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RELEASED Linkdeous Extra Utilities++ [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Mod Packs' started by Linkdeous, Mar 14, 2016.

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  1. Linkdeous

    Linkdeous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh, tell me if you have any problem ^^
  2. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    Can you make instruments? A K.K slider instrument or pingu noot noot would be cool
  3. Linkdeous

    Linkdeous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Um, sorry, but i'm not english native, so i didn't understand what you mean by "slider", do you mean this ? :
    And ,what do you mean by Pingu noot noot X DDD ?
  4. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    this is kk slider, the dog singing, he sounds all "nah na nweh nweh nwaaaa"

    NOOT NOOT!!!! that is pingu going noot noot
  5. Linkdeous

    Linkdeous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    OK, i will try to add them in the Vµ.1.1, because i actually work on mechas, so i don't have the time to create such voice :rofl:
  6. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    ok, i will ask around, see if others will make them
  7. Linkdeous

    Linkdeous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ok, thanks, i'm not that good to make instruments i would think X)
    And i really don't want to make the animal crossing name dirty with my music ,would be very awfull :rofl:
  8. Linkdeous

    Linkdeous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Happy 100 Downloads ! :D
  9. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

  10. Linkdeous

    Linkdeous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks you X)
  11. Linkdeous

    Linkdeous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    M'Okay, i should post an image of the mod in the main page, someone have ideas ?
    Also i'm starting to understand well how mecha are made by the game, so expect an update "soon" ^^
  12. Linkdeous

    Linkdeous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    But for the instruments, i didn't found yet, but i wil ltry to make an MLG air horn instrument, and the pingu / animal crossing one ^^
    It's sound interresting :D
  13. Linkdeous

    Linkdeous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Also, i will create a lot more mods, because Extra Utilities is supposed to be a modpack, so i will post everything i created in it, BUT, i will also post (for example) an mod that only add the mechas i will make ^^
    I will be more easy for people who don't want for example the minigun, nad only want the clothe ^^
  14. Linkdeous

    Linkdeous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ALSO, there is already an instrument in starbound like this, it's the microphone, but it's not really like this, nothing can be like Animal Crossing :D
  15. Linkdeous

    Linkdeous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And fuk . I didn't see this files. i have to learn LUA scripting to make a vehicle, that will make things a lot more harder for me. So, don't expect the vehicle the to air out soon. Sorry
  16. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    its fine dude, as i said before, its a request, you dont have to do it
  17. Linkdeous

    Linkdeous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes but it was the first request i had, so i really wanted to do it ya know
    And a tank in Starbound wouldn't be such a bad idea, it would be fun
  18. whitejpg

    whitejpg Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I know you're probably busy with other requests but I was wondering if maybe a few purchasable ship pets would be a possibility
    Like a little feathered velociraptor or possibly a BB8 from the Star Wars franchise or maybe a tiny xenomorph would be interesting :yoda:
  19. Linkdeous

    Linkdeous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I could add a species of guy who would spawn with an velociraptor / bb8, but the strabound system had created some pet vendor NPC, but i didn't searched yet if this is possible to make them sell nex pets, gonna search later, i have to go school :D
    But thanks ^^
  20. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    Remeber!!! The next starbound update is gonna happen some tine soon
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