cresent78 submitted a new mod: Lunar Operations Switch-Fighter - Transport, Shuttle, Gunship Read more about this mod...
Your mod isn't show up on my saved game, and spawnitem spawns a generic item. Just a heads up it might be on my end somehow because I have a heavy modded game but just trying to figure it out.
I'm curious, because i'm having the same issue as the guy above me, could this be conflicting with the mod you borrowed code from (the shuttle?) because I have it installed atm, and i'm guessing he does to, if you want I can try uninstalling that one and see if the problem persists. alright just loaded the game with your mod in, and the other one disabled, and now yours is working fine, so it looks like you need to edit a few things, otherwise they arnt compatible atm.
cresent78 updated Lunar Operations Switch-Fighter with a new update entry: Lunar Operations Switch-Fighter (Now compatible with the UT-47 mod) Read the rest of this update entry...
The Switch-Fighter should have a different weapon, as it is too destructive to terrain, and doesn't fire fast enough to strafe properly. I'd recommend to make it deal less damage to blocks and add a different version with a different gun. In fact, it could even be made so that it has the ability to switch to different weapons somehow.
cresent78 updated Lunar Operations Switch-Fighter with a new update entry: Slight texture update Read the rest of this update entry...
After downloading this mod, none of my flying vehicles shoot any more, could someone tell me how I fix it, plz?
I am running a small dedicated server for my friends, and I love this mod. To make it easier for players to join and use your mod, may I include it in a small pack of mods? I will include credit for you along with a link back to the mod page within the pack. Thank you for your modding work!
When I Use The Controller Everything Goes Fine But When I Get In The Ship Nothing Happens...The Char Gets In The Ship And Gets Invisibiity Buff But The Ship Stays In The Place Where Was Spawned Without Move Or Shoot. Tested It In Atmosphere And Space But Still The Same :1