Making swords more "spacey"

Discussion in 'Gear and Items' started by King O' Waffles, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. King O' Waffles

    King O' Waffles Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Who doesn't love swords? You need them in a game like this, but I don't think it would fit well with the futuristic "spacey" feel. So how do you fit it in there? The swords could be made of futuristic materials, like a cool kind of metal that would look different from the other "regular" swords in Terraria. Another thing I get from " I am Number Four" where the bad aliens have these hilts of swords and they turn them on and an energy sword comes out( not a light saber ". Same goes for shields and all of the like. Just a suggestion.
  2. Nicolas

    Nicolas Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah, I think we could have something like energy swords (Procedurally generated) But what i'm more excited about is the effects the swords could have... imagine an acid bladed katana, or a firebrand dagger. Possibilities are endless.
    creepwolf likes this.
  3. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    Well from the screenshots and information we have gotten so far im assuming melee weapons will be "spacey" as is, but I also think some of the basic level ones you craft early on will be generically present-day looking.
  4. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    I'd like regular small melee arms and I'd like them to be done realistically - very short range, you have to run at the enemy shooting you, does horribly weak damage to whatever armored (I talk about typical 'steel blade' kind, not lightsaber spin-off) but I am aware that game is more 'casual' and about killing thingies with horribly oversized weaponry so you'll have probably something like Terraria, just change 'magical' into 'very advanced technology' (plus, of course, aforementioned lightsaber spin-off).
  5. Aykon

    Aykon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well the Avians for example are not very advanced so they would have Metal Swords. Were as more advanced races would have advanced swords a lazer sword thingy or a basic steel sword with a thin laser around the edge for extra damage.
  6. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    Thin laser around the edge? You cannot lace things with laser the same way that you cannot put a thin layer of poisonous gas at the edge of the sword to make it poisonous.

    Good point about avians using more primitive metal weaponry, though. Even if fluff-wise as I assume that since there won't be in-gameplay differences between races (at least when it comes to players) we'll see plenty of avians using hi-tech gadgets on some servers.
  7. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    I always figured "laser swords" would be more along the lines of a spine, with laser emitters in the base and a receiving plate on the end, leading to a cutting edge of sorts. which goes more with how lasers work in real life.
  8. Nicolas

    Nicolas Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Technically you can do both of these things. Just not the way that you think.
    Laser based weaponry can only be long ranged... its uses as a sword wouldn't work.
    That's why we don't see lightsabers even though the military HAS a working weaponized lazer.
    So, what you could do is make a sword that emits a strong magnetic field trapping plasma around the edge of the blade. This would be extremely dangerous. But only with today's tech. Scientists are already researching cold plasma. As for the poison blade, you could just add holes along the edge of the blade laced with poison. Or have some kind of a highly toxic, or acidic, gas that would trail behind the sword coming from the holes. No reason to limit starbound to today's technology. Or even what we know about reality at the moment. Its a game. It doesn't have to be ultra realistic.
    thespacephantom likes this.
  9. Bella

    Bella Starship Captain

    Darn, every time I have something to contribute it's already said! But maybe they will be inspired to use the Halo energy sword

    Attached Files:

  10. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    Okay, if we are to talk about technicalities:
    Field-contained ionized gas is hardly laser, yet alone laser lacing.

    And again, it's sword with some sort of gas exhaust, not a sword laced with gas. My point stands.
  11. Nicolas

    Nicolas Subatomic Cosmonaut

    As I said before... and I don't want to get into an argument here. It isn't about a lazer or not. I wasn't trying to prove you wrong, rather suggesting a alternative that would act very similarly. As for the poison blade, I would rather point out that it would be impossible to "lace" anything with gas in your definition. But as I said there's a pretty simple way of doing something very similar.
  12. photostyle

    photostyle The Old One

    A few good ways to bring swords into the space age include molecular-level sharpening, ultrasonic vibration, and controlled plasma along the blade's edge.
  13. King O' Waffles

    King O' Waffles Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I jus meant I didn't like the medevial look of the weapon I saw in the attack demo thingy they posted because it doesn't feel sci fi to me.
  14. Firewolf_Prime

    Firewolf_Prime Starship Captain

    Digistruct maybe?
  15. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    One sword. Two guys. A 5000 volt battery. Aligator clamps. Hilarity ensues.
  16. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    This man has some class.

    We must call.... GALACTA KNIGHT. *cue music*

    There is not enough space in the universe to contain the amount of badassery of that dudes weaponry.
  17. Latecat

    Latecat Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Chainswords. warhammer y'now.
    ...It might be hard to make something spacey out of swords, but definitely welcome.
  18. iBanana 4S™

    iBanana 4S™ Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well I mean, being that some planets are less advanced than others, that doesn't mean higher tech levels have to be a direct upgrade. We could have Avian-like swords... But MONSTER HUNTER STYLE :D

  19. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    You could make a little reference sword and put "eyes" on the opposite side of the cutting edge, and have it shoot slow lasers in a half-circle in front of you when you use it.

    The Argus Blade.
  20. Filipfonky

    Filipfonky Cosmic Narwhal

    Futuristic Master Sword.

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