May I romance Linus, please?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Jewelsmith, Oct 3, 2019.

  1. Jewelsmith

    Jewelsmith Tentacle Wrangler

    Linus can stay in his tent if he wants and just visit once in awhile after the "10-heart event." I'm fine with that. Or maybe even Gus, Marlon, Clint, Rasmodius...? I know it's just a game, but it would be nice to have someone closer to a "mature" age. I'm 48 years old and it feels pervy thinking about the young characters in a romantic way. There's Harvey and Elliott, I guess, but I don't like either of them. Harvey's too uptight and Elliott's too vain for me.
      Christnewhogaming likes this.
    • Zosa

      Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

    • Jewelsmith

      Jewelsmith Tentacle Wrangler

    • Zosa

      Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

      oh. i am not sure you can use any mods at all then? i am not the smartest guy but as far as i know only pc and mobile have mod capabilities atm
        Christnewhogaming likes this.

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