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Major Flaw With The Hoverbike

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by 777eza, May 11, 2012.

  1. 777eza

    777eza Existential Complex

    What could be the flaw, it hovers, it's awesome looking until you ride it and realize you have to jam on the brakes. What happens then well you end up bashing your head on the light grey fin if your lucky, I mean if you crashed I would think that it would KILL you, it's perfectly angled to pierce through your head, and I believe it has no practical use, just a visual one. Any aerodynamic gained from it would be reversed from the player, anyways let me know what you think.
    Holgast, Hazmat2142, Nirn and 4 others like this.
  2. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Is this a joke? I can't really tell. I mean, I don't really think they will make it so that you will ram your head into the fin if you were a crash. The most that could happen from my predictions is that you would just fly off it, semi-similiar to mario and yoshi.
    iHodzic likes this.
  3. LadyAijou

    LadyAijou Phantasmal Quasar

    Looking for flaws in something that hasn't been tried yet? Since nobody knows how it actually functions and to what extent, kind of hard to say they're doing it wrong.
    NFossil and 777eza like this.
  4. Serp

    Serp Zeromus

    This isn't a suggestion GOD DAMMIT notice its in general discussion
    777eza likes this.
  5. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    Not sure if serious...
    M C and Dynafols like this.
  6. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    Satirical thread is satirical, guys.
  7. 777eza

    777eza Existential Complex

    Of course they wont's make it so you run into it. It's just a 2d game not GTA4 it just a flaw in the design and if T.V has tough me anything is that people make fictional stuff in real like for example pink hoverboard (Back to the Future), anything from star wars, gears of war lancer toy and someone actually attached a chainsaw to there rifle, Minecraft pickaxe the list goes on and on.
  8. Serp

    Serp Zeromus

    You guys are overreacting dammit
  9. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    When they trough of Hoverbikes in the IRC, they also trough of Hoverboards, so i expect to see some when game is released.
    777eza likes this.
  10. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    I have decided this is not serious.
    Hazmat2142, Alexblex and 777eza like this.
  11. Doctor Whooves

    Doctor Whooves Starship Captain

    What's the logic behind laser guns shooting pure light, but having a visible travel time, when light goes so fast that it should be visible for only fractions of a second (depending on the distance of course)? What about characters carrying around large amounts of equipment in a bag with space distortion abilities which allow it to contain much more items then the actual size of the bag would allow (often not even having a visible bag)? There isn't much logic in it, but it doesn't matter because it's supposed to be convenient, and not completely realistic. And then there's the fact that I'm taking this way too seriously.
  12. Serp

    Serp Zeromus

  13. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    I am confused....back to editing.
  14. 777eza

    777eza Existential Complex

    Well ya it's supposed to be like a shark fin for a design thing like I said Starbound is no GTA4 where you fly through the windows of vehicles when you crash but it just perfectly angled for you head to run into it if you where to crash.
    What are ya editing?
  15. wesker

    wesker Tentacle Wrangler

    lol wow I didn't even notice that i can see someone making a .GIF of that and it would be cool of they made physics for crashing that one thing i loved in gta4 that and all they really have to do is a rag doll effect
  16. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    I make a small youtube "series" (Its terrible btw) called Starbound News. Basically to tell updates, screenshots, and overall news about Starbound.
  17. xXSunSlayerXx

    xXSunSlayerXx Cosmic Narwhal

    light grey fin? i only see a windscreen ... o_O
  18. The Enderman

    The Enderman Phantasmal Quasar

    It's a windsheild, you duck your head under it so it wont jab a hole in your face.:p
  19. A.N.T.I.

    A.N.T.I. Spaceman Spiff

    I just realized something that could change the fate of the entire universe... STARBOUND IS A GAME!
  20. StarMetal25

    StarMetal25 Phantasmal Quasar

    The fin is probably where you keep your booze.
    Quaphyr and 777eza like this.

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