any illness Dvergs had in their tribes. Dverg brought him to the bed of the dying girl, who was coughing blood and couldn't even lift her own hand. Zeus told everybody to leave the house and give him a week to heal the girl. He brought the ship's medic-kit with himself and spend whole week caring her. When the day came everybody already knew that Zeus cured the girl, because she left her house, holding her savior's hand. Taranis, the specialist of the local relations, while Zeus was spending the week caring the girl, used this time to know the local's religion and social build, so after his fried proved his status, Taranis said he could outtrade anybody of the Wind caste. He offered to make the biggest Basurman party world ever seen with one rulle, trading three days without any rest. Traders was laughind at him, but accepted the chalange. They set up a marked and began the trading. After three days, exhausted and almost falling asleep, challengers compared the resaults. At first, Taranis had less money than any trader on the market, so they laughed at him, but he said he didn't said he must work alone and suddenly a group of kids threw their money to his pile, making it the biggest one, and Taranis said that he paid those kids for help. Some said he broke the rules, some was amazed by the briliant idea of employing somebody to help trading. Dvergs decided to vote and after a quick comparing everybody understood, that the only ones who was speaking about broken rules, was the traders who lost their bet. So Taranis proved his divinity in trading. The last one to prove was Perun. He was a security specialist on the ship, so he was familiar with fighting local creatures. Perun said he could hunt any creature Dvergs couldn't hunt. The Rock caste's Dverg told him to bring them the body of a big bear-like creature the called "masha", wich was living in the deepest mountain caves, and Perun agreed. His plan was easy, he used his rifle to shot the creature with a sleeping dart. After this he just brought the sleeping body to Dvergs and told them to lock it in the cage. But he didn't thought it through and "masha" woke up too early. Seeing the danger, Perun activated the anabolic injection and fought the creature with bare hands for a half of an hour, before Dvergs managed to tie it down. Seeing Perun's might everybody decided that he is divine in his origin. After proving their origin, The Prophets started teaching Dveargs the ways of civilized life. They said there are foure gods, one for each caste: For the Rock caste it was Veles, director of the hunter's arrows and protector of the land. Perun said he is prophet of this god and founded the first Jaeger's Hall, hunting school, that was teaching Dvergs to care about the creatures they hunt, the ways of beast taming and also, the ways of keeping order, to fight the agressive heretict and calmly talk to a just rude ones. So jaegers was equal to our police. The Wind caste got theor god in the face of Ogmius, whose prophet was Taranis. He tought Dvergs the ways of economy, politics sociology. So Wind caste started worshiping "Ogmius wind of changest" instead of unnamed one. The Water caste started worshiping Poseidon, with Zeus as his prophet. Zeus developed a large sience and religion systems, making the usability of item to prior, but individuality of the person to be even more important. Also he canceled the taboos, that was blocking the flow of fresh minds into this "lake of knowledge". The Fire caste was introduced to Velund, the god of blacksmiths and mentor of any Dverg craftsmen. Thor said that he will be Velund's prophet and tought Dvergs how to work with metal, steam and fire. He also developed a new funeral ritual, now the dead wasn't just being burned on the pyre, but was going to be coated with metal and placed in the Palaces of the Dead, where young Dvergs could look at the facec of their grandfathers. At the same time new tribes was renamed to clans, and was allowed to have their own traditions and religion, but only if it will not harm the other clans. The Prophets named their new nation the Dverg Assembly with the capital city caled Olympus, the giant mountain, where did their ship landed. Soon enough this mountain was covered with houses and temples, with giant observatory-temple on the top. But Olympus was also riddled with underground tunnels going deep inside the mountain's womb, where was built a Molten Core, Velund's temple, main forge and craftsman academy at the same time. After nearly frty two years of slow and steady trading and negotiations, all the tribes became part of the Assembly. Knowing that, The prophets started preparing the rebuilding of their old ship. But time takes what it deserves, and soon The Prophets understood, that they will not see the day their ship will rise. They continued their work, but now not to send themselves away, but to let their Dvergs explore the space. The Prophets made a statement about their coming end and next day they all died at the same hour, leaving a lot of room for rumors. So began the third period, Complete Union. To fill the leader places, was chosen four greatest members of each caste: Rock Tsar - he must be great hunter, very strong physicaly, and build his own house without any help less that in one year. Wing Cheif - must have the biggest economy and the strongest policy. Water Demiurge - this tittle could be given only to the brightest mind Dvergs ever had. It must be the religious leader and/or well known scietist. Fire Konung - only the master craftsmen, whose art is known in every part of the planet, can become the Fire Konung. After The Prophets death the speed of technological progress got much slower, so right now Dvergs are only starting their space traveling experience, and their ships are even in half not as good as human ones, but every shuttle is a masterpiece of metalworking, woodcarving and even stonecutting. Concept-art. Due to my low skill i had to just combine the human hairstyles to show Dvergish hairiness. , , , I would be happy if somebody helps me with them. I know I need to work the a lot... But I hope this is at least a bit interesting concept.
Lol, thanks. =) I just used photoshop, made some pictures in starbound character creator and merged them to make a new hairstyle... And then I used a damn pencil untill it's done... Gah, this hard! (I don't have enough imagination for it.)
I was completely oblivious while thinking about them. Also the names are real - from the real gods and the idea was to show how 4 people can turn the mythology upside down if you give them a chance.
I know the names are from real gods. It's kinda obvious. Maybe come up with original names that are based on the real god names?
I thought about that, but somehow didn't thought it through. (Also Im already disappointed in this race idea, even though i like them. Im just sure they will never get into the gama. Even as mod. Because too less people likes dwarfs...)