Storm_UK updated Macrochip (Stable - Glad Giraffe) with a new update entry: Update Read the rest of this update entry...
Does this do latches and feed-back loops? I was kicking around an idea like this, but couldn't figure out how to evaluate those. In any case, nice work!
SR Latches, Data and Toggle flip-flops are amongst the many available components. Feedback loops are avoided by it calculating each components outputs for its inputs before then applying the changes to the circuit each tick. And thanks
Storm_UK updated Macrochip (Stable - Glad Giraffe) with a new update entry: Script update / Tintable spotlight Read the rest of this update entry...
Storm_UK updated Macrochip (Stable - Glad Giraffe) with a new update entry: Macrochip workstation fix Read the rest of this update entry...
Storm_UK updated Macrochip (Stable - Glad Giraffe) with a new update entry: Script update fix Read the rest of this update entry...
Storm_UK updated Macrochip (Stable - Glad Giraffe) with a new update entry: More script fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
Storm_UK updated Macrochip (Stable - Glad Giraffe) with a new update entry: Update Read the rest of this update entry...
Storm_UK updated Macrochip with a new update entry: Definable Button object Read the rest of this update entry...
I had just downloaded this from the steam workshop and had the bug with the always picking the last input/output, and I come here to find you've fixed it literally minutes before I check the page - excellent mod, I love wire stuff, keep up the great work and effort. Would this by chance be an open source project? I'm a programmer by trade and would be very interested to see how you've created this so wonderfully with the tools at hand.
Hi Archelaus. Thanks. Feel free to unpack the mod and look at my scripts. I'm just an amateur programmer here though this mod has been a learning experience for me.
Perfect, I'm just getting started with Starbound mods, I'll definitely look through your stuff to brush up.
Storm_UK updated Macrochip with a new update entry: Minor fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
Storm_UK updated Macrochip with a new update entry: Macrochip drop fix Read the rest of this update entry...
Can i suggest something else: a Microchip instead of a macrochip. Which would be only 2x2 blocks or maybe even 2x1 big with 2 connections. (you could make a few special types with 3 inputs and 1 output, or 3 outputs and 1 input) In my ship everything is very compact. And well the macrochips just don't seem to fit just right. (i now have one room with 20 macrochips ) Anyhow Great mod in my opinion keep up the good work, If you're too busy, i could make an extension on your mod myself in february if that's ok
Storm_UK updated Macrochip with a new update entry: Minimacrochip Read the rest of this update entry...
As you can see, I've added a new smaller version of the standard Macrochip. Thanks for the suggestion! Must admit am a little intrigued about the room you have 20 macrochips placed in. What kind of circuits are you building?
Storm_UK updated Macrochip with a new update entry: Graphic correction Read the rest of this update entry...
Well i got this mod that makes the ship huge. ( But I still managed to fill the ship up, so every room on the ship have lights but they also have many hidden sensors ( Since i don't really had any 2x4 spots available in every room i chose to redirect it all to one room that is kinda the brain of my ship. And tbh i only discovered the 1x1 macrochip after i made my remarks. So right now i control the lights, the doors etc. from inside the room itself. But i'm planning on using a central control area to remotely close or open every door, put on or off every light. But right now i'm busy on making an "easy" (not at all easy) to set up base. That i can set up in every world. A smart base that will have a double door to let out water before entering the base. When i finish this (around midnight tonight) i'm happy to post some screenshots here.