Can someone possibly mod the Toddler, or maybe even Farmer, into Madotsuki from Yume Nikki? Her Sprites: Maybe a Uboa appearance somewhere in the game too xD Okay maybe I'm not totally serious about the Uboa. The Madotsuki addition however, would be amazing. Sabitsuki from .flow is an idea too she looks a bit more like a toddler actually... Just a cool idea for a toddler replacement
Was also thinking that editing one of the shirts to look like Madotsuki's Sweater would be AMAZING. Thanks in advance for anyone who would be willing to undertake this
So I gave it a shot myself, replacing shirt 40, can't say I'm completely pleased with the results.. but it's my first attempt xD and a start I guess. Any tips? Also attached my edited shirts.png
Not a bad start but, I think the problem is really the shape. Like, Madotsuki sprite's skirt connects with her shirt so it kinda forms a triangular flow. I'm not sure if its easily done but I think you'd want to adjust the shape as well as the skirt together so that the flow is there. Sleeves should also be added [but I'm not sure if that's easy to do T.T]. It'll probably be a bunch of work but, if you really want to do it, you can do it!
Ty, and yeah I'm not sure where to even begin with adding sleeves at all really xD Probably should of covered up the neck, that was doable but man. That was exhausting! Haven't played with photo editing software in what feels like years.. Think I'm done for now lol.
I don't know yet how to replace thigns int he game, elt alone mod anything, but I made the grafic for you so you can add it yourself if you know how! I put it in the same spot you had it (number 40)
Awesome!!! I'll check it out, convert it to a .xnb and post it here. Thank you so much! Edit: Looks far better than mine xD, I see you used 37 to make it, probably what I should of done -.-
So I decided to darken it a bit and attempt to give it a turtleneck. The neck still shows a bit more than I'd like but besides that, I'm quite happy with it. Learned a little bit from all this too xD. Guess that's what really counts since I'm horrible at photo editing.
Oh, I missed it had a turtleneck, else I would ahve added that too, sorry :'D But so long youa re happy with it, i'm glad I could help