Heya folks! Hate to say but the pigs atm look way too grumpy and messy to me so I'm hopin for someone who could change their sprite and /or appearance to the following listed below. Tbh it's like 4-requests-in-one tho. I really have to learn how to mod someday but until then maybe some of you awesome guys could help me out? Request 1) Cuter pig sth. like this: Request 2) This kind of pig (dunno the english name of it sry, it' "Pinselohrschwein" in german) Request 3) Cute pig part II: Request 4) Additional colour/race "Hampshire pig":
Hello Himbeerninja. I'm not a modder, but there a few pig re-skins / mods out at the moment. Here's a link to one with a few other livestock: http://community.playstarbound.com/...recolours-cows-pigs-resprited-rabbits.108998/ Not sure if you noticed (since it's not conspicuos) but there is a sub-forum for other completed mods and skins. Hopefully you can find one you like for now and change it later when there are more cutie piggy skins like your #1 request. Edit: Whole sentence vanished when posting =/
Hey Zebracakes4me! Thanks for the link! Yeah already found the one made by Zhuria ( her horses) Glad she minded the pig but it's still too close to the "original" one. I'd like a grownup pig that looks more like the piglet she made (but "fatter"/rounder/cuter tho) Kinda hard to explain :/ Maybe my pics could inspire someone to show some love to our beloved oink-oinkies
Himbeerninja, is your piggy for your #1 photo from a game? If so, where is it from? It looks so familiar to me and it's driving me batty.
Heyo!! I just made a piggy (waddles from Gravity Falls) I need someone to test it out for me though! Anyone here willing to?
http://community.playstarbound.com/...gravity-falls-waddles-pig-replacement.109452/ Forgot the link ;w;
Oh Bunnybuns, this one's a cutie little fatty jumpin right into my game now! Gonna test as soon as I can! Ah and Zebracakes4me: I dunno tbh, just did a random google search ("pixel pig" page 1 :,D)