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RELEASED Lucario Race 1.3.4 2.2

Now you can be a fluzzy Lucario!!!

  1. billwopeh

    billwopeh Phantasmal Quasar

    Also I apparently don't know how to use this forum.
  2. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    you can put this stuff between
    [/code] tags to make it not do the faces.
    I looked into your error for a while and hadn't had much luck at all. Sorry for the late reply. Although it seems the access violation was caused by a drawable, ergo a vanilla friendly custom item made by a spawn code had flipped your table. As far as i can tell, the most recent versions of Starbound have changed Drawables a bit. Whatever custom item was made, needs to be deleted. Such drawables would be stored in your player saves if on the person or in the universe saves if stored on a planet.
  3. CinicalKat

    CinicalKat Yeah, You!

    Huh, disappointing to find out the Sexbound support was terminated for this race
  4. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    Things have changed, it is coming back, check LL. Please delete your post here after you see this as this is a PG-13 area.
  5. Chrysal

    Chrysal Void-Bound Voyager

    Is the mod still being updated here, or do I need to use the steam workshop?

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