Bieszczadnik submitted a new mod: Make Starbound Beardier! - Apex - BEEEEAAARDSSS Read more about this mod...
But... why? There are plenty of people with beards irl, honestly don't know why games tend to lack beards in the first place considering the variety of facial hair styles out there. Plus... sounds a whole lot harder to make an entire race when there are plenty of species out in the universe just waiting to grow a luscious beard!
There is tons of great race mods, besides i suck at modding Tomorrow i will start working on Nighitars within FU. Brace yourself Beard is comming.
You know who doesn't have a beard that deserves one? The hylotl, surely I'm not the only one who has seen the painting... right?
That's pretty neat, I was always thinking about something tentacle like. (like Davy Jones) Oh, and floran can have tendrils for beards or... you know really just about anything. xD
Well, I was thinking about it. The problem is the layers in starbound. Long beards are part of the hair and fall under the torso. (I have recently tried Nightar, it did not go well ) Unless they are treated as a different layer just like "beard" at Apex. For now, he is trying to find a way to turn something into a beard slider. Stay tuned.