History of the Archoliths: The Archoliths lived on a planet that was partially destroyed by meteors. The religion of the time blamed it on the peoples who inhabited the worlds in the sky. Many eons of hardships followed and the race became bitterly angry with all of the "sky people". To survive, clans of Archoliths had to support community activities together in constant teamwork. The ability to be part of a team became a highly valued trait among the Archoliths. Eventually the people started turning on each other with many small wars and battles. A leader that attempted to unify all Archoliths decided that they should build spaceships and set forth to find and destroy the "sky people". He was intending to give the Archoliths someone to fight besides each other. They encountered the Florans, who were quite willing to fight. The Archoliths succeeded in taking control of a minor planet from the Florans, and it solidified their hatred of other species, and their faith in their own abilities when they band together. Appearance of the Archoliths: Archoliths are broad humanoids with lumpy rock skin. Their skin comes in various colors, including browns, greys, black, dark red, and dark blue. Archolith skin also has various patterns, ranging from a marbled appearance to what one Human explorer described as "like an earth giraffe". They have no facial features except for a single brightly colored gemstone eye. They have moss and lichen "hair" covering their head. Personality of the Archoliths: Archoliths are arrogant toward other races at all times. All other beings are considered to be beneath them. The Archoliths work together as a team with a cooperativeness similar to bees or ants. Archoliths that have been seperated from their society at a younger age are not as strongly arrogant, and tend to not fit into Archolith society as a result. They become outcasts and wander through space. Technology of the Archoliths: Archoliths favor short swords, broad swords, spears and body length shields. They wear leather and metal armor, which often resembles Roman centurions. Archolith spaceships are somewhat crude, and are built from curved metal plates with spears sticking out from the gaps. Racial Relations of the Archoliths: Nada, nothing, zilch, zip. Archoliths believe that they are destined to rule the universe, so any partnerships or alliances they form are strained and temporary at best. In particular, they hate the Florans because they believe the they are the evil "sky people" that damaged their home planet. Archolith Biology: Archoliths take in air through pores in their skin. The air is then absorbed into their bloodstream. Archoliths eat and drink using clear "straws" on their face. They have to pulverise solid food before they eat it, using either their fists, or their face. Archoliths communicate using changes in color and flashes of light in their gemstone eye. Sprites: I'm not very good at drawing sprites, so more detailed sprites than this one would appreciated.