LFG Switch Coop

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Rickytan253, Dec 14, 2018.

  1. Rickytan253

    Rickytan253 Poptop Tamer

    So I’m looking for some people to play coop with. I have the app downloaded for chat but we should try to find a way to chat to set times and dates. I’m PST. If anyone is interested leave their ID, I’ll send them friend request then we can chat on this for now and try to figure out a means of contacting eachother.
    • FatGandalf

      FatGandalf Lucky Number 13

      Hello! Just discovered this forum, glad there's one out there (though it isn't surprising that it exists). Anyways, my friend code is 1211 1919 5222. I also figured out how to use the in game chat (it's a weird button) so we won't really need anything for that

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