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Outdated Mantis Race 0.6.7 [Spirited Giraffe]

A race of paleontologist insects bent on unravelling the secrets of the universe.

  1. Setrilo

    Setrilo Phantasmal Quasar

    Yea, I'm actually making good progress on the new ship designs, I'll share a current progress picture as soon as I get the chance.

    I'm also totally open to getting help with this mod. The biggest issue I've come across is spriting armor sets since each iteration of both arms needs to be sprited for all the different animations (running, walking, swimming, jumping, falling). If you think that's something you could help with at all, send me a private message and maybe we can make something happen.
  2. Setrilo

    Setrilo Phantasmal Quasar

    My progress so far on the new mantis ship. This one is going to be fully modular so that all of the new ship tiers will be easy to create. It's really hard to create because I'm absolutely garbage at spriting but TBH I think it's going to look great when it's fully completed.
    Noranum likes this.
  3. Setrilo

    Setrilo Phantasmal Quasar

    The next update won't have the new ship, but it'll have a couple necessary features and fixes.

    Expect these:

    Mantis S.A.I.L. AI
    Mantis Shiplocker, Tech Station, Fuel Hatch, Pilot Chair, Teleporter, and Door
    Fixed tech gear screen
    Fixed grunt sound (the one that plays when you swing, as of right now it just uses the same sound as when you get hurt)
    New Starter Weapon to replace Starter Shortsword: "Mining Laser" (can't mine with it--it's been heavily modified into a blaster pistol. I'll make it fit with new lore that's coming soon)

    The update AFTER this one will have the new ship!
    TheNarrator and Noranum like this.
  4. Setrilo

    Setrilo Phantasmal Quasar

    New update is going to come out some time later today. And there's going to be a SPECIAL SURPRISE

    Also, the video review on the main mod page is going to be quite out of date. If anybody reviews mods or knows someone that does, I would very much like to have them make a review for the Mantis' next update.
  5. Setrilo

    Setrilo Phantasmal Quasar

    Setrilo updated Mantis Race with a new update entry:

    Mantis Race Update 0.6.5 - "The New Ship"

    Read the rest of this update entry...[DOUBLEPOST=1423946167][/DOUBLEPOST]BOOM

    The surprise is I actually WAS releasing the ship with the next update! Muahahaha! Unfortunately you need to start a new character OR repair your FTL or Thrusters in order to see the new design in-game.

    Anyway now that the first ship designs (broken and fixed) are done, it's going to be a lot easier to make the larger ships. As of right now, the larger ships are still Floran, but that will change soon enough!

    ALSO ALSO ALSO I really need somebody to do a new review of the mod now that there's a new ship and a new AI as well as a whole new game version.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2015
    Noranum likes this.
  6. Protoeyesore

    Protoeyesore Master Chief

    I imagine coming across archaeological digging camps with these guys inhabiting it. Awesome race and mod.
  7. Noranum

    Noranum Phantasmal Quasar

    Did you think about a background for their culture? The way they build, cook their food and so on? Like, the Hylotl are supposed to be Asian-ish, so do you have some "real" culture in mind for the Mantis, or are you going to make something up? :)
  8. Protoeyesore

    Protoeyesore Master Chief

    I thought the mantis were sort of like Jules verne si fi English adventurers combined with Indiana Jones, Lara croft and Jurassic park..
  9. Noranum

    Noranum Phantasmal Quasar

    Yes, I got that part, but what are their buildings supposed to look like? Which style? Unique insect style with hexagons and lots of amber? Or some sort of human-ish influence? Classicism whit Greek columns and some sort of 'museum-feeling'? How does their music sound? What special sorts of food do they have and in what colour do they paint their wallpaper? Their culture.
    Indiana Jones is a nice idea for basic design, but it won't fill a whole culture. That's what I wanted to ask the mod creator, sorry for not being understandable enough!
  10. Setrilo

    Setrilo Phantasmal Quasar

    Well even I don't have the answers to all of that stuff. I made sure not to close any doors just yet in terms of ideas and designs because I keep coming up with new interesting things.

