DrPvtSkittles submitted a new mod: Maid n Butler Outfits - For gettin clean n gettin dirty. Read more about this mod...
DrPvtSkittles updated Maid n Butler Outfits with a new update entry: Optimised pngs with PNG Gauntlet Read the rest of this update entry...
DrPvtSkittles updated Maid n Butler Outfits with a new update entry: Ooo lala! Read the rest of this update entry...
I would like to add a few suggestions for your consideration. First, I must say that I think the costumes should not all make the characters look androgynous. Perhaps some like it that way, but at least some of the costumes should not flaten the females chest to the point that she looks like a dude. Second, while females traditionally occupy domestic roles and males occupy butler roles, this is not always the case. However, male domestic workers do dress differently than female domestics. Same with butlers/servants/majordomo's. I think the maid/domestic costumes should not be female/drag exclusive. I think there should be some male domestic costumes.
Craft a Maid n Butler vending machine at the inventor's table for 300 pixels. You can purchase all clothing items from there. I have to disagree with you. When I make an outfit, I try my damnedest to give the same respect to both versions. If that means the females look manly in a butler outfit, and the males look feminine in a maid outfit then so be it. I leave it up to the choice of the player to dress how they want to. I hate hate haaaaaaaate it when the female version of an outfit has unnecessary changes to it to make it more feminine. Like Terraria's bloody armour midriff tops.
DrPvtSkittles updated Maid n Butler Outfits with a new update entry: This mod now requires Skittle's Mega Crafter Read the rest of this update entry...
If you're open to suggestions, the Nohrian Maids/Butlers of FE14 would be nice to see made. Overall, I like this.