RELEASED Lewd Bachelorettes - Portrait Mod - [BUXOM HALEY ADDED]

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by AirplaneRandy, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. Tynluktu

    Tynluktu Intergalactic Tourist

  2. AirplaneRandy

    AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You can download the entire thing via my MEGA folder.!vohDhTRI!IBSmn-fp1t29nK838-GVDQ
    Done. Can't do a silver cross though, it's too small and it won't contrast with the skin.
      Last edited: Mar 9, 2016
    • Septcore

      Septcore Space Hobo

      Stellar work as always. Keep it up man. :party:
      • LastChristmasCG

        LastChristmasCG Void-Bound Voyager

      • AirplaneRandy

        AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Last edited: Mar 9, 2016
        King Kong, curi0, tomatix and 3 others like this.
      • dimasep0

        dimasep0 Subatomic Cosmonaut

      • Afterscore

        Afterscore Weight of the Sky

      • AirplaneRandy

        AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Update: Added microbikini only variant of Abigail.
        Download link in first page.
        • etsmsj

          etsmsj Phantasmal Quasar

          Where can we find it at nexusmods? Can't see it anywhere
          • AirplaneRandy

            AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            It's adult content, you need to enable access to it in your profile settings. Also you need a profile to download files off the site if you haven't got one already.
            • AirplaneRandy

              AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              UPDATE: Added Jewelry Penny.
              Download link on first page.
                tomatix likes this.
              • Venoshock

                Venoshock Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                leah's anime style portrait link is the same as the original leah by septcore please fix :)
                and thanks for the awesome portraits keep up the great work.
                  AirplaneRandy likes this.
                • cure

                  cure Pangalactic Porcupine

                  Would love to see more done with toonyoza's amazing anime style portraits. The original portraits were always kind of off-putting to me for whatever reason and toonyoza did an awesome job, anime fan or not you can't deny the quality of them really.
                  • AirplaneRandy

                    AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    UPDATE: Added Mega Milk Leah {Yeah, I saw that post)
                    not too good with the hair, so I kept the original
                      Last edited: Mar 9, 2016
                    • tomatix

                      tomatix Star Wrangler

                      That is hilarious and so fits her :nod:
                      • JerryHatrick

                        JerryHatrick Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        Thanks! Looks great! Though, with the release of the microbikini, I'm at a loss as to which I want to use... Too many excellent choices!
                          AirplaneRandy likes this.
                        • AirplaneRandy

                          AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          UPDATE: Added Skimpy Penny
                          • ShioriShi

                            ShioriShi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            Any chance of seeing some more of Haley or Maru? or heck why not some of the other women of the town?
                            • AirplaneRandy

                              AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              That would be a very big maybe. I really dislike Haley and Maru and I keep putting off making more edits of them. I might make edits of the other townsfolk though.
                              • ShioriShi

                                ShioriShi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                Would that not be a good reason for editing them? So you don't dislike them?

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