    That being said, I have given this idea a lot of thought. Let me know what you think:

    I suppose I envisioned this race being entirely devoted to the pursuit of knowledge and history in every way possible. As such, it would make sense that their villages be close-knit communities perhaps built directly on top of or right next to important archaeological dig-sites. So, if you were to stumble across a Mantis village, I suppose it would be something like a giant hole in the planets' surface, almost like an ant-hill, with houses lining the sides of the hole and bridges interconnecting all the structures. Going deeper into the ant-hill-like-village might lead into a sort of main chamber or connection of tunnels looking something like this: http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t565/CarinnaFox/Shadow Heroes Maps/City Pics/CenterPoint_zps6a1925f9.jpg

    I understand this is a departure from like, what Mantis actually are, which are surface-dwelling predators that use camouflage as their weapon, but then again, what do robots have to do with knights and medieval castles (the Glitch)?

    The architecture in that picture above is very Dwarven. In a way, Mantis are a lot like Dwarves in that they both dig with an insatiable lust for a particular resource: Dwarves dig for gold and Mantis dig for amber. Now, Dwarven architecture consists primarily of these massive, powerful stone structures. Basically, if you replace the stone of Dwarven architecture with either amber or some carapace-like bio-material, then that's what I envision Mantis architecture as.

    Here's another good picture: http://www.conceptart.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1731913&d=1362131918

    In an attempt to pay more homage to the Indiana Jones and Jurassic Park franchises as well as the archeologist/paleontologist theme of the Mantis, I have two super-awesome goals with regard to villages and randomly generating dungeons.

    [GOAL #1]
    Houses are going to include parchment maps and archaeological tools such as sieves and shovels as well as archaeological finds like pots and vases and other such miscellaneous items.

    [GOAL #2]
    Dungeons are going to be based off the Indiana Jones movies. In other words, you're going to be searching in tombs full of traps for hidden relics like the Ark of the Covenant, or a Crystal Skull to adorn in your house.

    Food is something I haven't given much thought to at all. Mantis are carnivorous insects, so they eat other insects, so perhaps I could have some fun with the new bug-catching element in the game. Maybe I could have it so you can cook with the bugs that you catch in the nets. Anything is possible, really. As for music, well, I figure this is self-explanatory:

    I know you meant like, what music do THEY listen to, but like, there's no reason they can't listen to adventurous, uplifting music by our lord and savior John Williams, right?

    I'm totally open to any and all suggestions anyone wants to make. I firmly believe that the players of the mod should really be the ones to decide what's best for it -- you know, considering they're the ones playing and enjoying it anyway. I'm just here to implement it all for you guys <3
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
    Protoeyesore and Noranum like this.
  11. Protoeyesore

    Protoeyesore Master Chief

    I will happily help out as a tester of this mod and tell you bugs and stuff.

    -Bug is that the new crops, Resinberry, does not seem to grow after being planted no matter how long I wait.
    -A visual bug is that when the oxygen nano suit is equipped in tech, the screen does not show up. I checked with other races and it seemed to work normally.
    Display bug.png

    Edit: I saw that you tried the fix the tech gear screen before. Man, what an annoying bug to get rid of.
    Noranum likes this.
  12. Noranum

    Noranum Phantasmal Quasar


    That was exactly what I wanted to know. Thank you so very much, not only for replying, but also for this informative post <3

    All this stuff sounds marvelous to me, because it fits nicely to your basic theme which is also very great. The given races already have some strong cultural tendency, so personally I think, that it is important for a new race to have a remarkable and unique culture/optical appearance, so it won't be overlooked. This may not be so easy, but I think we don't need a random high tech race number 12233, which is probably just some recolour of Apex (to say it bluntly). When I play a race, I often try really hard to build houses that match the given traits, I guess that there are other players who do this too (but maybe I'm just strange).

