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Outdated Lightdrones Continued 4.0.0a (Upbeat or Higher)

The amazing mod Lightdrones by Synit, Continued Officially!

  1. JellyBlade

    JellyBlade Phantasmal Quasar

    JellyBlade submitted a new mod:

    Lightdrones Continued - The amazing mod Lightdrones by Synit, Continued!

    Read more about this mod...
    DrTarte likes this.
  2. Xacris

    Xacris Pangalactic Porcupine

    I like it, but the light drone v.3 still requires the Survival System to craft, which is no longer in the game
  3. JellyBlade

    JellyBlade Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah, just realized that myself. Will fix ASAP
  4. JellyBlade

    JellyBlade Phantasmal Quasar

  5. Duelist

    Duelist Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The download link isn't working.
  6. JellyBlade

    JellyBlade Phantasmal Quasar

  7. lucario515

    lucario515 Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but the items are not showing up on the crafting areas, nor do the item spawning commands spawn the drones, they just spawn generic blocks.
  8. Xacris

    Xacris Pangalactic Porcupine

    It works for me; what crafting station are you trying to make it at? I believe I made mine at the robotic crafting bench. Try typing "Light" or "Drone" in the search function of the stations. Then if you still have problems, make sure it's installed correctly
  9. Duelist

    Duelist Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I guess Dropbox was just having some problems at the time I tried to download it.

    Thanks for picking the mod back up!
  10. JellyBlade

    JellyBlade Phantasmal Quasar

    Either the mod isn't installed correctly, or something isn't working with the crafting. The spawn names of the drones should be lightdronev1, lightdronev2, lightdrone v3 and medicaldrone, as of 3.0.1
    Yeah, dropbox is usually fairly reliable, but you reminded me to set up an alternate download url for people who have issues, thanks!
  11. lucario515

    lucario515 Phantasmal Quasar

    I've done this yeah, and nothing works. I've typed in commands, I've typed in the light or drone for the search, and still nothing. I know I installed it correctly.
  12. JellyBlade

    JellyBlade Phantasmal Quasar

    Interesting. Did you make sure to install it in giraffe_storage/mods and not the mods folder in the base folder of starbound? Also, if you could post your starbound.log from your giraffe_storage folder here, preferably in the form of a pastebin, that would allow me to properly troubleshoot the issue :eek:
  13. lucario515

    lucario515 Phantasmal Quasar

    Yes, I have installed it to giraffe_storage. As for my log, here you are.
  14. kokobo88

    kokobo88 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I just downloaded this mod and its kinda off. The file is a .modpak, not the usual .pak file. also the contents is very very different from up2date mods. I placed it correctly and I also unpacked and packed it up agai and tried that version, but the the game doesnt recognize the file as a mod, thus it wont load it. I think you need to rework the file structure of the mod.

    Edit: Nevermind, that was just my brain having lag. The contents is fine. Although I did repack it to a pak file, cause all my mods are either unpacked or as .pak xD

    But in the latest version you forgot the .modinfo file.The game cant find the packed mod cause theres no info in it. For those that downloaded it. make a new text file inside this mods folder and name it "LightdronesContinued.modinfo", so you have a LightdronesContinued.modpak file there and the newly created file. If you use the Shadow version, name the file: "LightdronesContWShadows.modinfo"

    then copy and paste this as a quick fix if youre using the downloaded no shadow version:

      "name" : "LightdronesContinued",
      "path" : "./LightdronesContinued.modpak",
      "metadata" :{
        "displayName" : "Lightdrones Continued",
        "author" : "JellyBlade",
        "description" : "Tiered Light Drones. A rework of Syinhs awesome mod for Upbeat Giraffe.",
        "support_url" : "http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/lightdrones-continued.2541/",
        "version" : "1.1"
    If youre using the shadow version use this:

      "name" : "LightdronesContWShadows",
      "path" : "./LightdronesContWShadows.modpak",
      "metadata" :{
        "displayName" : "Lightdrones Continued With Shadows",
        "author" : "JellyBlade",
        "description" : "Tiered Light Drones. A rework of Syinhs awesome mod for Upbeat Giraffe. Now with shadows.",
        "support_url" : "http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/lightdrones-continued.2541/",
        "version" : "1.1"

    PS: If I could make a suggestion: Add the normal lantern on a stick to the recipe on the light drone v1 and then add v1 to the recipe of v2 etc. so we always need a weaker version to craft the next.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2015
  15. lucario515

    lucario515 Phantasmal Quasar

    I actually got the mod working, I was missing a file it seems. Thank goodness! Amazing mod, thanks so much!
  16. JellyBlade

    JellyBlade Phantasmal Quasar

    There's .modpak and .pak, and just the normal way of having mods. The normal way is just the folder, with all of the subfolders and whatnot, and a "thismodiscalledmod.modinfo" file in there, along with .patches and whatnot. .pak turns all of the loose files and folders in a single file, with just the .modinfo. With .modpak, it turns the folders AND the .modinfo file into one file, a .modpak. If you name the modinfo file in the modpak, it doesn't work. It has to remain as a pak.modinfo. I personally prefer the .modpak format, and with the .modpak format, there shouldn't be a need for a modinfo file outside of the file itself.
    (TL;DR: .modpak is a single file, shouldn't be placed in any subfolder in the mods folder [so just /mods, not /mods/lightdrones or whatever], and doesn't require an external .modinfo file, while .pak files do require these)

    I'm sorry, I might not be able to help the people that are having issues with the game not recognizing the mod, as I personally am not having issues with it.

    Also, about your suggestion, that sounds great. I might add it in the next update, which should be Soon™.
  17. kokobo88

    kokobo88 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ahh thanks for the clarification. I guess to make modpak files work you just paste them into the mods folder instead of mods/modname. if thats the case then that mightve been my problem.
  18. StarScribe

    StarScribe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Curious, I don't suppose these drone cost energy to deploy and use?

    Would be nice to have a balancing version of this mod that had its own energy bar that would drain as you use the drone and would either recharge automatic when not in use or perhaps has to be manually recharged when you return from your adventures.
  19. JellyBlade

    JellyBlade Phantasmal Quasar

    That could potentially be a thing, maybe some time in the future... but it would require the drones being a tech (I think so at least, going from my current knowledge of the starbound system), which would be an interesting concept.
    StarScribe likes this.
  20. kokobo88

    kokobo88 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think energyregen is a stat which can be put onto items. But to recharge you would have to unequip it. I dont think you can use if-clases in item files, otherwise you could just give it a negative energy regen, then check if energy is 0, if it is, the energy regen malus will be gone and once energy is full again, the item activates and drains energy. but tbh i dont think we need yet another item that drains our energy.

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