Dat Core. *Coughs* Anyways this does look like a very cool race idea ! I had not thought of a kangaroo based race.
I don't want to necro a post here but I just want to say that a british kangaroo has come to my mind and it can't get out. Just imagine a kangaroo wearing a monocle sipping tea.
Calm down, this thread was already alive, he just reached into the catacombs and necroed a post to quote. He is thus not at your necroing skill level... Yet. ^_^
if its your thing...please enlighten me as to what that means...im just scratching my head at the term. not normally my style, but i gotta say man those sprites are f**king adorable...might have even thawed my heart a lil...i'm up-voting. (those adorable lil bastards are almost the same color as my text too...yup, glad i stumbled in here today. thanks Jonesy.)
Be sure to let Newominus know you liked their sprite work. Come back anytime, we have... well we have the roos... and Jonesy, he is a cool cat.
i shall let him know...Jonesy the cat...why dose that sound familiar? perhaps it is from a Disney film?
Necroing threads means bumping a topic from a few [or many] pages or days past with a reply. Be the reply relevant or not, it tends to be badly seen... Unles the relevancy is actually pretty important/interesting. Tho it's easier to make a new thread instead most of the time.
Like the idea a lot. Lets just hope Space Brisbane doesn't flood. TFS With suggestions you should keep it down to one thread. Duplicates are bad practice.
well it apears my job is done, suplly wizard awaaaaaay!*obscere refernce to childhood no one understantds*
Necroing is when you post on an old thread, bringing it back from the dead. It's kinda derived from the term necromancy, which is about magically raising the dead. And yes, they did an awesome job on the sprites. I didn't even ask for them either; they just surprised me with them. Even if it did, they'd just band together to make a mud army and get everyone back on their feet. I actually live near Brisbane, though I wasn't affected by the 2011 floods. Is it The Jetsons?
Yes, nice idea. They must be strong in general. But if they are strong and quick are they none too bright?
Jonesy, you forget, you've pretty much never asked for anything. I am so sorry... I had to, the urge was killing me.
You saying something about as Aussies? (9*^*)9 But they can be quite bright, actually. Naturally it varies on an individual basis, much like it would with other races. What a shame.
That smiley is making me imagine Jonesy-roo, which looks like Adam Jensen but as a roo, getting ready to get into a barfight... or do some dancing by abusing the cover mechanics.
nope, in elementary shcool I cared around every thing, staplers, holepunchers. tape, white-out, EVERYTHING, and one day sombody called me a wizard becuase I was able to magicly summon anysupply from my pockets and I just rolled with it.