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Bug/Issue Lost Money

Discussion in 'Support' started by Lil' Mini, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Lil' Mini

    Lil' Mini Phantasmal Quasar

    So I was finishing the day with one of my new characters and checked through the accumlated cash I got, then I noticed that it said that I got 2000 from farming but in total I got 2200 from the melons. I bet that Lewis kept some of it that sneaky little rascal.

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    • bignosepig

      bignosepig Starship Captain

      Well the melon sells for 250g each, and 250x8=2000, you did'nt lose any money, i was just the wrong numbers on the screen
      • The | Suit

        The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

        If you want to add content to a post - please use the edit button, that is why it exists.
        Triple posting is just spam.
        I deleted your other two posts.
        • bignosepig

          bignosepig Starship Captain

          Oh i'm so sorry, when I tried posting the message it didn't show up so I did it until it worked, sorry for the inconvience
          • Lil' Mini

            Lil' Mini Phantasmal Quasar

            Oh well what do you know, guess I'll have to be careful with future payrolls. :unsure:
            • Ladysarajane

              Ladysarajane Existential Complex

              It is a bug that the screen shows the wrong amt. Luckily it doesn't affect your play, you got the right amt, but it shouldn't display the 2200. This is here now for CA to see.

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