I have a stupid question, how do i make a vanilla like timer with this? so AFTER it recieved the signal and when the signal is gone it still outputs for X seconds
It looks like a promising mod, but I'm skeptical about its usefulness for dungeoneering modders like myself.
the construction of a logical chain and moving the nodes sometimes happens that the image of the virtual environment of the chip is lost (maŃrochip turns into a black square, or simply disappear nodes) helps closing the editor and run it again, but sometimes the situation is repeated
Yes, about 50 tiles. I didn't want to make It too far incase it glitches out if it crossing boundaries of map areas.
Storm_UK updated Macrochip (Stable - Glad Giraffe) with a new update entry: Starbound 1.0 compatible Read the rest of this update entry...
Can i somehow increase radius of remote input and output scanning without adding additional wiring elements?
Hi, I played around with this a bit and was trying to investigate the issues with the netlist updates, and I think I have an idea. Currently it seems to be updated from the closest nodes to an input (in term of graph nodes), to the farthest ones. (the algorithm is basically similar to a depth first topological sorting) Quite frankly I wasn't able to trip it with looping circuits, they seem to mostly work but I haven't tried very complex ones. But someone mentioned on the steam workshop comments that they couldn't make a shift register, and sure enough this doesn't work: If you insert a 1 by turning both switches on, it propagates right away to all the flip flops. The reason is that the flip flops are updated one after another, starting from the first one (as it is directly wired to the inputs), and then the next one sees the new circuit state created by the update of the first one, and so on. What should really happen in that they should all be updated at "the same time", so with the same "view" of the previous state of the circuit. So this gave me an idea for a suggestion of a different algorithm to update the simulation. Instead of ordering the updates based on which nodes are closest to inputs, update all the nodes whose inputs signals have changed. To make the update appear simultaneous for all those nodes, they shouldn't "see" the signal changes from the other nodes updated at the same time, so they should all be updated based on the existing state of the circuit. Only once they have all been updated, the changes they have made to their outputs should become part of the new circuit state. Then repeat all this again to update the next set of nodes whose inputs have now changed. You could do this once every update but it would make signal propagation kinda slow. Instead, you can do it until there are no more nodes with changed inputs, or if any of the nodes that do have already been updated during the current update (which will happen with looping circuits wired in such a way that they oscillate between different states).
smertnickx, the remote node range is at present limited to 50 tiles as Starbound loads maps in 'chunks' I wasn't sure how well it would perform if they were too far away. I could extend that and/or add an option to change the range in the WIP coming Macrochip options menu. glirp, thanks for your experiments. The circuit propagation is an issue I'm currently investigating. My script tries to assign each component a priority based on its 'distance,' then calculates in that priority order. I have some idea of how to fix (if you've unpacked the mod, you may well see an unused 'propogation.lua' script which contains some remark statements of how I think it 'should' be done.)
I meant a SR latch unless theres some mechanic with the data flipflop im missing. I know you can use 2 NOR gates to make an SR gate but it starts getting really messy after abit of time.
Storm_UK updated Macrochip (Stable - Glad Giraffe) with a new update entry: V2.02 Read the rest of this update entry...
Storm_UK updated Macrochip (Stable - Glad Giraffe) with a new update entry: V2.03 Read the rest of this update entry...
I have a problem with the remote output nodes, they just don't work at all, the remote macrochip cannot detect them. By the way, probably my favorite mod. Keep it up.
When you say 'at all', do you mean they don't register even if placed nearby the remote macrochips? Looks like the range of remote nodes has reverted to max 40 tiles from the 200 I had set it to for some reason in the next version I'm working on before I release next update. Thanks for the praise!
Storm_UK updated Macrochip (Stable - Glad Giraffe) with a new update entry: V2.05 Read the rest of this update entry...