[what i think] there should be a part where general nuclear is in blind anger beating the living crap out of ever singel one of them penguins and then shador for failing to save his wife also because hi was bothering him at a saturday and then he blows up the penguins base in a huge firey explosion walking slowly without looking at it like a badass [spoiler/]
Yeah, that's great but I'm not accepting your character, sorry. And, I don't really want to hear what you think.
Name: Philip Username: Phly Part: Glitch Main Character A little bit of the Glitch Phly: Who is centre around which other heavenly bodies revolve. It is the Sun which spreads light throughout the planetary systems, and the prime source of all energy. It’s like the fuel that fires each of our individual furnaces and gives us cause to live. The Sun is my key and nourisher of all life but equally has the power to annihilate all creation. Fire is my basic element and I am known for my energy and warmth. The warmth will not deplete over time and it engulfs others too. However, just like Fire doesn't plan its next move, I too can be unpredictable in my actions. I am intense just like Fire and I can be fully customized. I possess and exert leadership qualities and hence, often am a natural contender for leadership. I am intense just like Fire, and never feel satiated. Personality: (Childish) Child-like feelings and emotions are in his nature, it influences and it is manifested best when fooling around with children. In fact, all self-expression and creativity stems from this sector. By having a Child-like personality with vociferous creativity it turned this glitch unique in the crafting sector and so he has become an englitcheer, capable of quick repairs to his metallic body and adapting gadgets to boost it's efficiency. His biggest strength is his confidence, and its power is such that in his presence, others feel confident too. His other positive qualities are determination, empathy, loyalty, and I can be a great source of motivation. Although the bad traits he has are extreme love for admiration which often lands him in the midst of sycophants who can harm him, he doesn't take kindly to criticism and other negative qualities are that he is domineering, melodramatic, and can be very stubborn. Look: His helmet was the actual helmet wore by his father and when he obtained it he decided to improve it's usage and it is now a base electro proton receiver with light capturing capabilities which boosts it's energy levels. Starbound pic is just to help a bit. Family: Phly's parents met in the Seventh Knight's Order on the Planet L.1-E.O. (Lancelot 1 - Enigma Octane), where his father Sir Bedivere of the house Hiye met the Maiden Maisie of the house Elgea and together they built Phly to last for several millions of centuries by using a light captivation furnace to power his system. Message: "Brookes for Eng" - Philip
I just had an idea for this character. His name is Ruzanor Novanus and i kinda see him being Xenon's older brother. Feel free to use him!
1 Luna Starshine 2 Apex-prey 3 human sword fighter(mysterious person) 4 pixels motovate her she is a sword for hire she always finishes a job weather its assasination or guard duty a colecter of swords anchent and new alike her faverate blade is named left hand something she finds endlessly funny(she wields it in the right hand) she found it in a anchent temple its a one handed long sword 5 always dressed in black duristeel armor long red hair when she is seen with out her helmit with a crimson cloke 6 youngest of 3 loving mom and dad grew up on a dairy farm 7 i die so you dont have to
Hey if you need help with characters you can talk to me and we can develop some characters together, in my RP Disregard I have like 20 characters whom are highly developed and also I came up with them on the spot sooo I'm good at creating characters, to say the least.
Hmm.. As an aspiring author with a ridiculous amount of experience, it's safe to say that your walking into plagiarism minefield wearing a blindfold. I get what your trying to do, but this requires every single character's creator to work with you, otherwise you are at risk of someone calling bullshit if you use the char in a way they dislike. Here's an example, to help you understand my point: I let you use a character of mine. Even if I don't care about the char, I let you use it with but one rule; don't put it in a romantic situation. Even if years passed by without another word from me, you must still hold true to that rule. If I did not give you warning and you did put them into a situation theoretical me did not like, I could still be a penor and call you out on it, perfectly justified. It's simply bad practice to do this without solid proof of collaboration, like a screenshot of the conversation, and in real life plagiarism remains the biggest "Author Killer" today. I recommend changing the wording of the OP, or requiring a collaboration with the character's creator. No one can just say "I've got their char cuz' they let me, and I'll do what I want when I want it". As tedious as the alternate may be, it's very necessary. Thank you for your time.
I feel like saying that we're at the fanfiction subforum here and this would be the last place where one should be burned at the stake for plagiarism. Anyone who is giving a character for a story like this should be fully aware that the writer is looking for character, not a co-writer. It's pretty much given that the character's creator won't have much control over what happens in the story itself. Unless specified in advance - like with the "romantic situation" example - it's not really sensible for the writer to expect to serve the character's creator in all aspects and change the story according to their wishes after the story has been written. But the writer should follow the character's description really carefully. Giving out characters for a story is more like: "Here's a character, you can do (pretty much) anything with it, but follow the personality and other details exactly as written." Because if a writer is taking in characters, the worst thing would be them to act out of character. Such things as character development should not exist in situations like this. Just some thoughts, like, why character submissions aren't a bad thing. To me, it's like submit if you want but if you do you aren't my customer. And if the character ends up being against the creator's wishes it can always be renamed and replaced with another original character. damn this sounds like a rant disclaimer this is not a rant just mah opinion ...and on second thought, is this thread alive? Will this fanfiction be a thing?
Bah, your right. I wasn't trying to come off as an ass, just giving a really experienced warning if they ever want to go BEYOND the forums. Sorry it came across that way, but thank you for telling me it did, lol. And I only say it because yes, there seriously are people who do this shit to other writers on purpose, and a good warning to them in the OP will keep things much less messy for the defense.
I didn't mean it like you sounded like an ass so much, I just pointed out some relevant arguments regarding the matter. not a rant like i said ._. And yeah, that's actually fair advice. Some people tend to be... less accepting. In my experience those kind of folks are jerks no matter what but I guess most of them can be dealt (or at least turned away) with a good definition of what the author can do with the character. But anyways sounds like you have more experience with that sorta stuff. but now I stop the thread cpr and offtopic since it looks like the author has abandoned this place