Making invincible custom armor,dunno what 's wrong

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Anoveus, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. Anoveus

    Anoveus Void-Bound Voyager

    so i make a armor that can withstand any condition but when i try to spawn it ,it always says"could not load item'floran tier6schest' "

    /spawnitem florantier6schest '{"statusEffects":[{"stat":"protection","amount":500},{"stat":"maxHealth","amount":800},{"stat":"powerMultiplier","baseMultiplier","amount":10},{"stat":"maxEnergy","amount":750},"glow","rage","healingwater","nofalldamage","runboost","jumpboost","swimboost","thorn","energyregen","fireblock","electricblock","iceblock","poisonblock"],"level":10}'

    anyone can help found the mistake/problem contained within the code
  2. projectmayhem

    projectmayhem Spaceman Spiff

    some of those might need amounts? Im not sure, like rage has a duration, so you may need something like {"rage", 500} so it has a duration. I do not know off hand how many of those stats require a duration
  3. Anoveus

    Anoveus Void-Bound Voyager

    i don't know about the duration but the effect keep going like it was infinity also i noticed the problem "/spawnitem florantier6schest" it should be "/spawnitem florantier6schest 1"
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
  4. Anoveus

    Anoveus Void-Bound Voyager

    i finally completed the code but the chest piece cannot spawn and is there any stat limit for armor ?

    /spawnitem florantier6shead 1
    '{"shortdescription":"Assassin Head Gear",
    "description":"We walk in the dark",

    /spawnitem florantier6schest 1
    '{"shortdescription":"Assassin Chest Gear",
    "description":"To serve the light",

    /spawnitem florantier6spants 1
    '{"shortdescription":"Assassin Leg Gear",
    "description":"We are Assassins",
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2022
  5. Anoveus

    Anoveus Void-Bound Voyager

    the problem in the chest located in stat:powermultiplier because i put amount after i remove it it still can't load the item

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