lost everything

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bloodofthegamer, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. bloodofthegamer

    bloodofthegamer Space Hobo

    my game crashed today and when i got back on everything was gone all my characters all my items and pets plz help me.
    • Leth

      Leth Risk of Rain & Wanderlust

      There should be a backup file in your folder... try deleting the 'default' .waf file and copying the backup
        The | Suit likes this.
      • Apatrid

        Apatrid Space Hobo

        Hey, guys, what's wrong? I have the same problem, my char is gone - "Profile is not found or corrupted". Tried loading backup, but nothing happens.
        Tried "deleting the 'default'.waf file and copying the backup" - nothing.
        I like the game, but i don't want to start all over again. Any help?
        • Leth

          Leth Risk of Rain & Wanderlust

        • bloodofthegamer

          bloodofthegamer Space Hobo

          it did not work
          • Apatrid

            Apatrid Space Hobo

            Thanks, Leth, for trying to help. I did exactly what you had told - it doesn't work (yeah, the first step, i know. :) )
            Well, this game is not for me then. It's a pity.
            • Leth

              Leth Risk of Rain & Wanderlust

              Ack... idk guys that's the best advice I can offer there (the Steam discussion) :(
              • fearlessbro

                fearlessbro Intergalactic Tourist

                I recommend making a copy of your game saves. I did it once when switching over from my laptop to desktop for rebirth. The game save got corrupted one day but luckily I had my old backup on my flash drive :D

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