    Anyway, back to the main topic.
    Personally, I messed around with diverse styles, and I got the idea of some kind of nomadic space archaeologists. Therefore would it perhaps be clever if they build their villages out of mobile segments that could be transformed to some kind of vessel, to move to another dig site if needed. Or that they just have giant, hive-like motherships that contain whole cities (but I wouldn't ride this hive-mind-idea that is a feature of many insect races). Think of some kind of locust but with amber and knowledge and plasma shooting thingies. I don't know how this matches your personal idea, if ever, but that was the thing I made up for my little mantis character... I miss him.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
    Protoeyesore likes this.
  13. Setrilo

    Setrilo Phantasmal Quasar

    Yea, I fixed one part of the tech screen, but I tested it again and I got the same error with radiation and oxygen and all that. It's an easy fix, super easy.

    Plus I had my suspicions that the resinberries were broken but I never quite got around to testing them. I'll see what I can do, that shouldn't be too hard to fix.

    There is one other bug I found, that's that some of the higher tier weapon recipes require perfectly generic items as their materials because I never updated them to match the new ore forms that exist now.

    Thanks for bringing those concerns to my attention, I'll probably release a hotfix with just a couple minor bugfixes soon!

    What do you guys think of the new ship? It's not perfect by any means, I'm still very iffy about the color of the crystals, should it be more saturated of an orange color? Any problem-spots? It's easier to fix any errors now before I start making the larger tier ships.
    I like those ideas. I like the idea of having some very mobile and temporary villages, as there are no doubt countless wonders to be found all over the universe. They could just consist of tents, and some small buildings, and maybe place artifacts hidden underground for the players to find. I do also think that there ought to be some digsites that are much more valuable and have larger, more permanent structures. Either way I think our next step is to use a mod like Creative Mode to sketch out some ideas of houses using blocks that are already in the game. I've been working on a Carapace Block to help build some structures with, but it's hard getting it to look perfect. I'll keep you guys updated.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
    Noranum likes this.
  14. Noranum

    Noranum Phantasmal Quasar


    Natural amber can have very different colours in RL, at least the stuff that washes on the shores over here. I don't really know if you prefer natural or synthetic amber. If natural, perhaps could you just add some darker/brighter spots to make clear that it's not really a crystal, but some amorph mass with different coloured inclusion. But the colour itself is quite nice. Doesn't need to be super hyper orange, at least for me :)
    On the other hand, people may not get what it is supposed to be. To be honest, when I started playing your race... long long ago... it took me a while to figure it out.

    And if you need help with blueprinting some buildings, I would be happy to lend you a hand. I'm no code wizard and unfortunately also not good at drawing, but I would like to help, in any possible way, to make this little piece of awesomeness even better <3

    Crash on loadup.
    Seems to be related to the amber block.
    [18:48:15.105] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:15.139] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidpoison, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:15.143] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:15.143] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:15.176] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidlava, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:16.626] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:16.626] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:16.661] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidcoffee, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:16.799] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:16.799] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:16.844] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidhealing, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:17.742] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:17.742] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:17.779] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidmilk, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:17.948] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:17.948] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:17.984] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidalienjuice, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:18.085] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:18.085] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:18.130] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidcoffee, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:19.015] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:19.015] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:19.052] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidfuel, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:19.628] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:19.628] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:19.666] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidoil, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:19.961] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:19.961] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:20.003] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidwater, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:20.005] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:20.005] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:20.045] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidfuel, 20, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:21.188] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:21.188] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:21.247] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidalienjuice, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:21.250] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:21.250] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:21.291] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidcoffee, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:21.293] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:21.293] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:21.327] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidfuel, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:21.328] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:21.328] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:21.361] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidhealing, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:21.363] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:21.363] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:21.395] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidlava, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:21.396] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:21.396] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:21.431] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidmilk, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:21.432] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:21.432] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:21.468] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidoil, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:21.469] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:21.469] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:21.497] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidpoison, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:21.498] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:21.498] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:21.525] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidwater, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:22.045] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:22.045] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:22.083] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidcoffee, 1, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:22.453] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [18:48:22.453] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [18:48:22.490] Error: Could not instantiate item '[liquidfuel, 20, {}]'. (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
    [18:48:22.969] Info: Done loading ItemDatabase
    [18:48:23.248] Error: Exception raised during Root finishLoad: (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/amberblock.material
      StarException::StarException(string, exception)
      MaterialException::MaterialException(string, exception)
      _Function_handler<void (), SwallowReturn<_Bind<_Mem_fn<shared_ptr<MaterialDatabase> (Root::*)()> (Root*)> > >::(_Any_data)
      _Function_handler<void (), WorkerPool::addWork(function<void ()>)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data)
    Caused by: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("category")
      _Function_handler<void (), SwallowReturn<_Bind<_Mem_fn<shared_ptr<MaterialDatabase> (Root::*)()> (Root*)> > >::(_Any_data)
      _Function_handler<void (), WorkerPool::addWork(function<void ()>)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data)
    [18:48:23.261] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [18:48:23.378] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:23.453] Error: Stack Trace...
    [18:48:23.464] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:23.553] Error: Stack Trace...
    [18:48:23.575] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:23.655] Error: Stack Trace...
    [18:48:23.669] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:23.756] Error: Stack Trace...
    [18:48:23.772] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:23.855] Error: Stack Trace...
    [18:48:23.874] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:23.957] Error: Stack Trace...
    [18:48:23.967] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:24.041] Error: Stack Trace...
    [18:48:24.052] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:24.137] Error: Stack Trace...
    [18:48:24.150] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:24.237] Error: Stack Trace...
    [18:48:24.250] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:24.335] Error: Stack Trace...
    [18:48:24.355] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:24.440] Error: Stack Trace...
    [18:48:24.453] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:24.541] Error: Stack Trace...
    [18:48:24.553] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:24.637] Error: Stack Trace...
    [18:48:24.648] Error: Access violation detected at 0x76d87a24 (Read of address 0x2702160)
    [18:48:24.732] Error: Stack Trace...
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
  15. Fonzii

    Fonzii Void-Bound Voyager

    I removed amberblock.material and amberblock.png from the mantis/tiles/materials folder, and the game now starts up and the race is selectable, but I'm unsure of what consequences this will have in the game.

    Clicking the amber block in the storage of the ship crashed the game and caused the game to crash whenever trying to select that character again. Looks like we're just going to have to wait for a fix.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
    Noranum likes this.
  16. Setrilo

    Setrilo Phantasmal Quasar

    Huh. Weird. Are you using any other mods? If so, which ones? Try running the mod alone without any mods and the amberblock.material and amberblock.png still there.[DOUBLEPOST=1424204819][/DOUBLEPOST]I think I see the error actually, one moment. Very peculiar, it was working so flawlessly for me and everyone else until just now, did the game just update recently?[DOUBLEPOST=1424205047][/DOUBLEPOST]There, just fixed it. I'll have a new release up soon, now that it's more urgent.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
    Noranum likes this.
  17. Fonzii

    Fonzii Void-Bound Voyager

    Awesome, thanks for getting to it so quickly!
  18. Noranum

    Noranum Phantasmal Quasar

    Actually, they pushed out a quite big patch earlier this day. Basically just moving it from unstable to stable, but it was big enough to break nearly everything I did to my game, so, yes, I had only the mantis race and an interface mod running. Thanks for looking it up. <3
  19. Setrilo

    Setrilo Phantasmal Quasar

    Setrilo updated Mantis Race with a new update entry:

    Mantis Race Update 0.6.6 - "668 Hotfix"

    Read the rest of this update entry...[DOUBLEPOST=1424207873][/DOUBLEPOST]There we go. Everything should work now. I still haven't TESTED the Resinberry Crop because I wanted to push this update out as soon as possible, but I found why it wasn't working and changed it so it SHOULD work...
    Fonzii and Noranum like this.
  20. Fonzii

    Fonzii Void-Bound Voyager

    Re-installed and everything loaded up fine and seems to be working now, thanks again for the speedy fix!

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